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How to get through to people who just don't care?

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When I bring up anarchist principles to people I tend not to get the aggressive responses that Stef mentions in his videos, instead I just get a total lack of interest in the topics. Generally a lack of interest in politics.

How do you get people who are totally disinterested in the topics to take an interest? These are people that sort of acknowledge the ideas you put forward but think the whole situation is set in stone, and it's pointless to try.

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Seems more like they're telling you about themselves and not the world around them.


If you find a way to change the lazy or discouraged masses then you could become a dictator overnight should you desire it so.


Alternatively, you could free the entirety of the world, but I simply don't believe this sort of thing can be done short of amazing medical break-throughs.


I recommend simply fighting the good fight and finding those who are receptive. Perhaps the real issue lies in numbers which tends to sway a greater portion of the populace.

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Hmm :/ dictator does seem appealing at this point

 I felt my initial response inadequate and added more to it.


Alternatively, you could free the entirety of the world, but I simply don't believe this sort of thing can be done short of amazing medical break-throughs.


I recommend simply fighting the good fight and finding those who are receptive. Perhaps the real issue lies in numbers which tends to sway a greater portion of the populace.

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When I bring up anarchist principles to people I tend not to get the aggressive responses that Stef mentions in his videos, instead I just get a total lack of interest in the topics. Generally a lack of interest in politics.


How do you get people who are totally disinterested in the topics to take an interest? These are people that sort of acknowledge the ideas you put forward but think the whole situation is set in stone, and it's pointless to try.


If theyre disinterested in politics then surely they would not support the use of force againts you? Because if they claim to be disinterested and detached they CANNOT by defination be in favor or atleast be advocating policies/laws ect. Againts you. If they engage in personal preferance then you can point out that you would love to "just disagree" but cannot.

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If theyre disinterested in politics then surely they would not support the use of force againts you?

This is my thought as well. While I'd rather have comrades than inert victims, I'll settle for not actively trying to threaten and steal from me.


So the question then becomes "How do you use your voice to penetrate a brick wall?" The answer is that you don't. Accepting reality is both wise and makes for a safer life. Plus, accepting that somebody cannot be reached, you are then empowered to move along, making your efforts more focused and useful. Once you have then, you can even apply it to scenarios where somebody IS actively threatening and stealing from you by not wasting your time and effort letting them win the war of attrition. They have social and historical momentum on their side, meaning you will lose any war of attrition.

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You need to make it personal. Find something they care strongly about and demonstrate why it occurs and how to fix it.


Talking to a conservative? Taxes, freedom of speech, gun ownership.

Reformist? Weed legalization, anti-war, immigration.


People just don't care until it affects them. Find an issue that they are strongly opinionated about, something they regard as a deficiency or injustice of our current society, and talk through the root causes of the issue, the very foundations of the problem. They will begin to see the problem lies much deeper than they thought, and with any luck they will extend those learnings to the other realms of their thinking.


Everyone has a few very passionate beliefs, you just have to find them.

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Indeed, to make people interested in anything for that matter is just really difficult. It's like selling some product, you can have the most outstanding and friendly commercial showing how people can improve their lives with your product, but they won't buy it unless themselves realize the importance of the product.

A way to introduce the libertarian germ into people's head is to make analogies with something regarding their life (specially their wallets) and how it could be better if there were less government etc., etc.

And, for the most part, Dale Carnegie got it right: "When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."

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I believe most people have a feeling, their opinion won't make a difference and nothing they could do would make any difference on anything.

In a political landscape where ALL political parties on the most important questions do the same thing, there just isn't any option of voting for a change.

If people feel they do have a say in something of importance, i.e. the referendum in Scottland about their membership in GB, you get over 90% voter participation.

What the outcome of such a referendum will be is yet another question, that mostly depends on political propaganda, meaning getting a say isn't everything, you also have to grant an objective and complete information about the topic to all voters.


If you want people to wake up, show interest in important topics and participate in the solution, not only do you have to point out the downsides of the current system, not only do you have to show an alternative, not only do you have to prove your alternative is better for them, but you have to show people a way of how they could get to that solution without serious downsides in their lives.


As far as it concerns anarchy, the big hole in the argument is, you can't ask people to vote republican in order to get to anarchy, simply because even the dumbest voter will understand, voting for ANY of todays political parties will only shift power from one party to another, but will never get anyone to power who would be willing to abolish government, because nobody would abolish himself.

As long as you suggest to people they should vote for a party that wants to abolish social services, but keep the stealing through taxes going, they will never see, how losing social services without paying less taxes shall have any advantage for them.

As long as you point out the need of terminating war in the middle east, you just can't suggest for a solution a party that has started the war in Iraq based on a plain lie.

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