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Shootings and explosion murders in Paris


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So far, somewhere between 18 to 60 people reported killed in Paris. Hostage situation.




Gun control works right?


A terrible tragedy. This is why a 2nd ammendment is needed, then the terrorists and/or crazy people can be put down swiftly from people around or nearby.

Hope they can get this sorted somewhat out before more unecessary deaths.


Je Suis Paris. My heart is with the killed, their relatives, Paris and France.

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Can't wait for the masochistic leftist/ancap maniacs blaming France for the attacks. Must have been imperialism, must have been foreign policy, blah blah they're just responding to us having bases on their holy lands! Hey check out Ron Paul's "reading list"!


Haven't ID'd the bastards yet. Gee I wonder if it's the Jains, or the Amish, or kids that have been playing too much CS GO.

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Can't wait for the masochistic leftist/ancap maniacs blaming France for the attacks. Must have been imperialism, must have been foreign policy, blah blah they're just responding to us having bases on their holy lands! Hey check out Ron Paul's "reading list"!


Haven't ID'd the bastards yet. Gee I wonder if it's the Jains, or the Amish, or kids that have been playing too much CS GO.


Of course as we both know the Muslims have no free will and can't help but slaughter Frenchmen.

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This is why a 2nd ammendment is needed, then the terrorists and/or crazy people can be put down swiftly from people around or nearby.

People operating in the name of the State threaten and harm people who own guns despite the writing on a piece of paper you're referencing.

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It's so, so sad to see that the people are like pigs who vote for farmer in hope that the farmer will keep them safe. Farmer decides to disarm the pigs and let the wolves in, in hope that the wolves will get him re-elected. He spreads the message of peace and tolerance so that the pigs do not fear that which is inevitable. Pigs trusted the farmer....But he wished only to benefit himself.


Can they not see the truth?! We live in a tyrannical world, ruled by liars and deceivers. How much longer can people put their trust in those whose only goal is the power?!


I am so angry and sad and frustrated. The blind, brain-washed masses are pulling us into a deep, dark pit. It is already a disaster.


When will they wake up....

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The inability of people to defend themselves isn't the only problem. The other side of that coin is the absence of private property.


I recall reading a Rothbard article in which he noted that public thoroughfares (ie. government roads, etc.) give criminals direct access to people's doorsteps.

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Already reports that one terrorist was a "registered refugee".





He walked right in—
Breaking: At least one terrorist in the deadly Paris attacks registered as a refugee on Leros Island in October.

Migrants disembark from the catamaran Terra Jet at the Athens’ port of Piraeus, on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015. About 1,800 refugees arrived from the northeastern Aegean island of Lesbos as the country has beenoverwhelmed by record numbers of migrants this year. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

The terrorist was carrying a Syrian passport.
The passport was found on the terrorist who blew himself up outside the soccer stadium.

 PublicOrderMin Toskas confirms Paris attacker w Syrian passport was registered asrefugee on Leros island in Oct. /via 

— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) 
November 14, 2015


Boats packed with thousands of new migrants continue to land on the Greek Islands in November.

In September Lebanese education minister Elias Bousaab warned British Prime Minister David Cameron that 2of every 100 migrants flooding into Europe were ISIS fighters.

 MigrationMin Mouzalas on Sept 9: It wd be "foolish to believe that there are no jihadistsamong the refugees that cross into Europe"

— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) 
November 14, 2015

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It seems like both the Right and Left have contributed to this perfect storm - the Right meddles in these countries with highly primitive, violent cultures, and the Left invites and subsidizes the diaspora to move in, at the same time disarming the public.


In Stef's video, he mentioned that the French government had mandated everyone to stay in their house for the first time since 1944...I got literal chills.  There's no question in my mind that Europe will eventually have a backlash against this and it will be fucking brutal, the longer people ignore this madness, the worse it will be.

