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Black people?


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I think the tl;dr for the current state of the black community/psyche is this:


1. A large trend of fairly abusive/neglectful parents (single mothers, absentee fathers, etc...)


2. An unwillingness to examine that childhood pain


3. A victim mentality of "all your pain comes from whitey" to mask the internal pain


4. Cultural Marxist indoctrination


5. A culture promoting misogyny and ignorance..

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Thanks for the update, AccuTron.  It's worrying, but remember that the Chernobyl grand-scale effects that spurred 40 million iodine treatments in Europe turned out to be a nonevent.  I'm hoping Fukushima is likewise, just as I hope humanity embarks on a serious drive for fusion so we can phase out these problematic and merely penultimate energy sources, given how bad some of their safeguards have proven.


Finnish children experienced a spike in thyroid cancer.  (This is from memory, pretty sure it's thyroid we're talking about; it was something.)  Not a non-event.  


This was years ago, I was just searching for myself, so I have no links, but there was a study...[PREACHING TO THE CHOIR ALERT]... of just such a possibility post-Chernobyl.  The study had legit scientists analyzing Finnish data.  In the middle of it, the leader was replaced by someone who the staff didn't like.  The study was taken over, and data from all other Scandinavian countries was added in, thus diluting the Finnish data.  Somebody blew the whistle, and when it was done properly, a spike in Finnish children's tumors was clearly seen.  


Also, both C and F are gigantic time bombs with no expiration date.  Chernobyl has to constantly pump liquid nitrogen, last time I heard, to cool the molten fuel underground.  If not, it will eat it's way into the ground water and cause a monster radioactive steam plume which will make most of Europe uninhabitable unless monster babies is one's hobby.


Fukushima has no way anyone can figure out to clean it up.  Ever.  And not just clean it, but as told above, the fuel rods are damaged and very unstable.  Any good enough earthquake, or maybe just another ten years of rust, could dump them, and then Hiroshima looks like a mere firecracker, with most of Japan uninhabitable.


Europe and/or Japan could become entirely uninhabitable in a flash.  Nothing in the way of that but luck and liquid nitrogen. 

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People around the world, built structures which their leaders ordered them to build.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, not so much.

Thanks for your observation, I certainly didn't think of that when I saw this image.  Yes, most of the buildings are for religious use, or are castles to house living/dead kings.  Which means a King or a Priest commissioned their construction.  What stood out to me when I first saw this image was the difference in impressiveness of man made structures outside of Africa.  Perhaps there may have been more impressive structures in Africa than the 1 storey mud huts shown.

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Thanks for your observation, I certainly didn't think of that when I saw this image.  Yes, most of the buildings are for religious use, or are castles to house living/dead kings.  Which means a King or a Priest commissioned their construction.  What stood out to me when I first saw this image was the difference in impressiveness of man made structures outside of Africa.  Perhaps there may have been more impressive structures in Africa than the 1 storey mud huts shown.

I am delighted with the internet.

I am impressed that people can make tall buildings and aeroplanes, but I really wish they wouldn't.

Machines in general: great!

Nanotechnology and nanomedicine extending our lives: give me more of that!

I just listened to the audiobook The Origins of War in Child Abuse, and I get it that people living in clans were fighting neighbouring clans in reaction to scary progress and were warring and raiding in an ego-state of a killer-mother alter-ego, responding to the damage done by adverse childhood experiences.

I don't know why sub-saharan Africa, and Australia, each did not independently invent the wheel and progress from there. I don't know why each did not think of improving the lives of children as a first step into a better future. On the other side of those questions, I don't know what got the wheel invented in the first place.

I have this question: did the people who independently invented wheels, have a life that was longer than or more enjoyable than those around them who did not? My guess is "no", so at a personal level the invention of the wheel was of low or possibly negative real value to it's inventor and for him personally he need not have bothered.

The first wealthy trader to see a wheel used to move goods: he must have had more fun from using a wheeled wagon to trade faster, for profit. For that to happen, there had to be a religion/culture in which wealthy traders were not killed for "bewitching others into relative poverty".

That gives me a guess at the interplay between religion, trade, horrible childhoods, and technology.

On the other hand, there is not deep hierarchy when people are killed for "bewitching others into relative poverty", because people keep their necks relatively low.

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I think blacks got caught up in the handouts, just like native americans did. Those circumstances creating fertile ground for stagnating their society.


I am sure when you say black you mean Afro American.  There in England there are many different sub groups of black. Some many from Africa do better then the general population.  Aggregately African immigrants  are more K selective then your average Brit.  Smoke less drink less,  more go to collage, marry moer,, less likely to do violent crime and less likely to drive fast and cut you up on the road, and more likely to be Christian.  Only negative is they are more likely to skank, some African countries are worse then others and a little more socially dishonest.     

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If so, then all the more reason to amp up the scientific investigation then, worldwide, to develop new ideas for their safe dismantlement and clean-up.

There is agreement on this; alas, something called the Japanese State is in the way.

