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Black people?


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I wonder the same about white people. We aren't breeding, or we're having fur babies in lieu of human offspring. I will probably live to see a day where whites are officially a minority in America, just as my high school biology teacher had warned back in 1994.



If you are curious about this trend, search 'white genocide' on Youtube.

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Is it a racial issue? or a smart people issue? Maybe more intelligent people are having less kids regardless of race. like the movie "Idiocracy". Maybe we are at a time were the pendulum is swinging to the side were the dumb take over and things implode, then it will swing to the other side where the smarter learn from that and try to avoid another swing.


I think blacks got caught up in the handouts, just like native americans did. Those circumstances creating fertile ground for stagnating their society.


What created the swing to the "R side"? maybe the constitution? it left too many holes open and allowed the momentum to build up to have we have today. Maybe next time there will be no constitution, and no government.

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Is it a racial issue? or a smart people issue? Maybe more intelligent people are having less kids regardless of race. like the movie "Idiocracy". Maybe we are at a time were the pendulum is swinging to the side were the dumb take over and things implode, then it will swing to the other side where the smarter learn from that and try to avoid another swing.


I think blacks got caught up in the handouts, just like native americans did. Those circumstances creating fertile ground for stagnating their society.


What created the swing to the "R side"? maybe the constitution? it left too many holes open and allowed the momentum to build up to have we have today. Maybe next time there will be no constitution, and no government.


Given the low-birthrate trend is across the board in the white West, excepting outliers like the Mormons, I don't think rich whites alone can account for the low birthrate.  Middle class people have below-replacement fertility as well, in my experience.  I don't know anyone with more than 2 kids.  As a friend put it, "People just aren't having kids anymore, for some reason."


This has something to do with feminism, encouraging women to have a career and have children later, if at all.  And children are more of a strain to bear when you're older and have less energy, so you stop at 1 or 2.  And feminism has driven a wedge deeply between the sexes to the point that marriages aren't that stable any more, which demoralises people who otherwise would like children.


Also affecting it is consumerism and hedonism and a general delayed development resulting from a collapse in culture or a breaking of chains to older wisdom, the "youth revolution" and the "sexual revolution" that inculcated a despising of the nuclear family as the core of the social universe.


Can anyone think of any more reasons why the white birthrate is suicidal?  Possibly because of self-hatred, we actually want to die at this point?  Schooling has something to do with that, methinks.

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Is it a racial issue? or a smart people issue? Maybe more intelligent people are having less kids regardless of race. like the movie "Idiocracy". Maybe we are at a time were the pendulum is swinging to the side were the dumb take over and things implode, then it will swing to the other side where the smarter learn from that and try to avoid another swing.


I think blacks got caught up in the handouts, just like native americans did. Those circumstances creating fertile ground for stagnating their society.


What created the swing to the "R side"? maybe the constitution? it left too many holes open and allowed the momentum to build up to have we have today. Maybe next time there will be no constitution, and no government.

It's not just stagnation that seeps into those communities, it's dysgenics.


Those communities have been annihilated in terms of anything representing advancement on a wider scale. Violence is either excused or worshiped, generating value for yourself or an employer is seen as humiliating, hell, families are mere nuclear shadows in the wake of Welfare.


Everyone is paying a HORRIBLE price for the cowardice of our ancestors. People didn't stand up to shame and ostracize these social parasites, now they've infested many areas to the point of being a majority.


And you know, in some ways the European societies are responsible for a lot of the turmoil in the world we see today. The US and other European nations HAVE committed a great worldwide atrocity in how they relate to the parts of the globe that were lagging behind.


What do I mean?

All they had to do was say, "No"

No to free handouts, higher taxes, welfare, the minimizing of property rights (Yes, dsayers, we never really had them :P), to accepting these shitty public educational facilities and NO to breaking up families to let the state be a pathogen laden abusive baby sitter who is ultimately a roulette. What kind of abuse is your kid gonna receive? Sexual? Social? Mental? Emotional? Let's find out!


