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[YouTube] The Truth About The Paris Terrorist Attack

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Reports show 129 people are dead, 352 injured and 99 of the injured are in critical condition after the Terrorist attacks in Paris, France on Friday November 13th, 2015.

Three coordinated teams of Islamic Terrorists - some with AK-47s, some acting as suicide bombers - attacked seven sites throughout the French capital with the worst carnage occurring at the Bataclan concert hall, with at least 89 left dead.

ISIS released a statement on Saturday November 14th, claiming responsibility for the attacks.

French President Francois Hollande has closed the  borders due to the “unprecedented terror attacks” and has vowed that France will wage "merciless" war on ISIS in response.

France remains under a nationwide state of emergency.

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Paris Terrorist Attack

France Military Action

Population of France

Asylum Applications

Demographic Changes in France

Prison Population in France

European Union Terrorist Attacks and Arrests

Attitude Towards ISIS

Support for Suicide Bombing

Arms Exporting

Gun Control In France

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God dammit, i wished it was less dangerous to speak your mind and be honest.


With statists, i will get at worst shouted down and barred or demotivated to seek certain careers.


With muslims, theres randomness. Some will get angry other will think about it a bit, and the rest will want my damn head!


If i instead speak the truth about the welfare state, immigration and state intervention i believe the more cunning muslims want me dead too and thus why i dont speak... yet. Doesn anyone have any idea hoe to speak honestly without fear of death?

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God dammit, i wished it was less dangerous to speak your mind and be honest.


With statists, i will get at worst shouted down and barred or demotivated to seek certain careers.


With muslims, theres randomness. Some will get angry other will think about it a bit, and the rest will want my damn head!


If i instead speak the truth about the welfare state, immigration and state intervention i believe the more cunning muslims want me dead too and thus why i dont speak... yet. Doesn anyone have any idea hoe to speak honestly without fear of death?


What makes you think that in an anarchist state you won't have the fear of death when confronting other people? It's your job to defend yourself and put the fear of death into those that threaten your life.

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These numbers are terrifying. 


So much so that I refuse to believe that 15% of France supports ISIS, which would imply like 5--10% support from non-muslims too, because none of the independent non-government estimates of the muslim population are over 10%, and it's easy to prove not all muslims support ISIS. Let's apply some of that science skepticism to the methods used in the poll (which was by the way funded by the Russian govenrment). My guess is that the respondents just didn't know what they were answering for some reason.


But then that goes none of the way to explaining why two million French muslims would appear to support suicide bombing -- and they specifically mentioned CIVILIAN TARGETS as well, which I think you didn't mention.

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But then that goes none of the way to explaining why two million French muslims would appear to support suicide bombing -- and they specifically mentioned CIVILIAN TARGETS as well, which I think you didn't mention.


Muslims who die participating in holy war go straight to heaven, regardless of any wrong they have done in life. I'll repeat to emphasize - ANY wrong they have done in life is forgiven if a muslim dies in holy war. You can read this in the Quran.

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What makes you think that in an anarchist state you won't have the fear of death when confronting other people? It's your job to defend yourself and put the fear of death into those that threaten your life.


What do you mean by this? Is this like a "compared to what" situation youre pointing to?


Also i was talking upsetting muslims that may kill me. And i am pretty sure free society aint coming aorund anytime soon.


Now if it turns out that speaking out wasnt statistically going to lead you being killed or attacked physically then id be more than happy to speak out more :)

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What do you mean by this? Is this like a "compared to what" situation youre pointing to?


Also i was talking upsetting muslims that may kill me. And i am pretty sure free society aint coming aorund anytime soon.


Now if it turns out that speaking out wasnt statistically going to lead you being killed or attacked physically then id be more than happy to speak out more :)

Let's assume you're in a tank. Are you still afraid of speaking out towards islam?

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Great video Stef, Mike and Stoyan. Some powerful data there. Funnily enough I made many of these stats into an infographic last month, see below.


You can share sections of this infographic from our social media:




Also I put a thread out two weeks ago saying I would be interested in doing work with FDR. See that thread and more infographics on spanking, war and tax here:



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This really pisses me off. First, the contradiction between disarming their own people while arming everybody else. Secondly, the fact that when France bombs despite parliament and the people not wanting it, the French people get punished, not those actually responsible. I hope as many people as possible come to see these contradictions.

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These numbers are terrifying. 


So much so that I refuse to believe that 15% of France supports ISIS, which would imply like 5--10% support from non-muslims too, because none of the independent non-government estimates of the muslim population are over 10%, and it's easy to prove not all muslims support ISIS. Let's apply some of that science skepticism to the methods used in the poll (which was by the way funded by the Russian govenrment). My guess is that the respondents just didn't know what they were answering for some reason.