I don't know why sub-saharan Africa, and Australia, each did not independently invent the wheel and progress from there. I don't know why each did not think of improving the lives of children as a first step into a better future

When people talk about inventing the wheel, they think it's easy.  It's not.  Try to invent an axle and bearing, and using whatever for lube, that will stand up to load for even a quarter mile.  You can make huge heavy wheels from planks, or lighter ones with spokes.  How do you make spokes, what kind of wood is available, how do you fasten or glue it?  Do you have the metal tools to even make the spoked wheel?  Not as easy as people think.

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When people talk about inventing the wheel, they think it's easy.  It's not.  Try to invent an axle and bearing, and using whatever for lube, that will stand up to load for even a quarter mile.  You can make huge heavy wheels from planks, or lighter ones with spokes.  How do you make spokes, what kind of wood is available, how do you fasten or glue it?  Do you have the metal tools to even make the spoked wheel?  Not as easy as people think.

Oh, yes. I think I understand science and technology, but the wikipedia article on the wheel (which I may never have bothered to skim if I had not typed that post which mentioned the wheel), clued me in that the basic wheel-and-axle machine reduces frictional load by reducing the distance across which the surface must move. Sure, the lubricant to reduce co-efficient of friction is a huge improvement, but even comparing dragging wood over wood, the distance of travel (and work done) is reduced by having the frictional drag over a shorter distance inside the bearing of the wheel-and-axle machine.

I just feel like repeating my point here. The dude who, 8000 years ago, would figure out principles of friction (not that the wheel was invented that way, but one might wish for science to precede technology), would be wasting his time in terms of how much extra fun and how much extra life he is going to get - so the motivation for doing science is relatively recent and dependent on so much social and technological innovation.

It is different now. Innovate me 20 extra years of healthy life: I'd pay a big chunk of what I can earn in those 20 years - there's a big fat motivation to do the science and build the technology for all people who look at it as I do.

Those pyramids and other monuments, though: how many workplace injuries and deaths? Wouldn't the workers have had more fun just farming and living in stick-and-mud buildings (you know, if they could socially innovate their way out of using the off-seasons for raiding / being raided by neighbouring clans).

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Wouldn't most discovery be based on love, Des?  Love of discovery, love of improved the lot of one's society?

Sure, a person can invent something for the love of discovery, also possibly for the love of a wealthy trader who offers well-paid employment.

Yes, love of one's children, if one has hope that they may become wealthy traders and profit from use of the wheel.


A point I am making is that there are restrictions to incentive that are specific to a pre-wheel society, and specific to societies that explain wealth differentials as witchcraft. If wealth gets people killed, you don't wish that on your children, especially if you love them.


If you invent the wheel, but you don't happen to love (and be loved by) a wealthy trader who already pays you well, how do you get reward for your wheel-and-axle machine? Wealthy traders are (aggression-wielding) royalty where they first appear, and they'd have you killed as easily as rewarded.


See, I am proposing rational explanations why people (with savvy), might sit on a mental innovation rather than build and display it - within other cultures - and there are different reasons within our own. I have a mental map of an extremely secure computer system. It'd be great for undefusable bombs. I'm keeping the mental map in my brain, rather than risk being blown up by my own great idea.

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I saw watched this video today and I'm curious if it's a common phenomenon in America. I know that in India there exists great preference for ligher skin to the point that there is daily widespread use of skin lightening cream.

The way this man explains his thoughts without ego or resentment left me thinking about his video the rest of the day. Regardless that class division based on skin color is purely arbitrary, it becomes it's own reality when the surrounding community enforces a prejudice.


"Black man wishes he was white-"Nothing beautiful about being black"" on YouTube

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I saw watched this video today and I'm curious if it's a common phenomenon in America. I know that in India there exists great preference for ligher skin to the point that there is daily widespread use of skin lightening cream.

The way this man explains his thoughts without ego or resentment left me thinking about his video the rest of the day. Regardless that class division based on skin color is purely arbitrary, it becomes it's own reality when the surrounding community enforces a prejudice.


Is this video saying that black womandom is a boiling ocean of hypergamy?

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Twas a honest question.


Capitalism is opaque to race, or any of a number of methods of grouping. That particular groupings of people have significantly different average IQs affects all of that group's endeavors, not just economic outcomes.

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Capitalism is opaque to race, or any of a number of methods of grouping. That particular groupings of people have significantly different average IQs affects all of that group's endeavors, not just economic outcomes.


So if we are pro free market, we accept that black people on average will fair worse than whites and asians?

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So if we are pro free market, we accept that black people on average will fair worse than whites and asians?


I think you meant "fare" instead "fair" unless you are trying the pun on purpose.


Is it something that we "accept" or not? I don't think it's right to initiate force to change it, if that's what you mean. I'm not willing to point a gun at people just because there are winners and losers in the struggle for finite resources. That other people are willing to do so doesn't surprise me.

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I think you meant "fare" instead "fair" unless you are trying the pun on purpose.


Is it something that we "accept" or not? I don't think it's right to initiate force to change it, if that's what you mean. I'm not willing to point a gun at people just because there are winners and losers in the struggle for finite resources. That other people are willing to do so doesn't surprise me.


Makes sense. So free markets favor white people?

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