I was running tax calculations just the other day for a job that pays 85 grand in my state, the total deductions come out to 25 grand a year... 25k per year? That's a good fuckin salary overall. Not amazing but if you earned 2,000 a month you wouldn't be hating yourself yeah? You could get by pretty okay. And I have to pay that so irresponsible people can reproduce. So my potential family, or my future kids DON'T get those leisurely nests, or better education, or their own car. SHIT, that's a new car every year just paid out in taxes.That's the equivalent of 60 Haitians worth of income!  And the general European trend was to not fight like hell to prevent it. Good job ya short sighted enablers. 


30% tax rate huh... 4 months of the year is free labor for some other lazy little shits to fart out hell spawns that will harass my kids when they cross paths. Why are men so disenfranchised when it comes to reproducing? Cause I stare out at the reality that I get fucked by other greedy little shits just for trying to start my life down a productive path.


I hereby motion to rename it from a tax calculator to cuckulator


And do I even get much sympathy for this as a white male? No, hell no. I get told about how good I have it. Women are barely willing to lend an ear to hear about these difficulties, and the ones who tell me that I'm privileged don't have a swarm of harpy like she-devils descend upon them for trying to socially batter their male provider class. 


The extent to which women have either forgotten or ignored their duty to protect males from the nefarious banshees of our great experiment in cooperation called civilization is a modern tragedy.



So what of these circumstances? Well, I imagine we're gonna have to wait for this stupid shit-show to eat itself. The punishment for decades of living beyond ones means is going to have to come, people are going to have to start respecting the productive sectors of society. This would be most effective by simply gritting their teeth through their bottomless greed and keeping their hands out of other people's pockets. Yes, my money is mine, and you can't shit talk me for it. No, you don't get handouts, you get opportunity.


But, if this trend somehow manages to continue then I suppose in 30 years if I'm still sane and alive and tech hasn't stagnated I could always hitch up as a poor dude with a sex robot or get with a trans-sexual person who would likely respect me more. Hell, by that point they might command higher sexual market value than biological females among men. ' ^'


It'll be interesting either way. I mean, if we lose we only die. If we win then immortality might present to us a future more bountiful beyond our wildest dreams. 

As for now, I guess I better both get on that coding and writing eh?

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Can anyone think of any more reasons why the white birthrate is suicidal?  



I think Crallask is onto a huge reason.  Responsible (K) type people will want to have the resources to properly provide and nurture their children.  Increasing taxes on our earnings and again on spending doesn't leave much left.  Then add in inflation to make it worse and you know it's not going to improve in the near future because government spending/debt keeps rising.


This is my current situation... I'm waiting to have kids until I have more money saved up.  I will likely have a maximum of two kids due to costs.


The R types out there don't plan this way, plus many of them see an increase to their finances when they have children. 


Given the size of our populations, a low birth rate would not necessarily be a bad thing if we were not competing against the R's.  Although, in that scenario I don't think we'd have a low birth rate in the first place. 

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Kurtis-good point.  I get asked much too frequently why I only have 2 children.  Then I shock people when I tell them I only have that many because I got pregnant with twins.  It's mind boggling to me that I have to argue with people who say "what's another mouth to feed?" or "your kids deserve a younger sibling".  No, they deserve resources and stability.  And that goes for myself and my husband, too.  I've seen parents have many kids and then complain that because of all of them, they can't "have nice things" or "make ends meet".  Whose fault is that?

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Regarding the video posted by J.D. Stembal:  it is compelling and there are many observations made in the video that I have noted to myself at one point or another but didn't quite know how to make sense of.  I particularly noted Sarkozy's comments about how something must be done about the "white race."  The point of the video is clear that some worldwide power wants to get rid of white people, but it didn't really say why. Who would benefit from this and how could they pull it off across the world?  The only thing I can think of is that white people may be the primary resistance to global world government.  I am not purposely being obtuse, just trying to understand the "end game."  