But then that goes none of the way to explaining why two million French muslims would appear to support suicide bombing -- and they specifically mentioned CIVILIAN TARGETS as well, which I think you didn't mention.


I agree polls should be scrutinized. I haven't listened to the presentation yet or looked at the polls, but one thing to remember with many people is they hate looking dumb and will very often give made up answers because they don't know what is being asked of them or can't give a competent answer.


For example:


People will often just pick whichever answer they think is socially acceptable for their respective group. Blindly guessing when they have no idea what they're really advocating. People are pretty dumb and dishonest in general, sadly. Dishonesty tends to amplify effective stupidity as well. That's how 'good intentions' so often go astray.

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The objectivist, ancap, libertarian group on Facebook, "For New Intellectuals" is awash with articles seeking vengeance against State-sponsored Islam. There was one article clearly stating that we should pull out of Iraq and then annihilate Iran from afar, for starters. I am amazed at how much of a warmongering sentiment Americans have for a tragedy that did not even occur within the borders of the country.


France has already retaliated against ISIS targets. When will people learn that we should be fighting statists, and not Muslims? Local police in the United States kill more than twice as many people each year than were murdered in Friday's attack. Our worst enemies live among us, not on the other side of the world praying on a carpet.

Stefan should back off on feeding the anti-Muslim sentiment. All religions and states should be our ideological enemies - as they are anti-rational and condone the use of force - not a specific group, nationality or skin color.

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Stefan should back off on feeding the anti-Muslim sentiment. All religions and states should be our ideological enemies - as they are anti-rational and condone the use of force - not a specific group, nationality or skin color.

Is he "feeding the anti-Muslim sentiment"? In the videos I've watched so far, if I could identify any overarching message, it's that all of this is only possible with a State. As well as combating the notions that we have to tolerate the intolerant, be nice to the cruel, and so on.

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Yes. Because tanks are vulnerable still. And dedicated people will find a way and will not stop.


So why aren't you as dedicated? If you think dedicated people are scary, imagine how scary you can be if you but your everything into it. If someone wants you dead for your beliefs you want their death right back at them !


And I don't know if I would use "dedicated" in describing people that just follow a trend. Is a leaf dedicated in going wherever the wind might happen to blow?

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So why aren't you as dedicated? If you think dedicated people are scary, imagine how scary you can be if you but your everything into it. If someone wants you dead for your beliefs you want their death right back at them !


And I don't know if I would use "dedicated" in describing people that just follow a trend. Is a leaf dedicated in going wherever the wind might happen to blow?



Because i do not want to risk death by people whom would be dedicated to my death/silence if i was dedicated to speaking the truth and making critism.


Huh? What do you mean? Muslims dont follow a "trend" last i checked. Or am i misunderstanding?

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Huh? What do you mean? Muslims dont follow a "trend" last i checked. Or am i misunderstanding?

You also mentioned statists. However muslims are born in the fate, they don't really make a choice, so you could say they're following the trend of the region they're born.


Because i do not want to risk death by people whom would be dedicated to my death/silence if i was dedicated to speaking the truth and making critism.


This just means islam is the superior culture because you abdicated so easily.

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Well, if you give up on your values before they give up on theirs, you are the weaker person / culture.


And how exactly is not speaking the truth when one has change of being killed "giving up my values"?


Reason, honesty, courage and Happiness are mine values. And if i am killed i cannot spread ofr have any of these. I will not allow philosofy to become my bully.


And furthermore, "culture" has not been defined here do you mean by culture simply values?


And to top this all of i find that until i discover that the changes of getting killed by muslims (when speaking the truth) is lower than any other activity i already perform then ill be spreading reason, honesty, courage and happiness in way which are optimal AKA dont get me killed.

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I will not allow philosofy to become my bully.

That's an interesting way to put it. I think I understand your main point. I like the bear at a picnic analogy myself. Sure that's YOUR sandwich, but what would standing your ground accomplish?


That said, the biological imperative precedes reason. Preserving yourself is not at odds with philosophy.

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I think I have a better explanation for Paris attrocities which is much more direct rather than statistics about religious movements.


I'd like to use legalese-way of proving things, for which I need to show:

1) that some entity has a capability and possibility (to commit a crime)

2) that the same entity had a motive (to commit a crime).


I cannot show the concrete chain of events (I am not omnitient), but lawyers usually don't need that, i.e. these two are enough and the rest is complementary.


