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We want to move to Singapore/Australia/New Zealand and we need your SUPPORT!

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Hello, we are a young couple (23 years old), currently living in Greece and we would like to move to Singapore/Australia/New Zealand. We have no friends or relatives in any of those places. We chose those countries due to their economic freedom, opportunities and high quality of life. 


Regarding ourselves,


my name is Dimitris Papadiotis and the last 2 years I started studying philosophy here, in freedomain radio which changed my life!! In february (2016) I will graduate from my bachelor's degree in mathematics, specialized in statistics, from the University of Ioannina and I am going to be approximately at the top 10%. IQ score of 128. I am willing to work hard, learn new things and develop new skills. I have almost no working experience.  


and I am Maria Mourkou, I graduated from the department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies from the University of Macedonia in November 2014 (top 12,79%) . I can communicate (write and speak) in greek, english, french (level C2) and also russian and bulgarian (level B1). IQ score of 123. You can check my working experience below:

        April 2015 - October 2015: Vernicol SA , Department: foreign affairs, public tenders

        October 2014 - January 2015: CTG Advertising,  Independent partner, Door to Door Sales

        February 2014 - April 2014: Internship in 18-24 Travel Agency, Department: Social Marketing

        2011 - 2014: Thessaloniki International Fair, Department: Promotion, Auxiliary Staff (10 days each year)


We are searching for employment and social network. It would be very much appreciated if you can help us in any way, shape or form!


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Dmitris and Maria,


There is a thriving Greek community in Sydney, Melbourne, and no doubt elsewhere in Australia. I think they would make you most welcome. I'm not currently living in Australia (and I'm not Greek), so I can't direct you to this community, but you could start at the Greek Welfare Centre: http://www.gwccs.org.auwho I'm sure could point you towards the local Greek community.


You could volunteer for the GWC for a while, where I'm sure you would make good local contacts.


A mathematics degree should be in strong demand in the countries you mention.

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I can personally vouch from several conversations with Dimitris that he is a very intelligent, empathetic, and interesting individual capable of well-connected conversation. He's been participating in group Skype conversations with the Young Philosophers group for ~1 week, and several members other than myself have commented that he's a very engaging and fun character. His motivations for leaving Greece are well-timed and well-informed; I wish you the best of luck Dimitris! Talk to you soon, bud. :)

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Best of luck! Having moved countries at about your age, I can attest it could be extremely difficult, especially at first. Having each other will help you quite a bit, but be prepared for sacrifices and potentially starting a bit lower in the social hierarchy than what someone with your credentials would expect.


Personally, I stayed at a distance from my ethnic diaspora in my new country after the move. It may seem like a source of comfort at first, but it also may have a “crutch” effect.


If I were to choose among your destinations, I would go with Australia. Singapore is a lot more economically advanced, but its population is primarily Chinese and biased towards Asian culture, which will create a disadvantage for you. It also has very high initial settlement costs. And it is always hot! New Zealand, while more freedom-oriented, is economically behind Australia, which may result in fewer opportunities. But either of those choices is fine. 

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Hi Dimitris, I run FDR Melbourne meetup and I can tell you there a community of about 10 FDRers here. Maybe that's some enticement for you :)




Of the options in the thread title, Melbourne is the city with the largest Greek population, too. Sometimes people say that it's the largest Greek population outside of Greece, but whether or not that's true is another matter.


At any rate, I'd definitely recommend Australia or New Zealand before Singapore. I like Singapore, and I speak Chinese, but it's definitely a different bag of crisps. Having been to Greece several times and having family there, I'd say the environment in suburban Melbourne will be a much easier and more comfortable adjustment than Singapore.

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thank you all for the advices you gave me! I really appreciate your help!


we don't mind a hard beginning, staying here it's going to be more difficult in the long run. we want to build an quality social circle. it would be great if there were greeks in it, but we are not discriminating. quality people above all!


thank you again!

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