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Regarding the video posted by J.D. Stembal:  it is compelling and there are many observations made in the video that I have noted to myself at one point or another but didn't quite know how to make sense of.  I particularly noted Sarkozy's comments about how something must be done about the "white race."  The point of the video is clear that some worldwide power wants to get rid of white people, but it didn't really say why. Who would benefit from this and how could they pull it off across the world?  The only thing I can think of is that white people may be the primary resistance to global world government.  I am not purposely being obtuse, just trying to understand the "end game."  


There isn't any organized Illuminati-style conspiracy to prevent people from breeding. The cultural Marxists are winning at the moment, and anyone virtuous and intelligent enough knows they cannot breed beyond their means, especially while the parasites suck them dry. The State is the apparatus used to extract our blood. We are living in Atlas Shrugged.


There is no reason why other than acknowledging that evil wants to win.

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There isn't any organized Illuminati-style conspiracy to prevent people from breeding. The cultural Marxists are winning at the moment, and anyone virtuous and intelligent enough knows they cannot breed beyond their means, especially while the parasites suck them dry. The State is the apparatus used to extract our blood. We are living in Atlas Shrugged.


There is no reason why other than acknowledging that evil wants to win.

The atlas shrugged comment is quite striking. Remember when the motor factory implemented "the plan" the conscientious people reduced their burden on everyone else by cuting expenses while the irresposible took on more. I think we are seeing that on a national scale.

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I wonder the same about white people. We aren't breeding, or we're having fur babies in lieu of human offspring. I will probably live to see a day where whites are officially a minority in America, just as my high school biology teacher had warned back in 1994.




If you are curious about this trend, search 'white genocide' on Youtube.



Great video, J.D., thanks for posting it.  I see racial consciousness as following Kubler-Ross's five phases of grief:


1 - denial (I'm not reading/thinking about this!)

2 - hostility (You're a Nazi!)

3 - bargaining (Maybe I can just be part of "white flight"...)

4 - depression (We're doomed...)

5 - acceptance (The more white people are aware, the more options we will have.  If Japan can keep herself whole, so can we.)

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Great video, J.D., thanks for posting it.  I see racial consciousness as following Kubler-Ross's five phases of grief:


1 - denial (I'm not reading/thinking about this!)

2 - hostility (You're a Nazi!)

3 - bargaining (Maybe I can just be part of "white flight"...)

4 - depression (We're doomed...)

5 - acceptance (The more white people are aware, the more options we will have.  If Japan can keep herself whole, so can we.)


I'm stuck between phase 3 and 4.

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This is my current situation... I'm waiting to have kids until I have more money saved up.  I will likely have a maximum of two kids due to costs.




Hopefully, you aren't saving up a nest egg in USD, as this is not real money and is constantly debased. If you are, and seeing that having two children is a 15-20 year long project, you should consider saving a lot more than you need to counter the effects of inflation. Stefan has often said that raising one child is a $250,000 expense. That figure could easily double or triple in the next 5-15 years, and all the while you will be taxed to pay for the food, education and healthcare of everyone else. Who will earn $1.5 million in after tax income over twenty years in order to raise two kids?


It's entirely possible that in the socialist future of America, only upper class or upper middle class double income families will be able to afford to raise one child. Peaceful families, which keep one parent at home, will have to forgo retirement in order to raise one child, meaning the working parent will work until death in order to keep the other two family members in the bare necessities.


The welfare parasites (and fiat currency) will bleed us dead and childless.



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Hopefully, you aren't saving up a nest egg in USD, as this is not real money and is constantly debased. If you are, and seeing that having two children is a 15-20 year long project, you should consider saving a lot more than you need to counter the effects of inflation. Stefan has often said that raising one child is a $250,000 expense. That figure could easily double or triple in the next 5-15 years, and all the while you will be taxed to pay for the food, education and healthcare of everyone else. Who will earn $1.5 million in after tax income over twenty years in order to raise two kids?


It's entirely possible that in the socialist future of America, only upper class or upper middle class double income families will be able to afford to raise one child. Peaceful families, which keep one parent at home, will have to forgo retirement in order to raise one child, meaning the working parent will work until death in order to keep the other two family members in the bare necessities.


The welfare parasites (and fiat currency) will bleed us dead and childless.





