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[H&W] Nutrition for you specifically

Carl Green

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Anyone that's spent more than a few minutes researching nutrition will come across the concept that "food affects everyone differently so there's no one single best diet."


This leaves you needing to know what's best for you specifically.


In this video, the good Dr. Patrick goes over getting your own genetic tests done and gets into how to use the results to determine what diet is best for you.


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She recommends 23andme, and here's a little background on them:





In November of 2013, the FDA sent 23andMe a letter informing the company that its genetic testing was not properly approved, calling for the immediate cessation of sales.

Now after almost a two-year hiatus from providing medical data to customers, the company has announced that its trimmed down DNA-based health analysis meets FDA standards for being clinically and scientifically valid.
Unlike the previous testing, however, the new test will give much less health information, focusing more on ancestry, mutations that might pose disease risk to the individual’s children such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia as well as traits such as how a person might react to alcohol or the potential for hair loss.
In a New York Times interview, cofounder and CEO Anne Wojcicki said the company still hopes to get FDA approval to report some of the disease risk information included in the prior test. The website has been modified to make the genetic information easier to understand and has increased the price of its service to $199, from $99.
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Thank you for this, its caught my interest.


If anyone does this, or has already done it, may i ask you to share your experience?

How valuable did you find this process?


Also 23andme has increased its price to 199$

My husband had this done this year for his birthday.  It was a great experience.  For him, someone who has had a relationship with 4 great grandparents and none of them remember anyone not being from out of their tiny village (rural Mexico) it was interesting to see that he was part Ashkenazi Jew, related to Yo Yo Ma, and that despite his parents being distant cousins, he was able to see how far apart his parent's genetic lineages are (they give you paternal and maternal information which is cool to share with parents).  He got this done in Feb. of this year.  Then, just last week they emailed him health information, conditions he is likely (but not for sure) a carrier of.  It was pretty interesting because he can get checked out a little more frequently for those conditions he is more likely to have.  If you want more info I can look up his email and give more details of what they can share.  My husband's brother had the test done, too and had a whopping 32% lineage from Africa which was interesting, whereas my husband had 4% from there.  It's interesting how it can vary between siblings.  I can't wait to get mine and my kids done.  It's an easy sample of saliva in a test tube.  I'm sad to hear it's gone up a 100 bucks lol.

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My husband had this done this year for his birthday.  It was a great experience.  For him, someone who has had a relationship with 4 great grandparents and none of them remember anyone not being from out of their tiny village (rural Mexico) it was interesting to see that he was part Ashkenazi Jew, related to Yo Yo Ma, and that despite his parents being distant cousins, he was able to see how far apart his parent's genetic lineages are (they give you paternal and maternal information which is cool to share with parents).  He got this done in Feb. of this year.  Then, just last week they emailed him health information, conditions he is likely (but not for sure) a carrier of.  It was pretty interesting because he can get checked out a little more frequently for those conditions he is more likely to have.  If you want more info I can look up his email and give more details of what they can share.  My husband's brother had the test done, too and had a whopping 32% lineage from Africa which was interesting, whereas my husband had 4% from there.  It's interesting how it can vary between siblings.  I can't wait to get mine and my kids done.  It's an easy sample of saliva in a test tube.  I'm sad to hear it's gone up a 100 bucks lol.


Thank you for sharing, it was interesting to read. I would have never guessed that brothers could have such a large difference in lineage. I also found the following web page that contains all the services that 23andme provides as of now.


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