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Young Philosophers

Reason, Honesty, Empathy, Intellectual Integrity.






Who Are We?

  • A group of FDR listeners who sought genuine connection in an irrational world, ultimately forming an ongoing Skype-based Conversation
  • Young Entrepreneurs, Blacksmiths, Engineers, Welders, Psychologists, Designers, and Philosophers
  • Advocates of Liberty, Anarcho-Capitalism, Peaceful Parenting, Bitcoin and Precious Metals
  • Men and women from ages 17 - 29.


What's Our Purpose?


We want to foster genuine connections between intelligent and rational beings who share core values. If you use reason and evidence to guide you to truth, if you're honest and empathetic, if you've got the intellectual integrity to discuss ideas without the need of a Yale safe space, we want to meet you!


From what I gather, so many of us in the FDR community are isolated, like lone torchlights burning inches above a turbulent sea of irrationality. In the physical realm, the odds are against us when it comes to meeting those worthy of a voluntary relationships. However, through the internet, we truth-seekers are able to connect via video, voice, and text through Skype.



What Do We Discuss?


Wow. A lot. Uhh... Let's start with: Technology, Current Events, Philosophy, Relationships, Psychology, Peaceful Parenting, Personal Struggles, Self-Improvement, Self-Directed Learning, Entrepreneurship, Business, Industry, etc. etc... There's a lot of fun discussion as well.. SJW's, Political Correctness, Trump, and more!



Where Are We?


That's a tough one. We're spread across 7 different countries in 3 continents as of now. Most of us are from the U.S. We've got our fair share of Europeans in the mix as well! (So Multicultural!)



Wow, Fantastic! How do I Join?


I'd like to be able to gauge people's interest on this forum. I plan on linking this to the FDR Facebook group, and would appreciate it if you'd post here if you're interested. For those of you who'd like to remain anonymous for whatever reason, feel free to READ THE UPDATE BELOW, then PM me and I can add you to the conversation. I'm super excited to reach out to you folks today. The value of the connections I've formed is truly amazing to me. I really, honestly hope that we can meet you, the intelligent and motivated reader, and get to know you soon.

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I'm interested in checking it out, but I don't have facebook. You can pm me the contact information if you want.


How big is the group?


Also, I would prefer if everyone in the group made clear which name they use on FDR if any. Do they do that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate all of your interest in participating in our conversation! Over the last several days due to some large transitions I've made in my life as well as Christmas overlapping, I haven't been sending private messages out to folks who've posted here and / or messaged me.


I'll be messaging all of you folks today! ;)

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I don't know why, but it doesnt let me to reply. So I will reply here..


Yes of course I would like to answer your questions!! Your fear is legitimate!

First of all I am donating, I think that is going to alleviate your fears, quit a bit.

1) My first name is Dimitris, and my second is Papadiotis (most people prefer to call me with my second name because it sounds nice). I am 23 years old and currently living in Greece. I plan to leave Greece and settle abroad with my girlfriend.

3) My brother has a 3 years old son. Some months after he born, in my spare time, I was searching ways to parent your children. So almost 2 years ago I discovered Stefan and from then, my life changed.. Additionally. I am in psychotherapy ten months now.

2) I have passed a phase there I was cutting people without virtue from my life. Fortunately some of them passed the test. Now I feel that is the time to cultivate some new relationships.


Some more informations for me, which I find helpful.

I am finishing my bachelors degree in mathematics (emphasising in statistics). My english are complicated. When I am hearing english, I can understand everything, even if the speaker has an accent. Also I know how to write decently, but due to low exercise, I am not a good speaker. In contrast, native english speakers who don't know greek (greek is my mother language) told me that my accent is good. I am passionate about logic, bitcoins, economics and science.


I look forward to meet you in skype!

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Whew, 7 responses within 72 hours!

I'm quite pleased to have already spoken with Dimitris and briefly.

