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Alex Jones & Donald Trump Bombshell Full Interview


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Trump dodges questions and doesn't address anything of substance on the Alex Jones show but that doesn't stop Alex from fawning all over him.  Its amazing to see this narcissist charm and manipulate his way into the hearts of Americans. It's a complete circus and trump just may be the most successful, richest and intelligent clowns we have seen for a long time. Trump has being saying all along he knows how to play the game and boy is that true. He has been able to masterfully rally the fringe in order to gain power. In my opinion a truly vile con artist.



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Its amazing to see this narcissist charm and manipulate his way into the hearts of Americans.


It's not difficult to see why Trump's eloquence and currency goes a long way around here.


To those who support warmongers. Don't be surprised when war shows up on your doorstep. Stay free, and stay armed.

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Well obviously Donald Trump will not win the nomination, simply because 25% of the republicans or may be 30% is his ceiling of support. I believe that after the nominations are over for the two parties the democrats will bring out the big issue that can win them the presidency and the congress. That issue is the raising of the minimum wage. If Donald Trump would start talking about raising the minimum wage he would increase his non republican support and deflate the democrats arsenal. The problem is all the elected republicans would have to start talking about raising the minimum wage for the voters to buy in on the republicans support for a higher minimum wage. This will not happens. Also, there is still a large block( about 40%) of voters who regardless of political affiliation will not vote for anyone who threatens their government goodies including welfare type programs and corporate welfare crony capitalism.

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sorry I haven't followed Alex a while, but when did he become a war-hawk?

Me too.  Alex Jones is an Obvious gate-keeper.  Same with (or was) John Stewart for the left and Bill Maher.  for the pundits and comedians they laugh and jest at issues until the masters say it's 'ok' to take it seriously and then they do...after it's too late to do anything about it in any significant way.  I suspect Adam Kokesh is also controlled opposition or just a gate keeper by accident, he's a hard one to pin down.  Either way I find him a TERRIBLE representative of any liberty movement because he uses provocation.  


What I like about the ethical philosophical approach is that Stefan demostrates understanding and empathy of human behavior...even the neurotic mind puzzles we are conditioned into.  But knowing that, helps in approach to discussing difficult issues.  Adam Kokesh has a habit of just 'shocking' and startling people which is really twisted and counter productive to bringing in fresh minds of reason.  People like these only appease those who already agree with them.  


Alex uses MSM tactics and slaps on a 'indy' label.  He is also skillful in his craft.  My problem with the libertarian movement and those like it is they wrap themselves in the 'we are on the sidelines watching the game' and laughing at the left and right as if they are a part from it.  They pride on being objective and factual etc and they get stuck in this and Alex is the perfect 'icon' to keep them lured and attached.  


I got so tired of his hypersensationalism that I started searching elsewhere and thank god because it was exhausting and repetitive but it keeps some in a confirmation bias and stops their rational thinking but coaxes them into believing they are still thinking.  

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In my opinion a truly vile con artist.


Because he's saying the things he needs to say to get elected? Is he more vile than any other politician? Is it because he's both good at using language and wants power that you condemn him? Can you at least respect the unflinching directness with which Trump communicates hard facts?


America isn't yet ready for even a remotely free society. In the short term, we're either going to have a big military or a giant welfare state. Picking the lesser of two evils is really fucking hard, but do you see an alternative? We all saw what happened with Ron Paul in 2008. If you don't play the game you don't win. If you don't win, most people won't care or listen to you. 


I'm for whatever national conditions give us the best chance at helping people heal and become peaceful parents. The reality is therapy won't be an option for anyone if we have socialism because people will be too busy trying to survive and make ends meet. This may sound horribly "unlibertarian", but if mayhem and desolation have to occur I don't want them to occur in my back yard. 

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I'm for whatever national conditions give us the best chance at helping people heal and become peaceful parents. The reality is therapy won't be an option for anyone if we have socialism because people will be too busy trying to survive and make ends meet. This may sound horribly "unlibertarian", but if mayhem and desolation have to occur I don't want them to occur in my back yard. 


How will voting for a stronger U.S. Military, which is already the strongest in the world, prevent mayhem in your back yard? How will voting for a stronger U.S. Military give us the best chance at promoting peaceful parenting? In other words, how can a voter support violence and murder on one hand, and teach ethics by example to the next generation?


It sounds suspiciously like a contradiction to me. Do as I say and not as I do. Correct me where I am astray in my thinking.

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that's interesting Matt, so do you plan on voting?


Yes I think I'll cast a vote. As long as I'm clear about why I'm doing it, I don't think it gives moral sanction to the State. 


