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Help with Voluntaryist Flyer

Carl Green

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I'm working on a flyer that will be promoting the use of connection over dominance with raising children.


It's a letter (8.5"x11") sized tri-fold flyer so the right third of the first page will be what's seen as the front of the flyer, and page 2 will be the 'inside'.


Flyer Page 1


Flyer Page 2


Publisher File


As you can see, there's still a lot of blank space to be filled. For the most part, I've blocked off or already entered what I would like to get across that doesn't involve 'science based evidence' like studies and research and such. I have a general idea of what type of information I'd like to use but I'm open to suggestions and comments. I want to try to keep the comparison as broad as possible so the 'anti-dominance' side includes spanking but also any form of parenting with force, so I'd like to get information on studies that include multiple parenting methods and their results. This is what I'd like to fill the rest of the space up with. Infographic-y type stuff. The previously posted thread by Fishything will give you a good idea of what I'm thinking of. (it's part of what originally got me started on this thing to begin with)

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yeah, my 1st upvote :happy:


Carl, good start and initiative!


My experience is not so much in building flyers (I need more time and space for my work to convey), but some ideas:


- lay-out & design - I would avoid using so many font types. Stick to two or three max to emphasize your point (like "Domination")

- text so far is decent, maybe avoid that you won't prove peaceful parenting is a solution; let that be to the reader of the flyer to conclude. You may disencourage people to read or lead people you want to embrace and convince into the opposite direction?


I think what is important for any (upcoming, future, potential, present, past) parent who's reading is the reflection that living in a coercive society is unpleasant and that it starts with birth. I really like your timeline for that; great idea. "Deathbed" I don't know, maybe a more positive term? "Final rest after a (long) life"?


What about including thoughts like:


"Do I accept that I get spanked for an error I commit (at work, on the street, in the gym, in any social situation)?"


"How do I feel when I get forced to do things which to a person with insight in other human beings is unpleasant and -more importantly- counterproductive to me forced to do them?"


"Would I still consider spanking a three year old if he/she were as tall and strong as me?"


"Let's picture ourselves in a win-win negotiation situation and reflect on the pleasant experience it was when we both got out what we wanted. Do we agree that with more of those situations the world around us becomes a more pleasant place?"


"Do we remember the times we were most productive, most effective and most respected in a social situation? Do those times relate to violence and force or to peaceful, negotiation and rational interactions with others?"


"Child bullying is an increasing problem in a society where mass schooling is abundant. Even if our children are not attending that brainwashing freaky factory [just my thoughts, mayyyybe some rewording for the flyer :cool: ] they are exposed to other (bullying) children. How to respond well to and treat bullies is a main part of win-win negotiation skills for children."


"How did you experience the virtual cycle of "disobedience"-domination-more disobedience-more domination etc. in your life? Was it ever productive in the end? Did it bring the best possible result to the course of your life? Or are those moments when this happened just the examples where the course of life changed for worse?"


"What feeling do we get when we see a kid who is "disobedient" but childishly silly (i.e. not evil) in his behavior and we see him spanked publicly by his parent? Do we feel the justification or are we appalled by it?"


Just some brain dumps so far. Cool initiative.


When it's finished I can translate in Dutch and Spanish if you want.

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Thanks for the input, Torero.


I've commented in green.


yeah, my 1st upvote :happy:


Carl, good start and initiative!


My experience is not so much in building flyers (I need more time and space for my work to convey), but some ideas:


- lay-out & design - I would avoid using so many font types. Stick to two or three max to emphasize your point (like "Domination")

I think the main text style just isn't showing up enough yet. I get your point though. The different ones I'm using now are the emphasis type ones you mention. When I have the rest of the flyer filled up with the typical text it'll look more uniform.

- text so far is decent, maybe avoid that you won't prove peaceful parenting is a solution; let that be to the reader of the flyer to conclude. You may disencourage people to read or lead people you want to embrace and convince into the opposite direction?


I think what is important for any (upcoming, future, potential, present, past) parent who's reading is the reflection that living in a coercive society is unpleasant and that it starts with birth. I really like your timeline for that; great idea. "Deathbed" I don't know, maybe a more positive term? "Final rest after a (long) life"?

the term Deathbed has an emotional punch that I'm hoping will be more effective than a 'polite' version.


What about including thoughts like: (omitted in copy of reply for space saving)

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