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In Stef's video, he mentioned that the French government had mandated everyone to stay in their house for the first time since 1944...I got literal chills.  There's no question in my mind that Europe will eventually have a backlash against this and it will be fucking brutal, the longer people ignore this madness, the worse it will be.



Some time ago a caller described a concurrent fear from the Germans of a possible resurgence of aggression similar to events in the past, as if anger itself is taboo...  :pinch:


(The principle of self-defense is twinned with the non-aggression principle, they need not contradict one another.)

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Tonight, it suddenly occurred to me everything will get blamed for he attacks. No one will ask why children are inflicted with mystical nonsense and damaged as adults to the point that they are willing to engage in this kind of behavior. In the weeks to come many more innocents will likely die in the knee jerk reaction that will not attack the root of the problem.

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God dammit, i wished it was less dangerous to speak your mind and be honest.


With statists, i will get at worst shouted down and barred or demotivated to seek certain careers.


With muslims, theres randomness. Some will get angry other will think about it a bit, and the rest will want my damn head!


If i instead speak the truth about the welfare state, immigration and state intervention i believe the more cunning muslims want me dead too and thus why i dont speak... yet. Doesn anyone have any idea hoe to speak honestly without fear of death?

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It's so, so sad to see that the people are like pigs who vote for farmer in hope that the farmer will keep them safe. Farmer decides to disarm the pigs and let the wolves in, in hope that the wolves will get him re-elected. He spreads the message of peace and tolerance so that the pigs do not fear that which is inevitable. Pigs trusted the farmer....But he wished only to benefit himself.


Can they not see the truth?! We live in a tyrannical world, ruled by liars and deceivers. How much longer can people put their trust in those whose only goal is the power?!


I am so angry and sad and frustrated. The blind, brain-washed masses are pulling us into a deep, dark pit. It is already a disaster.


When will they wake up....


I share the exact same feelings as you about this; especially in the case of the sentence I highlighted.


It's getting to the point where I'm struggling to bring myself to be polite and respectful to the people I interact with on a daily basis.  How can I have a nice conversation with someone who I know supports the state using violence to prohibit me from defending myself?  The state actively makes the environment I live in more dangerous and then tells me that I cannot protect myself from it.  How extraordinarily messed up is that?


How can I enjoy the company of someone who wholeheartedly supports a large percentage of the produce of my labour being forcefully taken from me?  As-much as half of the time I spend at work now is unwillingly in service of their "farmer".


How am I supposed to stay calm and rationale when I'm told to my face that we need the state to keep us safe, meanwhile almost every forceful threat I experience on a daily basis is directly from the state?  This is the same state that send machines of war all over the planet and claims to be doing it with the support of the people of Britain.


I often feel like I'm the only sane person I know and that the insane and irrational majority want desperately to strip that sanity from me and pull me down into their deep, dark pit.  I occasionally meet people who have climbed some of the way out of the dark pit that they were born into.  I often try to reach down and give these people a hand-up, but as I do that there are a million other hands at their feet trying to pull them back down.  Those hands belong to their friends, their family members, their co-workers and the reporters repeaters working for mainstream news outlets.  I've been where they are and somehow I managed to resist the constant downward-pull and instead chose to hold strong onto the rising Zeppelin of reason and evidence.


Right now though -- now that I'm out of the pit -- I'm really not feeling the reward.  I definitely don't want to go back down to where I was, but up here it's not so great.  It's a relatively barren landscape and there aren't many of us.  That, and the ground I tread upon is clear and every time I look toward my feet I see darkness stretching to near infinity.


I'm actually afraid of going to work on Monday.  I feel like I can't take hearing another irrational word from the mouths of the people there.  Communicating with them feels like being kicked in the face and then being told over and over again that the kick is for the betterment of myself and our society.

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It's getting to the point where I'm struggling to bring myself to be polite and respectful to the people I interact with on a daily basis.  How can I have a nice conversation with someone who I know supports the state using violence to prohibit me from defending myself?  The state actively makes the environment I live in more dangerous and then tells me that I cannot protect myself from it.  How extraordinarily messed up is that?