How will voting for a stronger U.S. Military, which is already the strongest in the world, prevent mayhem in your back yard? How will voting for a stronger U.S. Military give us the best chance at promoting peaceful parenting? In other words, how can a voter support violence and murder on one hand, and teach ethics by example to the next generation?


It sounds suspiciously like a contradiction to me. Do as I say and not as I do. Correct me where I am astray in my thinking.


When you're in a coercive environment that you know isn't going away any time soon, the little choices you have are about survival not about doing what's ethical. Philosophy can tell you that someone with a gun to your head is immoral, but it can't tell you the best way out of that situation. If I tell my slave master I'd rather be beaten from the back than the front that doesn't mean I support the institution of slavery. That's the very myth the master wants you to believe so he can make an example out of you. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just cornered.


I think a President Donald Trump buys us time. Also, there isn't a less distorted view of what Statism really is than the military. Those who come back from the military generally have much clearer eyes about the reality of the horrors they've seen (e.g. Adam Kokesh). Far fewer people are able to come back after being entrenched by the sticky ooze of the welfare state.

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Because he's saying the things he needs to say to get elected? Is he more vile than any other politician? Is it because he's both good at using language and wants power that you condemn him? Can you at least respect the unflinching directness with which Trump communicates hard facts?


He is more vile and I condemn him because he gives false hope to anarchists like you. I hate him for that. 

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Matt D:


In England we are not forced to vote.  Therefore, if I vote for any political group, it is a choice I have made of my own free will.  It's my understanding that when you ticket a box on a voting ballot, you are saying "I want this group to be the ruler of me and the ruler of all the other people in this land."  I really don't want my name next to anything like that. 


What we say matters.  Do you really want to say that you support Trump?  Presumably you are not forced to say you support either the republicans or the democrats.


Also: when you tick that box you are (in some very, very small way) assisting that political group with their goal of getting into power.  You are also legitimizing their statist system.


Their statist system is a rigged game.  If you choose to play it they always win.  Who are "they"?  "They" are the immoral, control-freaks that want to rule over you.  Trump is one of them.


Wherever possible we should choose not to play.


We should choose Bitcoin, not dollars or sterling.


We should choose to trade directly with each other whenever possible.


We should choose to spread knowledge of voluntarism, not knowledge of which political party is best to vote for.  Every moment spent arguing the case for Trump over Clinton is a moment not spent arguing the case for voluntarism over aggression.

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Yes I think I'll cast a vote. As long as I'm clear about why I'm doing it, I don't think it gives moral sanction to the State. 



When you're in a coercive environment that you know isn't going away any time soon, the little choices you have are about survival not about doing what's ethical. Philosophy can tell you that someone with a gun to your head is immoral, but it can't tell you the best way out of that situation. If I tell my slave master I'd rather be beaten from the back than the front that doesn't mean I support the institution of slavery. That's the very myth the master wants you to believe so he can make an example out of you. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just cornered.


I think a President Donald Trump buys us time. Also, there isn't a less distorted view of what Statism really is than the military. Those who come back from the military generally have much clearer eyes about the reality of the horrors they've seen (e.g. Adam Kokesh). Far fewer people are able to come back after being entrenched by the sticky ooze of the welfare state.


You realize there's no way Trump can win, right? He's only out there to divide the country along the lines of racial strife, which has been a clear agenda of mass media. If anything, Trump in the election guarantees that we get socialism.


Will you tell your children that you voted for murder, racism and coercion, or will you be able to hold your head high and say, "I'm a voluntarist. I don't vote."?

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He is more vile and I condemn him because he gives false hope to anarchists like you. I hate him for that. 


Plus rep!


All in all, I find the libertarian/ancap fascination with Trump to be very disturbing. I also find the undercurrent of anti-Muslim, pro-Christian sentiments to even more disturbing. What we have here on this philosophy forum is a group of closet religious nationalists posing as voluntarists. We should name them, shame them, and neg them.

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Plus rep!


All in all, I find the libertarian/ancap fascination with Trump to be very disturbing. I also find the undercurrent of anti-Muslim, pro-Christian sentiments to even more disturbing. What we have here on this philosophy forum is a group of closet religious nationalists posing as voluntarists. We should name them, shame them, and neg them.


Yes this whole fascination with trump is extremely disturbing. I wonder how many times people need to be lied to before they realize politics is a con. I almost hope Trump wins just so these people will realize how deluded their beliefs are.

The fascination is with the goring of sacred cows, not his political views. If anything, everyone is jealous of his self-marketing savvy.