Yes, these are all things I think about often.  Our intentions are not to save the entire costs ahead of time, but enough so we can insure that there will always be at least one stay at home parent.


The big thing I wonder about is acquiring a mortgage or not.   Currently we rent, which has it's benefits of not incurring massive debt.  On the flip side the potential stability and having actual dirt to grow and raise food on is desirable to me.  I need to research what the implications are of having a mortgaged parcel of land if economic situation gets even crazier.  


Will the banks seize most everyone's property if there is nobody to resell it to?  Will the banks even exist?  Of course the State can always step in at any time to take the land since even "owning" the land is subject to property taxes being paid.  If things get that drastic, will the State even be functioning well enough to be able to take everyone's land?  If I have multiple years of food stores, silver/gold, and enough arms to defend against some level of aggression, is that enough?  


Who knows...


But, I do know I want to have a kid.  I never used to, but now that has all changed after processing my traumas and healing the damage from my childhood.  I look back through both my and my partner's families and we are the first ones ever (likely) to not only break the cycles of violence and trauma, but have the potential to reverse them (peaceful parenting, raising children with NAP, UPB, self-knowledge etc).  That potential is what inspires and motivates me to take the financial risk, because if we don't procreate then all this opportunity could be lost to the sands of time.  I try to spread the NAP, peaceful parenting, etc to those around me but it's slow going.  


I see raising the next generation as the most effective thing I can do to help save humanity.  If that means I never retire, then so be it, that's a small price to pay.  Plus, given what I now know, I don't even really see it is an option.  I feel like I need to do this.

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But, I do know I want to have a kid.  I never used to, but now that has all changed after processing my traumas and healing the damage from my childhood.  I look back through both my and my partner's families and we are the first ones ever (likely) to not only break the cycles of violence and trauma, but have the potential to reverse them (peaceful parenting, raising children with NAP, UPB, self-knowledge etc).  That potential is what inspires and motivates me to take the financial risk, because if we don't procreate then all this opportunity could be lost to the sands of time.  I try to spread the NAP, peaceful parenting, etc to those around me but it's slow going.  


I see raising the next generation as the most effective thing I can do to help save humanity.  If that means I never retire, then so be it, that's a small price to pay.  Plus, given what I now know, I don't even really see it is an option.  I feel like I need to do this.


Give a man a why and he can endure any how.


Without appealing to the pre-deterministic biological reasoning that we are simply vehicles through which our genes replicate, I can come up with several personal reasons for myself.


I found it insightful to create a custom pyramid of self-actualization where the ultimate goal sits on top at the fifth hierarchy. The four levels beneath it: self-esteem, community, security/safety, and physiological have to each support the hierarchies above it. It is possible that examples of an ultimate life purpose do not require family. For example, many of the most famous philosophers of the world died childless.

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Yo yo yo yo. Complicated question yo.


I guess let's start with genetics and slavery. I mean can we not conclude that black culture in the West has its origins in slavery, when their natural habitat is tribal living in Africa. This is a sad fact why the black were targeted from the beginning of time baffles my intellect. However it seems clear that they were targeted and from their origin in the West has been turmoil.


Genetics is a real deal. If people would rather be in the deserts of Africa it seems clear that the ecosystem is causing psychic havoc. Let's be honest.


BIG TIME. Hip hop culture yo. Yo rap is a wrap as they say, it finished. Rap, while totally cool yo is as debasing as an animal in the wild. Yo champagne and Ferrari trigger finger on the trigger, glock nine, I ain't fucking with you!


I mean my God I empathize with the blacks. What's happening is they are coming into contact with the spoils of Western culture 100 years after the whites, then taking it to extremes.


They are saying yo look your fucking whites we made it, and we blow our money on fake shit hahaha drugs dumb.


Their pain is real, and legitimate however they have been diverted hook line and sinker into immoral bankruptcy. A side note, this is a not a blanket statement and does not represent all blacks.


Peace out.

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Yo yo yo yo. Complicated question yo.


