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The Left & Feminists Have Managed to Kill Girls- Literally (In the Womb)

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Abortion is a topic I feel very strongly about, and after watching Planned Parenthood: What They Aren't Telling You! by Stef, nobody has resonated how strongly my anger at modern society is and the laws around the Western world regarding abortion more then this, among the other things government has allowed and more then that- has made the taxpayer fund.


I have seen numerous people stand up to abortion as they have spoken against the evil of killing someone inside the womb and I find it absolutely astounding regarding the hypocrisy of the Left, when they say that because I'm pro life- I am 'big government', when they support gun control, higher taxes, the welfare state, foreign aid, economic protectionism (or sometimes socialism), environmental regulations, political correctness and regulating free speech, anti-smoking laws, anti-gambling laws, taxpayer-funded government-run education and healthcare, affirmative action and the minimum wage off the top of my head, whilst I oppose all of these (though I don't know enough about the environmental topics). Furthermore, they say I'm 'against women' when I actually say to women- look, you had a choice when you were having sex, you can use contraceptives, try different sexual activities or have the man 'pull out' when you're together, if you don't do any of these things, yet still have traditional sex... chances are you're going to have a life in your stomach and you can't have an abortion unless you're health is being threatened and there is no other way to ensure the unborn child's survival, because we don't believe in murder- inside or outside the womb. At least I say this, rather then the abortionists supporting pro-death policies that literally KILL BOTH MALES AND FEMALES. The abortionists are absolute scum and I can't believe the extent of the evil of a society that I was raised to believe was good in so many ways by 'education', when in fact we kill our unborn young. It is disgraceful.


If you want to see an excerpt of how bad my generation's fembots have got, check out this interview (WARNING: nudity is present because it is 'expressive' and 'empowering' in her opinion, so if you're underage, GTFO):



Here's an excerpt from the abortion part of the interview:

What is your political stance on women’s reproductive rights?

No one anywhere ever should EVER be able to tell a woman what is right for her body regarding her reproductive rights. If you’re pro-life/anti-contraceptive, swell, just keep it to your fucking self & practice it, don’t enforce it on others.

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

Super duper pro pro pro SUPER PRO-choice. I volunteer at a clinic that performs clinical abortions & escort patients to the waiting room from their cars, just to help them avoid harassment & so that they can see that they are supported.

I actually liked this actress after seeing Tomorrow, When the War Began- but have lost all respect for her with comments like this.


She fundamentally misunderstands that we are all human lives and this is the type of mindset our conscience is reduced to nowadays.

No longer is justice ensured; abortion is still occurring in many Western societies around the world, and stupid, lying politicians who turn their eyes and ears away from the horror to the ill-informed and impressionable masses, and whether or not they claim they're pro-life, nothing gets done about it.


I sympathize with many in the pro-life movement, and I look at people who have shot up abortion clinics and feel that they are not at all 'misogynists' and 'mentally ill', but instead want justice to prevail in Western societies that give none. It is absolutely disgraceful that organisations like Planned Parenthood have labelled aborted children as 'biowaste' and the suction abortion process is absolutely horrifying, and I can have arguments all day with the Left- polite arguments, about whether there should be a tax or not and if so, what the % should be, about whether we have a 'commitment' towards the disadvantaged and poor and that mandatory welfare is an appropriate system to combat poverty or about whether we should get involved in wars that end up in destabilizing regions and causing movements like ISIS to spring up, but they do not get to decide that the unborn life is inhuman and should be killed, whilst calling it a 'freedom for women'. Because the right to kill your own child is just so damn liberating!


Does anyone else feel similar to me on this issue?

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