What is so concerning is that you don't see that Trump is the sacred cow. I implore you to give up the great salvation of bullshit faith. Trump is trying to gain power, you can never trust a man who is trying to gain power over you. A wise man once said never become so desperate that you would trust the untrustworthy. 

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What is so concerning is that you don't see that Trump is the sacred cow. I implore you to give up the great salvation of bullshit faith. Trump is trying to gain power, you can never trust a man who is trying to gain power over you. A wise man once said never become so desperate that you would trust the untrustworthy. 


Did I ever express anything other than admiration for his marketing? I sure as heck don't share his views in general.

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Speaking of Trumps ability to market, do you find anything unusual about the level of coverage terrorism has been getting in the media lately, even alternative media?


Not unusual. It helps Obama push his gun control agenda as he flagellates looking for a legacy. Clearly this incident ruined his chances at climate agenda notoriety. Did you see how tired he was making his speeches?

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Did I ever express anything other than admiration for his marketing? I sure as heck don't share his views in general.


He is playing the role of the hero tyrant that is going to save everyone. Whats new or innovative about that? I guess i just find it odd that anarchists of all people admire the same old political nonsense. What is there to admire? He is honest when it suits him and he attacks his opponents with no apologies. Yawn, I have heard it all before. 

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Good post, Sayo.


Trump dodges questions and doesn't address anything of substance on the Alex Jones show but that doesn't stop Alex from fawning all over him.  Its amazing to see this narcissist charm and manipulate his way into the hearts of Americans. It's a complete circus and trump just may be the most successful, richest and intelligent clowns we have seen for a long time. Trump has being saying all along he knows how to play the game and boy is that true. He has been able to masterfully rally the fringe in order to gain power. In my opinion a truly vile con artist.



Pray, what do you think Trump is lying about, with regards to what he says he will do once in office?

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Not unusual. It helps Obama push his gun control agenda as he flagellates looking for a legacy. Clearly this incident ruined his chances at climate agenda notoriety. Did you see how tired he was making his speeches?


I'm looking at it from a different perspective. The gun control angle is a red herring. There's no way that over 300 million guns will be confiscated. There's no way a gun ban can be enforced. Guns will go underground, just as illicit drugs have.


Violence and terror happen around the world all the time, much of it perpetrated by the United States military, but it's rather convenient that we are now in the last year of an American election cycle and terror attacks against Western targets are popping up in the media all over the place.


An unscrupulous wannabe dictator, who can afford to bribe media outlets from his own personal coffers, can conveniently tap into the zeitgeist of fear and xenophobia in order to win a nomination or even a presidential election. Alternative media political pundits such as Mr. Molyneux and Jones are fawning all over the business man and crony capitalist turned aspiring dictator, Donald Trump.


Perhaps I should remind everyone that Trump wants to build a wall around this country. It's not to keep the brown people out, it's to keep everyone that wants to get out trapped inside.


What happened to voting with your pocketbook? Who is considering voting for Trump, the maverick?


"It's nothing. It's a ridiculous illusion. What are your choices? Cranky old fascist versus creepy hands in your pocket socialist? These are your choices and you're going to participate in this? HAVE SOME PRIDE FOR GOD'S SAKES! Walk away... there is no virtue to be gained from attempting to grab control of the gun and give it to the people you like so that virtue can be accomplished. You cannot achieve virtue by pointing guns at people!"


-Stefan Molyneux, The Truth About Voting, 10/28/2008



I find Mr. Molyneux's words from seven years ago very appropriate to consider again in light of this thread.

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Matt D:


What we say matters.  Do you really want to say that you support Trump?  Presumably you are not forced to say you support either the republicans or the democrats.


We should choose to spread knowledge of voluntarism, not knowledge of which political party is best to vote for.  Every moment spent arguing the case for Trump over Clinton is a moment not spent arguing the case for voluntarism over aggression.


Did I say that I support Trump? Did I say I was going to spend time advocating for the Republican party? I believe I made it pretty clear that I'm against the initiation of force. You seem to be inserting a lot of your own assumptions about one very simple fact called: "I'm going to vote."



Also: when you tick that box you are (in some very, very small way) assisting that political group with their goal of getting into power.  You are also legitimizing their statist system.


Their statist system is a rigged game.  If you choose to play it they always win.  Who are "they"?  "They" are the immoral, control-freaks that want to rule over you.  Trump is one of them.


Wherever possible we should choose not to play.


So what you're saying is, if nobody voted there wouldn't be a government and therefore anyone who votes is partially responsible for the atrocities of the State. Let's assume for a second that it was even remotely possible that nobody would turn out to vote. Do you really think politicians would just hand over power peacefully? Obama would probably just assume that means he gets a third term. 


