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Trying to understand the 'refugee' / migrant situation


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Hello all!  


I have listened to the podcasts about the Paris attacks and immigration etc.  I remember Stefan pointed out that refugees, by very definition must relocate to the nearest safe zone and must return when stability is established.  I wanted to go back and find the source for that can can't remember which podcast this was in.  


If anyone has sources on this, I would be grateful to have.  


With that said, is this the 'international community' definition and terms/legal language?  Are their caveats of countries receiving refugees/migrants from countries they are currently at war with? or is that sort of an optional preference?



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It's difficult for me to even attempt to unpack the twisted mess this is because we have to begin from an immoral stance. Most people don't want to boil it down to taxes that fund the housing for refuges. The wall of emotions is too much to hurdle. If someone wants to travel to a better place, great. If someone wants to steal my money to fund them, not so great. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are indeed alot of varietys of explanation how this came to stand.

To nail it down to 2 options and put in realistic perspective is an act of war out of source for recources or a semi-controled act of final completion of peace percieved from my eyes.

Face it, the road was long and rough.

But when the going gets though, the though gets going.

And now we have a understanding of what though realy means, i truely hope with all that defines me as person out the bottom of my heart: things are going to smoothe out and people will come to understanding, for 1 man stood up for all and spoke the Truth for all to see that there is a way to fullfill our destiny with knowledge entirly free.

Just do the math in Duality.

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