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Racism alive and well


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Dear White people who get it,
It is YOUR responsibility to go get your people, to check your people, to heal your people, to address your people, to educate your people, and if necessary to take your people out.

White men and white women been out here Hella reckless for centuries! These mass shootings are getting out hand. Police brutality by white officers has always been out of hand. "The Angry White Man" is out here losing his shit and trying to kill the world.

Dear white people who get it,
Go get, go check, go heal, go educate, go address, and if necessary go take out the the poisonous, racist, sick, evil white folks in your circles, in your village, at your job, at your dinner table, in your family, and most especially the white person you look at in the mirror every day.

It's your responsibility because these mass shooters, these cops who engage in police brutality, the racist that terrorize people of color are your Co workers, is your family, are your peers, are in your village, and prosper in your community.

Because the cocktail of "White Privilege " + "White rage + White Male Privilege " is and has been killing this planet, and people of color, for centuries. And now that shit is killing you too.

To my White friends who get it, who check, heal, educate, address and begin to kill off the conquistador within, I see you. I thank you. I love you. And I need you to go harder. All our lives depend on it.

‪#‎DomesticTerrorism‬ ‪#‎WhiteMenAreAProblem‬ ‪#‎RealTalk‬ ‪#‎RealShit‬ ‪#‎Boom‬ ‪#‎truth‬ ‪#‎WhitePeople‬ ‪#‎GoGetYourPeople‬ ‪#‎WhiteRage‬ ‪#‎WhitePrivilege‬ ‪#‎ShootsFired‬ ‪#‎YeahISaidIt‬ ‪#‎ShitAuntieSpeechSays‬ ‪#‎AuntieSpeechSays‬ ‪#‎LadySpeech‬ ‪#‎FIGHTME‬


I'm starting to see a lot more of this. I mean, anyone here can spot all the fallacious, weird nonsense, but it's just resonating with too many people not to be wary of this attitude. Things could get real dangerous in a hurry.

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Gross.  This could not be more collectivist.  Get YOUR people.  Um...I thought we were a family of one, so if we say the tribe of 'Americans'...then it is responsibility of Americans.  If its violence in the tribe of 'California' then those people need to deal with their violence.  If it's the tribe of San Bernadino...so on and so forth.  


I get that people in their own 'group' have a better chance of solving problems within that group but that doesn't automatically exempt so-called outsiders from taking part in healing, educating, etc.  


Have people forgotten the DC Sniper?  Black Muslim & Son?  Have people forgotten the Live TV shooter? (I forgot his name)...a black man.  Ohhhhh..that's right.  I forgot.  It's white people fault when white people shoot up others AND it's white people's fault when black people shoot up others, because RACISM.  


All the shootings and murders in S. Chicago and Detroit.... yeah....get it together white folk!  smh.  I can't even....

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Sounds like some nice projection to me... Seems like this would be the more realistic case:


Dear Black people who get it,
It is YOUR responsibility to go get your people, to check your people, to heal your people, to address your people, to educate your people, to raise your children in a stable environment, and if necessary to take your people out.

Black men and black women been out here Hella reckless for centuries! This gang violence and black on black crime, especially violent crime, is out hand. Black brutality against police officers, and your fellow brother, has always been out of hand. "The Angry Black Man" is out here losing his shit and trying to kill the world.


Dear black people who get it,
Go get, go check, go heal, go educate, go raise your children, go address, and if necessary go take out the the poisonous, racist, sick, evil black folks in your circles, in your village, at your job, at your dinner table, in your family, and most especially the black person you look at in the mirror every day.

It's your responsibility because the violence and brutality coming out of the black community is responsible for the VAST majority of the violent crime in this country, even though you make up a minority of the population. It is your family, are your peers, are in your village, and prosper in your community.

Because the cocktail of "Black Privilege " + "Black Victimhood + Black Entitlement " is and has been killing this planet, and other people of color, for centuries. And now that shit is still killing you more than any other single race.

To my Black friends who get it, who check, heal, educate, address and begin to kill off the entitled racist within, I see you. I thank you. I love you. And I need you to go harder. All our lives depend on it.







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The most terrifying thing, for me, is reading the comments on that post. I am literally terrified of this insanity. Because what can we say to them, if they do not accept the rules of a discussion (reason)? It would be like trying to play chess against someone who doesn't know the rules of chess, but BELIEVES he does, and cannot be convinced otherwise.

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The most terrifying thing, for me, is reading the comments on that post. I am literally terrified of this insanity. Because what can we say to them, if they do not accept the rules of a discussion (reason)? It would be like trying to play chess against someone who doesn't know the rules of chess, but BELIEVES he does, and cannot be convinced otherwise.


You can't argue with a drunk.  These people are drunk on hate.

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