[uPDATE 3/26/16] I'm even more pleased to say that Dimitris and I are friends now, and the group has helped him write a resume to help him find work outside of Greece! Another ringing success for the group :D



An Important Update:


In light of the recent spike in interest, it would seem that many FDR supporters and fans of the show are emerging from the hidden woodworks of the community, creating new accounts OR dusting off old ones with very few posts specifically to get in touch with me.


I can not accurately gauge one's interest in facilitating connected relationships, nor one's capacity to add value to the conversation, nor whether or not someone is genuine in their intentions without understanding some background about the person.


I hold good will towards all interested parties but due to a few negative experiences with new group members in the past, I feel it is important to have a system of sorts in place so that only those who're motivated, honest, empathetic, and rational may participate in the conversation.


When you message me, please answer the following questions. I understand for some this can be intimidating.. I'm very sorry for that - I simply know no better way to filter out toxic people and do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past wherein we let in anyone who wished to join. Regardless, your answers will be met with appreciation, curiosity, and understanding.


Here are the questions:


EDIT 1/4/16: Please provide more than a few words in answering these! I ask these questions mainly to gauge how motivated you are to build new relationships, how genuine and honest you are in your communication, and I highly respect those who're capable of delivering a well-thought out reply that offers a glimpse into their path towards virtue! If you do not feel comfortable elaborating in detail on this thread, you can private message me your responses and I will never share them with other forum members. Thank you!

  1. What is your name (First Name is fine), age, and country of residence?
  2. What’s got you motivated to seek out new relationships?
  3. When and how were you first introduced into FDR? What’ve you learned from your experience with FDR?
  4. Have you ever tried to develop self-knowledge through therapy, journaling, or other practices?
  5. What are your greatest passions in life? Or, what inspires you most in life?

If there’s anything else you’d like for me to know about you prior to sending you the link to join, feel free to add it! I’m always curious to learn from others.



If you'd like a perfect example of how NOT to answer these, please look 2 posts down!


Thank you for your time and consideration; I’ll look forward to speaking with you folks soon.

Take care until then,


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I'd be interested in chatting with like minded people. To answer your questions:


Q. What is your name (First Name is fine), age, and country of residence?

A. Sam, 32, UK.


Q. What’s got you motivated to join a group such as the Young Philosophers?

A. I like to discuss ideas and lack like minded people to do so with, forums such as this are slow to engage with typically so real time chat is better.


Q. When and how were you first introduced into FDR? What’ve you learned from your experience with FDR?

A. At least 3 years ago, maybe more, I've learned way more than I can possibly express.


Q. Have you ever tried to develop self-knowledge through therapy, journaling, or other practices?

A. No


Q. Tell me something interesting about yourself that nobody would suspect at first glance!

A. Well I work in IT so I have a deep interest in technology but most people don't know that I do a lot of hacking in my spare time, some of that is penetration testing systems as a 2nd income, other times that's just because I like helping out other people in my own way.

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I'd be interested in chatting with like minded people. To answer your questions:


<brief answers to the 5 questions>


While I appreciate you offering a rare glimpse into your interesting hacking practices and answering my questions in general, I'm sorry to say that the Young Philosophers group is mainly for younger members of the FDR community of ages 18-26 to participate in. I've been lenient and allowed a couple of folks who're 27 and 28 to participate since they provided me with a lot of history and seemed highly motivated to contribute to the conversation, but I honestly feel I should cut the age limit off there.


Also, in general folks, I don't want one sentence replies from people. It's my error for not making that clear sooner. I want to be able to gauge if you're a genuine, curious, and honest person who's motivated to start new relationships. Answering like:




want new friends

6 months ago, discovered anarchy and peaceful parenting


favorite food is pizza


Does NOT give me anything to really go off of nor does it make me feel comfortable in deciding to introduce you to 20+ of my friends and colleagues. If you do not feel comfortable with writing a more detailed response on this thread, please PM me and feel free to be as open and honest as you're comfortable with. I don't share your responses with anyone else in the group or on the forums.