Moreover, do you think that by not voting you're accomplishing something? Like maybe politicians will get offended because they aren't getting the anarchist vote...


I do have a small hope that Trump will decrease the influx of illegal immigrants who keep voting for more welfare. It's a long shot that a politician will do what he says, but this is only half a long shot because Trump's only half politician. If all I have to do is check a box, I think the cost/benefit is pretty good.


A year ago I would have had the same criticisms as you now. Because I took pride in associating with a particular group--anarchists. But you know, I've met a lot of messed up anarchists. People who don't take the time to invest in self-knowledge are by far the majority amongst those who oppose the initiation of force. I didn't want to believe that was the case, but it is. It's not enough to just be an anarchist anymore. The arguments are out there -- I've put out my share -- but the job is much bigger than that. The job of teaching people to think is not just about the NAP.

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Yes I think I'll cast a vote. As long as I'm clear about why I'm doing it, I don't think it gives moral sanction to the State. 



When you're in a coercive environment that you know isn't going away any time soon, the little choices you have are about survival not about doing what's ethical. Philosophy can tell you that someone with a gun to your head is immoral, but it can't tell you the best way out of that situation. If I tell my slave master I'd rather be beaten from the back than the front that doesn't mean I support the institution of slavery. That's the very myth the master wants you to believe so he can make an example out of you. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just cornered.


I think a President Donald Trump buys us time. Also, there isn't a less distorted view of what Statism really is than the military. Those who come back from the military generally have much clearer eyes about the reality of the horrors they've seen (e.g. Adam Kokesh). Far fewer people are able to come back after being entrenched by the sticky ooze of the welfare state.

Matt - you prepared to give grant moral sanction and stand up for your choice of sociopath?  That is who you are voting for, a sociopath.


Some say not voting is morally worse than voting.  What do you think?

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Plus rep!


All in all, I find the libertarian/ancap fascination with Trump to be very disturbing. I also find the undercurrent of anti-Muslim, pro-Christian sentiments to even more disturbing. What we have here on this philosophy forum is a group of closet religious nationalists posing as voluntarists. We should name them, shame them, and neg them.


I'm pro-Christian, I'm anti-Islam, I find trump fascinating and I just negd you.

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I have replied inside the quote below in bold purple, because it was easier for me (the editor on this forum is awkward as hell to use!).


Did I say that I support Trump?




You said: "Yes I think I'll cast a vote." and also: "I think a President Donald Trump buys us time."


So in the context of voting... you support Trump.


Did I say I was going to spend time advocating for the Republican party?


No, but you have already spent time advocating Trump in this forum, for instance:


"The reality is therapy won't be an option for anyone if we have socialism because people will be too busy trying to survive and make ends meet."  (the implication here is that voting democrats is bad: you should vote for the other guys)


"Can you at least respect the unflinching directness with which Trump communicates hard facts?"


"I think a President Donald Trump buys us time. Also, there isn't a less distorted view of what Statism really is than the military. Those who come back from the military generally have much clearer eyes about the reality of the horrors they've seen (e.g. Adam Kokesh). Far fewer people are able to come back after being entrenched by the sticky ooze of the welfare state."


I believe I made it pretty clear that I'm against the initiation of force. You seem to be inserting a lot of your own assumptions about one very simple fact called: "I'm going to vote."


I haven't read your posts from elsewhere on this forum, but on just this topic it's not that clear to me that you are against the initiation of force.  You said this:


"America isn't yet ready for even a remotely free society. In the short term, we're either going to have a big military or a giant welfare state. Picking the lesser of two evils is really fucking hard, but do you see an alternative? We all saw what happened with Ron Paul in 2008. If you don't play the game you don't win. If you don't win, most people won't care or listen to you."


Sounds to me a lot like you are arguing for effect.  I'm not saying you are a statist (I don't think you are), but statists love to talk about the "lesser of two evils" as they can skirt the moral implications of their actions by presenting a false dichotomy.  They might say: "you either pick this bad guy that I want to be in power or this other bad guy, who is really, really bad.  Your idea of having no bad guy just isn't practical."


So what you're saying is, if nobody voted there wouldn't be a government and therefore anyone who votes is partially responsible for the atrocities of the State.


I didn't say that, nor imply that, nor believe that.


I do think that voters are partially responsible for the atrocities of the state.  I don't think that for the reason you gave though.


Let's assume for a second that it was even remotely possible that nobody would turn out to vote.


This again sounds like you're trying to make an argument from effect.  Who cares whether other people turn up to vote or not.  You don't control them.  It's your own actions you have control over and are morally responsible for.  I'm concerned with being virtuous whenever I have the possibility to be virtuous.  I will do this regardless of what other people do.


