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I'd like to see a discussion the Stanford University's CREDO studies on charter schools

Stan Hunter

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Researchers at Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes, or CREDO, have released the results of 3 major studies on charter schools and their effects since 2009. 


The first study found that charter schools had little effect on outcomes.

Naturally this fed criticism of private schooling and school choice advocates.


The third study showed promise. This tells me that Stanford's CREDO may not have a stake in bringing down the school choice movement. 


So why is the first study showing bad results?

What are the explanations for these negative outcomes?

And are there any left-wing criticisms of school-choice that have any merit?

To that point, I read this article https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/got-dough-how-billionaires-rule-our-schools.

It shows that the Gates Foundation is tampering with the school system and that they have not yet found a solution for the lagging education quality in the U.S., but also goes on to criticize private interests without actually explaining *why* it's wrong. From what I can tell, the Gates Foundation has not found a solution, but they're trying. Putting this in perspective with the accomplishments(?) of the U.S. Department of Education, and I can't say I mind the Gates Foundation at least attempting to break up the Teachers' Union monopoly. 


Thoughts anyone?


Disclaimer: I'm a father of newborn twins. I want to have a thorough understanding of how to get the highest quality of education for my children and what my options are. 



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You will probably be interested in this movie. They've just started screenings of it, more to come soon.




They touch on this in the movie but in the mean time check out the link between charter schools and fethullah gulen. Lots of politicians getting lots of money from him and taking lots of trips to turkey...


The reality of the situation is that NO ONE Is going to care about your childrens' education as much as you (I hope that doesn't sound like "we don't care" because that's not what I mean :P). Homeschooling is likely to be your best bet. If there is absolutely no way to do that then there are some pretty decent alternative schools out there. No matter what you choose it has to be (at least) supplemented by at home learning.



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