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I've Written a Paper on Individualism vs. Collectivism - Anyone Want to Read?

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I've written a rather long, 62 page paper (.pdf) on Individualism vs. Collectivism. I wrote this for a newsletter I have been providing for friends and family since 2013 (I was motivated initially by the Snowden Revelations). I've noticed recently however that most of my friends are leftists/progressives/Marxists and basically either say nothing in response or even get offended and I get a lot of snarky comments even from family although I have a few supporters too. I'd like to have my work read, reviewed and commented/edited by someone a little more "Anarcho-Friendly". The writing is designed somewhat for a more liberal audience (i.e. my friends and family) so there are some things I can't go into and I try to keep it up to date with current events (a few of Molyneux's videos are linked). I do my best not to rant on the left but there's a lot of stuff that clearly bothers me about them in my writing. Lots of stuff about race/gender/identity in the Anarchist vs. Collectivist view, economics and centralized planning, a huge section on mass human migration and capping off with R vs. K topics and even a little section on the connections between Buddhism and Anarchy.


I am happy to email or share with others for free.


I have more documents from the past too and I am interested in having someone, who has a moderate amount of web traffic, potentially host my writing (anonymously) if they are OK with it (of course withing some reasonable editorial flexibility).


Shoot me a line if this interests you - the file is too big to upload...





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I thought I set it to public but I clearly don't know what I am doing. I am on my iphone now so I'll have to attend to it tomorrow. I refuse to put it up on Google Docs which mutilated my formatting and linked images.


I think it's a dandy write up but I am the author so yeah...


Anyways I can email it too if anyone leaves me a message with their address. I really want some feedback on and to help spread it to a wider audience - all 62 pages.

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