Do you really think politicians would just hand over power peacefully? Obama would probably just assume that means he gets a third term.


Of course not.  Politicians are not peaceful people.  Almost their entire role in society is aggressive.


Obama is a violent, dangerous, control-freak.  He's quite possibly delusional and assuming he believes the things he said in his speech this Sunday, he's also highly irrational.  Who knows what he will assume or try to take for his own.  He is literally an ex-constitutional lawyer who is saying things like:

"To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun. What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?"


Who knows what this guy will think or do.


Moreover, do you think that by not voting you're accomplishing something? Like maybe politicians will get offended because they aren't getting the anarchist vote...


Oh come on.  Why would you assume that I would think something as absurd as that: trying to offend politicians?  WTF.


I made it clear why I don't vote.  I don't want to put my name on a ballot and pick a ruler for myself and others.  I don't support any of the potential rulers on any government ballot.  I wouldn't voluntarily support anything that I was fundamentally against.


It's a fact that by voting, in some [very] small way you are assisting a tyrant in their rise to power.


I acknowledge your point that in all probability one of the tyrants listed on the ballot paper will gain power with my assistance or not.  At least by not voting...

* I can unambiguously wash my hands of any of the near-guaranteed horrors that the tyrant will inflict on others.

* I'm one less number on their stats sheets that will support their claim: "this percentage of citizens showed support for the democratic system by taking the time to vote for their preferred ruling party."  The smaller that percentage gets the more obvious it becomes to them and everyone else that: people do not want this sh*t.  Of course they can claim voter-apathy (to lazy to vote), but that's still indicative of a failing system: a system which depends by its very design on citizen co-operation... but the citizens do not co-operate.

* I'm not going to encourage them.  If I was an irrational (or even a rational) control-freak, I might feel slightly encouraged by seeing a million names on a list titled "ResidingOnEarth for president!"


I do have a small hope that Trump will decrease the influx of illegal immigrants who keep voting for more welfare. It's a long shot that a politician will do what he says, but this is only half a long shot because Trump's only half politician. If all I have to do is check a box, I think the cost/benefit is pretty good.


They can vote for as much free stuff as they want.  They are voting for their own downfall. 


The writing is on the wall: the American economic system (as it is now) is unsustainable and over-due for a massive crash.  There will be a point in the near future when they cannot pay off these "social obligations" to these parasites.  These people will suffer.  Many people will learn from their suffering.  There is a clear course of action for people like us that understand these dangers and it's not going to the voting booth.  It's:

* prepare food, water and all the other necessities.  Anything which you need but may become hard or expensive to get.

* get any wealth you have out of their vulnerable system and into something that will preserve value (eg pay off a mortgage, buy gold, buy silver, maybe even buy Bitcoin).

* make the case to your friends and family that we are in for a rough ride and they need to prepare. The more of our friends and family are prepared, the safer we are.

* learn some skills that will be valued during an economic downfall.


A year ago I would have had the same criticisms as you now. Because I took pride in associating with a particular group--anarchists. But you know, I've met a lot of messed up anarchists. People who don't take the time to invest in self-knowledge are by far the majority amongst those who oppose the initiation of force.


I don't focus on "anarchy".  There are plenty of anarchists out there that didn't arrive at their position through philosophy, a commitment to principles and voluntarism.


I for one am a voluntaryist that is very much interested in self-knowledge.


I didn't want to believe that was the case, but it is. It's not enough to just be an anarchist anymore. The arguments are out there -- I've put out my share -- but the job is much bigger than that. The job of teaching people to think is not just about the NAP.


Totally agree. 


The NAP is an essential foundation but there is much more to life.

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Not unusual. It helps Obama push his gun control agenda as he flagellates looking for a legacy. Clearly this incident ruined his chances at climate agenda notoriety. Did you see how tired he was making his speeches?


I noticed he looked and sounded tired during his recent oval-office speech.  I have noticed a lot of politicians seen to age rapidly when they become prime-minster or president.


I'd like to think that when they get into power, whatever semblance of good conscience and empathy they have turns against them: eats them alive, stops them sleeping and weighs them down.

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I noticed he looked and sounded tired during his recent oval-office speech.  I have noticed a lot of politicians seen to age rapidly when they become prime-minster or president.


I'd like to think that when they get into power, whatever semblance of good conscience and empathy they have turns against them: eats them alive, stops them sleeping and weighs them down.


High stress jobs can do that to anyone, unfortunately, whether it is good stress, bad stress, or just the stress of being good or evil.

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