How can I enjoy the company of someone who wholeheartedly supports a large percentage of the produce of my labour being forcefully taken from me?  As-much as half of the time I spend at work now is unwillingly in service of their "farmer".

This has been my experience for a long time. As long as I remember actually. Even long before I discovered FDR.

It really hurts me to hear otherwise rational and inteligent people spout nonsense like "we must get along" meaning that we - born and living in the west have to tolare people among us who will never asimilate or even tolerate us.


I work in very big corporation and amount of PC nonsense is well beyond what I ever expected it to be.

I bet that when I come in to work tomorrow there will be some e-mail sent out about solidarity with France and whatnot but there won't be any attempt at all not to do business with companies based in middle-eastern states.

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I bet that when I come in to work tomorrow there will be some e-mail sent out about solidarity with France and whatnot but there won't be any attempt at all not to do business with companies based in middle-eastern states.


I'm curious.  Would you prefer the company you worked for didn't trade with any middle eastern people?  If so, why?


Note: I'm not saying you should or shouldn't or that you are right or wrong.  I'm just curious what you think.

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Hi ResidingOnEarth.


It's about economic ostracism. If you don't conduct business with some entity, be it a company, a goverement or an individual, you're not contributing economically. If my memory serves me right, Stefan mentioned it in many of his podcasts/videos.

For example, if you don't condone some practices a company has in place, for example - a food grower may use some fertilizers that damage the environment (not to mention makes the food 'plastic') - you don't buy their product or service.


I don't condone practices of all muslims in terms of animal husbandry - ritual slaughter to be more precice, so about 2 years ago I made the decision to not buy anything labled halal/helal. Another reason for that choice was that it was basically a religious practice and I refuse to fund religion whenever I have a choice.

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I share the exact same feelings as you about this; especially in the case of the sentence I highlighted.


It's getting to the point where I'm struggling to bring myself to be polite and respectful to the people I interact with on a daily basis.  How can I have a nice conversation with someone who I know supports the state using violence to prohibit me from defending myself?  The state actively makes the environment I live in more dangerous and then tells me that I cannot protect myself from it.  How extraordinarily messed up is that?


How can I enjoy the company of someone who wholeheartedly supports a large percentage of the produce of my labour being forcefully taken from me?  As-much as half of the time I spend at work now is unwillingly in service of their "farmer".


How am I supposed to stay calm and rationale when I'm told to my face that we need the state to keep us safe, meanwhile almost every forceful threat I experience on a daily basis is directly from the state?  This is the same state that send machines of war all over the planet and claims to be doing it with the support of the people of Britain.


I often feel like I'm the only sane person I know and that the insane and irrational majority want desperately to strip that sanity from me and pull me down into their deep, dark pit.  I occasionally meet people who have climbed some of the way out of the dark pit that they were born into.  I often try to reach down and give these people a hand-up, but as I do that there are a million other hands at their feet trying to pull them back down.  Those hands belong to their friends, their family members, their co-workers and the reporters repeaters working for mainstream news outlets.  I've been where they are and somehow I managed to resist the constant downward-pull and instead chose to hold strong onto the rising Zeppelin of reason and evidence.


Right now though -- now that I'm out of the pit -- I'm really not feeling the reward.  I definitely don't want to go back down to where I was, but up here it's not so great.  It's a relatively barren landscape and there aren't many of us.  That, and the ground I tread upon is clear and every time I look toward my feet I see darkness stretching to near infinity.


I'm actually afraid of going to work on Monday.  I feel like I can't take hearing another irrational word from the mouths of the people there.  Communicating with them feels like being kicked in the face and then being told over and over again that the kick is for the betterment of myself and our society.