I guess let's start with genetics and slavery. I mean can we not conclude that black culture in the West has its origins in slavery, when their natural habitat is tribal living in Africa. This is a sad fact why the black were targeted from the beginning of time baffles my intellect. However it seems clear that they were targeted and from their origin in the West has been turmoil.




Do you think they would be better off today living in Africa?

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Well I'd like to say that if a disconnect from your roots and culture are causing neurosis then possibly they have an unconscious desire to live in Africa.


They are pissed because they lost connection with their biological roots. Yes I think Africa would be psychologically healing for them. Look at this real house wives shows, half of them women are dating men that live in Africa. To. Me that indicates an unconscious exodus to Africa.


A really complicated topic though.

Real house wives Atlanta, half of the cast of that show have rich African boyfriends buying them 20g purses.

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Well I'd like to say that if a disconnect from your roots and culture are causing neurosis then possibly they have an unconscious desire to live in Africa.


They are pissed because they lost connection with their biological roots. Yes I think Africa would be psychologically healing for them. Look at this real house wives shows, half of them women are dating men that live in Africa. To. Me that indicates an unconscious exodus to Africa.


A really complicated topic though.

Real house wives Atlanta, half of the cast of that show have rich African boyfriends buying them 20g purses.


You're not answering the question, would they be better off to be living in the Africa of today?  Cultures are not all the same, and they happen to find themselves in a superior culture today then the mess that happens to be most of Africa.


The neurosis is a result of a meme, a brain virus, that they are raised around and shapes the narrative of their view of life. A meme that tells them that they don't have to succeed on their own because their ancestors were oppressed.  None of them have personally experienced slavery, and have no reason to hold white people who had nothing to do with slavery responsible. Many cultures have been able to rebound from bad events in their gene pool.  But I guess we should just coddle and give excuses for their failure so they don't learn, because that hasn't been tried yet - oh wait, it is the reason for the mess. 

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As a black person living in Africa I feel compelled to say something, so let me chime in with my thoughts. 


I can't really say much about blacks living in america. All I know about them is from Hiphop and BET. But as for black cultures in Africa, there are a lot of things about them that concern me. It's not all bad obviously but the the general trajectory of where I see things going in the immediate future looks bad, like a brewing cauldron deep inside the bowels of the witches den, real bad.  


Ideologically, could you conceive a more putrid concoction? A cauldron of modern (and in some instances radical) liberalism fused with a superstitiously charged people. I know that I may be repeating myself there but just follow the recipe. Now slavery is not really talked about in Africa, instead we have colonialism to add to our brew. Throw in a dash of religious texts and a vial of distilled violence, if you have misplaced your vial you might find it on that rack over there labeled "government" or "loving parents". Hurry now, we must stir its color red, watch it boil over splash and corrode the the earth.   


Partake not of this potion least you want to revel in a complete disrespect and disdain for western culture, where reason becomes the white man's whip, the tool of bigots. Enlightenment comes with each sip of the potion; "every culture has its own way and you will learn to respect it". Great power too will be yours, as the ancestors stand at the ready behind Jesus and Jesus stands behind the towering obelisk of "virtue" that is the state and you will need this power, to exact your justice. The white man will pay for his hubris, you will suck him dry and multiply, yes this will become your divine purpose. 


My impression is that in Africa the amount of Irrational absolutism is out of control and heading towards a critical mass, in the west at the very least you have some conservative culture, even your enemies will at least appeal to reason, oh, the joy. Maybe I too like those conservatives awaiting Washington's grave turn to signal their rebellion, am being romantic and that, that chapter in your history is at its concluding prose. The next will be written in black over red if Allah wills it.


Okay this post is looking a bit grim so here is a motivational video game poster  :happy: We can still turn the tide.


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As a black person living in Africa I feel compelled to say something, so let me chime in with my thoughts. 


I can't really say much about blacks living in america. All I know about them is from Hiphop and BET. But as for black cultures in Africa, there are a lot of things about them that concern me. It's not all bad obviously but the the general trajectory of where I see things going in the immediate future looks bad, like a brewing cauldron deep inside the bowels of the witches den, real bad.  


