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2nd Amendment Destroyed


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I put this in another post but now believe it needs a thread of its own.


In his prime time address to the nation about the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on 12/6/2015, President Barrack Obama claims that one of the steps we MUST do is to not allow people on some federal terrorist watch lists to buy guns.  This is probably one of the most anti 2nd amendment regulations that could be constructed that does not ban guns outright.  This is because one of the central reasons for the 2nd amendment was to allow the population to defend it self from a tyrannical government - well guess what tyrannical governments call people that try to defend themselves against it?  Terrorists.


Not only would this give the government the ability to subjectively remove rights from citizens, but this law would neuter the 2nd amendment during any rebellion, or insurgent situation, because anyone standing up against the government would be deemed as a terrorist and be subject to the removal of rights and extreme government retaliation.



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I think the strategy of choice would be to completely ignore this buffoon except to openly express our disdain of him if asked. I love how they have flocked to this "no fly" list idea. It's such a blatantly arbitrary tool where you have no idea if your name is on the list, and it's next to impossible to get off of it, that it's trivial to attack. When people say, "we have to do something" then say "do the work to repeal the second amendment if you think you have so much support."


Remember that the second amendment itself is no protection. It was a concession given by the Federalists so they could be continue to be allowed to rule.


I am not the caller in the show below, but it really resonates with me.


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Not to diminish the truth in what you've said, WasatchMan, but the 2nd Amendment was destroyed the moment they put ANY thing in place that prevented people from freely accessing that which the State had access to. When was this exactly? I don't know. But let's say you wanted to own a suppressor. You need to pay a large fee to get a cert that you might be declined on, one requisite of which is allowing the ATF to search your stuff at any time for any reason. Registration, licensing, waiting periods... The list goes on and on all the ways the State has directly destroyed the 2nd Amendment. That's not counting the indirect ways such as buying up all the ammo to outfit Homeland Security for a domestic war, artificially raising the price, which is a de facto ban.


The important thing in all of this is that people learn that things like the 2nd Amendment are just words. Words are not actually binding on anybody. Since State power is imaginary (you cannot give somebody else that which you do not possess to give away in the first place), any effort towards limiting that power is as effective as the ability to limit somebody else's imagination. You can't do it.

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Not to diminish the truth in what you've said, WasatchMan, but the 2nd Amendment was destroyed the moment they put ANY thing in place that prevented people from freely accessing that which the State had access to. When was this exactly?


1934 National Firearms Act and the subsequent court case US vs. Miller, where the Supreme Court determined Miller cold not have a sawed off shotgun because it had no military purpose, and therefore could be taxed. This was when the slippery slope began, and it was because of Prohibition.


One could argue an earlier time was the Dred Scott decision, because they didn't want that slave earning full citizenship, buying a gun, and carrying it around. That was not centered on the gun, though, but personhood.

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