Anarchism...I didn't really know it was an existing idea until recently.  I have been preoccupied, legitimately so, with health issues for almost all my life and my natural talents and inclinations did not easily lead me to read about economics or politics.  But, I've always been curious.  Anyway, I grudged along, trying to find the root of things being so unfair and dysfunctional in society and said a million stupid things while trying to figure out injustices and the causes of problems. (I'm loud and opinionated so my evolution in thought was not pretty)  I never heard anything that really resonated with me, I just halfway understood the Right and halfway understood the sentiment of the Left.  As a result people from both sides couldn't stand me.  Or was it that I couldn't stand them nor myself?  Recently and luckily, I received exposure to the ideas presented on this site and it was like food I had been starving for all along.  I read Ayn Rand when I was 9 so I think deep down there was a thread of wisdom waiting for my adult self to rediscover it and really understand.  And I'm glad I stayed open to information that led me here.  I totally understand the sentiment many express here about how lonely and gloomy it is.  I feel that, too.  I wanted to share though, that there is a chance some idiot you hear talking tomorrow is in a desperate attempt to make sense of things but lacking all the fundamental knowledge but deep down hoping someone will speak the truth rather than shun.  I was that idiot.  And now I'm on your side.  I hope there are more out there under our noses just waiting to hear something that makes real sense and enlightens them.  I would have seemed a most unlikely candidate a year ago to end up here.  I hope this is somehow a teeny tiny bit comforting.  Of course, what I hear myself saying is that I should be courageous and talk to others about this since it was such a gift to me when someone did it.  That bit is real tricky as it probably brings more loneliness and more gloom.  Yet, at some point, I'm sure the scale tips our way.

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It's only going to get worse from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc


(1) They're not going back.

(2) They have proven Europe will accept unlimited nonwhite refugees and therefore unlimited nonwhite refugees from everywhere will continue to flock to European largesse.


(3) They have defined what the West is:  wherever nonwhite refugees want to go to.


(4) They have proven that “racism” and kindred words are large, hobnailed clubs that nonwhites can use to beat whites in order to extract resources, territory, and white women.


(5) They know that “assimilation” is a meaningless word, that racial, cultural, linguistic, and religious aliens have no reason to attempt to become more German, more French, more Dutch, etc., because the host white populations will  attempt to accommodate them while suppressing all information suggesting that the accommodation is a failure and assimilation is not and never will happen.

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I did not want to post this, but i think it needs to be said. I see a lot of comments about what the west is and what the non-white refugees are. None of these individuals chose their race, ethnicity, and family of origin.

Ethnicity and such not being chosen is not a revelation at this point, eh?


I was born and have lived in and among "the west" and it's general ideologies all my life. If "the west has a tradition of separation of church and state" as an example is generally true, and I did not agree or live that value, would the statement suddenly become false? It's a generality. Generalities aren't accepted to be absolutely true and/or apply to everybody fitting that demographic. This too should not be a revelation at this point I don't think.

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Ethnicity and such not being chosen is not a revelation at this point, eh?


I was born and have lived in and among "the west" and it's general ideologies all my life. If "the west has a tradition of separation of church and state" as an example is generally true, and I did not agree or live that value, would the statement suddenly become false? It's a generality. Generalities aren't accepted to be absolutely true and/or apply to everybody fitting that demographic. This too should not be a revelation at this point I don't think.

Its fine if you act individually based on generalites. Its a different thing to create rules based on those generalities.
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Its fine if you act individually based on generalites. Its a different thing to create rules based on those generalities.

In your home, you can create whatever rules you like for whatever reason you like. As long as people are free to decline entering your home, this is not problematic.

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In your home, you can create whatever rules you like for whatever reason you like. As long as people are free to decline entering your home, this is not problematic.

I can see how i was unclear. I was speaking more about immigration laws and the sort. Of course people are free to institute any rule on their personal property as long as it doesn't violate NAP. You can put up a sign in your yard saying no muslim allowed if that is what you want.

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