Ideologically, could you conceive a more putrid concoction? A cauldron of modern (and in some instances radical) liberalism fused with a superstitiously charged people. I know that I may be repeating myself there but just follow the recipe. Now slavery is not really talked about in Africa, instead we have colonialism to add to our brew. Throw in a dash of religious texts and a vial of distilled violence, if you have misplaced your vial you might find it on that rack over there labeled "government" or "loving parents". Hurry now, we must stir its color red, watch it boil over splash and corrode the the earth.   


Partake not of this potion least you want to revel in a complete disrespect and disdain for western culture, where reason becomes the white man's whip, the tool of bigots. Enlightenment comes with each sip of the potion; "every culture has its own way and you will learn to respect it". Great power too will be yours, as the ancestors stand at the ready behind Jesus and Jesus stands behind the towering obelisk of "virtue" that is the state and you will need this power, to exact your justice. The white man will pay for his hubris, you will suck him dry and multiply, yes this will become your divine purpose. 


My impression is that in Africa the amount of Irrational absolutism is out of control and heading towards a critical mass, in the west at the very least you have some conservative culture, even your enemies will at least appeal to reason, oh, the joy. Maybe I too like those conservatives awaiting Washington's grave turn to signal their rebellion, am being romantic and that, that chapter in your history is at its concluding prose. The next will be written in black over red if Allah wills it.


Okay this post is looking a bit grim so here is a motivational video game poster  :happy: We can still turn the tide.


Thanks for that thoughtful post.  Would you consider yourself pro-white, Sayo?  As in, you oppose genocide against any race, whether it is a soft genocide (non-violent) or a hard genocide (violent); and you wish to stand on principe; and you love the white race to the degree you want it to survive and flourish?  I realise Africans have had a hard time of it, to say the least, and I support efforts to "bring the boil down" on the cauldron, to so speak, but in my terms Africans aren't being genocided, but rather they are being set up for genocide under a world depopulation program.  The soft white genocide will be complemented by a hard black one, and the destabilisation of the latter is assisting prosecute the former.

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Has a secular man ever asked that question?

Yeah, got my curiosity too.  Who asked those questions about only having two kids?

Great video, J.D., thanks for posting it.  I see racial consciousness as following Kubler-Ross's five phases of grief:


... (We're doomed...) << retain this part

5 - ... If Japan can keep herself whole, so can we.)


Have a nice day with sushi:


Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined



"If the molten nuclear fuel rods are exposed...Japan’s landmass would become uninhabitable to a large extent…"



Valuable for going off topic a bit:   The above link is THE site about Fukushima, and many of us have been following it daily since inception.  To educate yourself about Fukushima, simply go to enenews.com, stay with daily posts, and peruse back-dated material for hours.  It is the technical go-to source.  All articles are brief but info dense and without spin.  They are very good at pointing out TEPCO/gov't spin.  


They sometimes cover other issues, but it's primarily Fukushima.  How many of you know of the ongoing massive Pacific North America sea life crashes?  The obvious question is why do these disasters show up right after Fukushima plus time and distance?  


Sea stars of many species are obliterated by a sort of flesh eating disease.  


Many large sea animals are starving from possible food chain crash at the lower levels, which may indeed be an historically possible bad year for nutrient upwelling due to some (non AGW -- my emphatic addition) sea warming that's preventing good vertical circulation.  


Seemingly two different scenarios, and the starvation might just be one of Earth's unscheduled reminders, along with volcanos, meteor hits, and the like, of how nobody is really in charge.  


But the sea stars -- has something mutated?  Here in this forum, I ask this largely to find out the level of awareness, which seems publicly abysmal.  Also, a vital brief daily news check.

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Yeah, got my curiosity too.  Who asked those questions about only having two kids?


Have a nice day with sushi:


Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined



"If the molten nuclear fuel rods are exposed...Japan’s landmass would become uninhabitable to a large extent…"



Valuable for going off topic a bit:   The above link is THE site about Fukushima, and many of us have been following it daily since inception.  To educate yourself about Fukushima, simply go to enenews.com, stay with daily posts, and peruse back-dated material for hours.  It is the technical go-to source.  All articles are brief but info dense and without spin.  They are very good at pointing out TEPCO/gov't spin.  