I found these sources:


Saudi Arabia has emerged as the main group to finance and arm the rebels fighting against the Syrian government.[40] As of 2015, Saudi Arabia is openly backing the Army of Conquest, an umbrella rebel group that reportedly includes an al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front and another Salafi coalition known as Ahrar ash-Sham.[41][42][43]


A quick overview: http://www.vox.com/2015/11/14/9735102/syria-isis-history-video


This is not new, but this shows that Saudi Arabia is capable of recruiting, arming and directing rebels and in particular jihadists (salafi, wahhabists etc) i.e. religiously motivated martyrs in foreign countries (they are sophisticated enough that they can do it even via proxy states like Turkey).

Of cause, Saudis are not alone here: they do it through Turkey, they themselves are armed by U.S. and maybe even France itself -- so our list of suspects is a bit too large now.

ISIS alone are quite localized in Iraq and Syria (they don't have electronic banking system and thus rely on cash transactions) and are plain stupid bunch of thugs: constructing and smugling a bomb or a big bag of money is a complex task, doing it in an orchestrated way in a foreign country while being raised in Iraq/Syria without raising alarms is even more difficult -- I think that's next to impossible. One could bring an already trained martyr dressed as a refugee, but one still needs to arm him somehow (bring cash and buy some?). Getting arms in EU is not impossible: given enough cash one can get, but then one needs to find a trained martyr who would be capable of sustaining 10min fire at civilians -- this one is difficult within EU, hence doing both at the same time is next to impossible for ISIS alone.


If we inspect the motives, our usual suspects (Turkey, U.S. and France) may have some business in Middle East, but they are not interested in terror acts in Paris, especially religiously-motivated attacks like the ones against Charlie Hebdo due to their mostly secular way of living. We can argue about Turkey, but the situation is not that bad as in Saudi Arabia.

And Saudis do have a direct interest in wiping outlets like Charlie Hebdo: their judicial system is not standardized, i.e. they do not have code/law regulating justice system (formally they have, but the judges mostly ignore it leading to the worst track record of human right violations: accused ones don't even get a chance to know the accusations, nor evidence etc), consequently their ruling system relies directly on Q'uran. In a globalised setting their population reached high human development index and thus their ways of ruling (hence their existence) is in direct conflict with minor pundits like Charlie Hebdo.


We can inspect the motives of other islamic states, like Iran, but they have much more refined and even westernized judicial systems and thus less abuse of power, moreover they have treaties with EU and other countries. In contrast Saudis are quite isolated.

US and Europe are involved in oil and weapon trade with Saudis, but they don't have civil treaties and hence any westerner in trouble relies on all kinds of exceptions through political negotiations involving top governors.

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Huh? Waah? :S


I dont thin fear of someone trying to potentially murder you means its "superior" in any way.

That wasn't what I was trying to say.

What I said was if you easily give up on your beliefs because someone threatens you with death then it just means those beliefs aren't really valuable enough for you.

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Anuojat, I never once said you should risk your life. Who are you trying to spread truth to, or who were you thinking of? Speaking these things to muslims? I would never do it. Not if they knew my identity.

Speaking in public and makign videos and making podcasts (maybe) and being open about it publically.


That wasn't what I was trying to say.

What I said was if you easily give up on your beliefs because someone threatens you with death then it just means those beliefs aren't really valuable enough for you.


So if i understand you corrently, "easily" or corrolated here with possability of death. I would not call that easily nor would i calll it "giving up" except if by giving up you mean giving up being open about such beliefs to those who arent your trusted friends ect.

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Is he "feeding the anti-Muslim sentiment"? In the videos I've watched so far, if I could identify any overarching message, it's that all of this is only possible with a State. As well as combating the notions that we have to tolerate the intolerant, be nice to the cruel, and so on.


While I agree, that the State irritates religious and cultural differences, I did not see much of an indication of the overarching message in the video in question. Also, Stefan has several times extolled the supposed virtues of Christianity in the past year, in particular. I'll chalk it up to a cultural blind spot. If it's all around you, it doesn't look as evil as if someone points at it from afar.

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While I agree, that the State irritates religious and cultural differences, I did not see much of an indication of the overarching message in the video in question. Also, Stefan has several times extolled the supposed virtues of Christianity in the past year, in particular. I'll chalk it up to a cultural blind spot. If it's all around you, it doesn't look as evil as if someone points at it from afar.

I don't see any problem with comparing one religion to another.  Just because we have criticisms of all religion doesn't mean there aren't major cultural differences that make it preferable to live in one culture or another.  In the same way, we can prefer the government of Canada to the government of North Korea even though we object to the idea of government in principle.  Last I checked, people don't have to worry about being murdered because they make funny cartoons about Jesus or Buddha or Krishna

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