They sometimes cover other issues, but it's primarily Fukushima.  How many of you know of the ongoing massive Pacific North America sea life crashes?  The obvious question is why do these disasters show up right after Fukushima plus time and distance?  


Sea stars of many species are obliterated by a sort of flesh eating disease.  


Many large sea animals are starving from possible food chain crash at the lower levels, which may indeed be an historically possible bad year for nutrient upwelling due to some (non AGW -- my emphatic addition) sea warming that's preventing good vertical circulation.  


Seemingly two different scenarios, and the starvation might just be one of Earth's unscheduled reminders, along with volcanos, meteor hits, and the like, of how nobody is really in charge.  


But the sea stars -- has something mutated?  Here in this forum, I ask this largely to find out the level of awareness, which seems publicly abysmal.  Also, a vital brief daily news check.


Thanks for the update, AccuTron.  It's worrying, but remember that the Chernobyl grand-scale effects that spurred 40 million iodine treatments in Europe turned out to be a nonevent.  I'm hoping Fukushima is likewise, just as I hope humanity embarks on a serious drive for fusion so we can phase out these problematic and merely penultimate energy sources, given how bad some of their safeguards have proven.

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Yeah, got my curiosity too.  Who asked those questions about only having two kids?


Lots of people.  Maybe there is a different world outside the US bible belt area but, here, I get asked quite frequently by women of all ages.  I'm Hispanic so I'm sure that has plenty to do with it, too.  Some say "you make cute babies so you should make more" which speaks to their vanity or pride.  Others say I should give my kids a sibling (my kids are twins and often viewed as a unit).  And still others talk about how good people should procreate more so the kids without good parents have more kids with good parents to play with.  The sad reasoning never ends.  Oh and apparently having children gives more glory to god so there is that, too.

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Lots of people.  Maybe there is a different world outside the US bible belt area but, here, I get asked quite frequently by women of all ages.  I'm Hispanic so I'm sure that has plenty to do with it, too.  Some say "you make cute babies so you should make more" which speaks to their vanity or pride.  Others say I should give my kids a sibling (my kids are twins and often viewed as a unit).  And still others talk about how good people should procreate more so the kids without good parents have more kids with good parents to play with.  The sad reasoning never ends.  Oh and apparently having children gives more glory to god so there is that, too.


What do you suppose the "sweet spot" is between having too few children to maximise the joy of their presence, including amongst each other, and having too many children that creates the "large family syndrome" maximising competition for mother's affections?

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What do you suppose the "sweet spot" is between having too few children to maximise the joy of their presence, including amongst each other, and having too many children that creates the "large family syndrome" maximising competition for mother's affections?

It probably varies based on variables in each family.  I think asking kids for their opinion on the matter says a lot.  I talked to a woman recently who has 4 kids and she and her husband wanted a 5th.  They asked the kids what they all wanted.  The kids surprised her with questions like, "Can we afford this one?"  "Will this make my Christmas present list shorter?" and "Can you guys handle another one of us and be happy?"  They had another kid and honestly, the seem to be a happy and functioning family.  My husband and I know that financially and health wise we are done at two but we find it interesting when we ask the kids if they would like another sibling they say no because they like all the attention we give them.  When we go somewhere each of us can help one of them with something (like ice skating as a recent example).  They like having a sibling and they like having a peaceful home life.  When their cousins of the same age are over they have fun but feel the way the attention has been spread out among the group and things get kind of hectic.  I come from a family of 6 and I love love love giving my kids what I remember yearning for.  

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I think the tl;dr for the current state of the black community/psyche is this:


1. A large trend of fairly abusive/neglectful parents (single mothers, absentee fathers, etc...)


2. An unwillingness to examine that childhood pain


3. A victim mentality of "all your pain comes from whitey" to mask the internal pain


4. Cultural Marxist indoctrination

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