Sign me up too!


<1-5 word replies to my questions>


I see you've lurked on the boards for over a year and this is your first post! I congratulate you on reaching out for the first time, but again, I would sincerely appreciate it if you were either to re-post or message me with a more open and honest response which gave me an idea of who you are as a person before I introduce you to my friends.

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While I appreciate you offering a rare glimpse into your interesting hacking practices and answering my questions in general, I'm sorry to say that the Young Philosophers group is mainly for younger members of the FDR community of ages 18-26 to participate in. I've been lenient and allowed a couple of folks who're 27 and 28 to participate since they provided me with a lot of history and seemed highly motivated to contribute to the conversation, but I honestly feel I should cut the age limit off there.


Also, in general folks, I don't want one sentence replies from people. It's my error for not making that clear sooner. I want to be able to gauge if you're a genuine, curious, and honest person who's motivated to start new relationships. Answering like:



Does NOT give me anything to really go off of nor does it make me feel comfortable in deciding to introduce you to 20+ of my friends and colleagues. If you do not feel comfortable with writing a more detailed response on this thread, please PM me and feel free to be as open and honest as you're comfortable with. I don't share your responses with anyone else in the group or on the forums.



I see you've lurked on the boards for over a year and this is your first post! I congratulate you on reaching out for the first time, but again, I would sincerely appreciate it if you were either to re-post or message me with a more open and honest response which gave me an idea of who you are as a person before I introduce you to my friends.


Well actually I didnt lurk, I just didnt use the forums. Also how am I not being honest with you? I willingly posted my other details too. Are you from the USA? Might help if your a little clearer it what your trying to setup here...

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Well actually I didnt lurk, I just didnt use the forums. Also how am I not being honest with you? I willingly posted my other details too. Are you from the USA? Might help if your a little clearer it what your trying to setup here...


Hey, I apologize for assuming that because your account was old and you had no posts that you merely lurked around the boards. Nonetheless, I'm glad you've started to engage in forum activity. It's been pretty fun for me to read and interact with the thoughts of other intelligent folks here.


In your response, I do not believe that you were in any way dishonest with me. What I'm trying to communicate to you and others who see this post is this:


There's already 20+ interesting, honest, empathetic, and engaging members in our community.

I am personally very close friends with 5 or so of these members, and good friends with at least 10. It is our goal to invite those in the FDR community who're both within our age group and most motivated to forge new connected relationships with others. We are at a point now where we don't want to just invite anyone with a forum account into the group, we have collectively sought to establish standards by which new potential group members should meet.

Now, that may sound intimidating to some, but I promise there's nothing to be intimidated by if you're a person of good character and intentions!

My questions are designed to gauge your degree of interest, as we want to connect with people who're motivated to do the same. They're also posed in a way that gives you the chance to display your capacity for emotional openness and honesty with your life situation. I'd really like to get to know you and other potential members before I introduce you to my friends. We have had issues with dysfunctional people joining the group several times over the past 8 months, all of whom have either left or been kicked out. I want to prevent exposure of myself and friends to potentially toxic people as much as possible.


How can I gauge these things I've highlighted from a post such as:



want new friends

6 months ago, discovered anarchy and peaceful parenting


favorite food is pizza


The truth is, I can't. That's why I've decided to raise these questions, and gauge people's interests and capacity for connection from them.

Folks who really want in write elaborate replies, some even abandoning the number structure and sending me a letter of their story and eagerness to participate. Those people get in right away. I want those people in my life, and so do the others. I certainly hope that this clarifies my exact intentions and elaborates a little on what I'm really hoping to find from reaching out to you all on the forums here. If there's any way I can further clarify, or you have comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to address me on this forum or directly via private message.


Take it easy, folks. I hope to meet more of you soon!

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My wife and I are interested in the potential for great relationships with our fellow Young Philosophers.


  1. Grant (20) and Kellie (22), US
  2. We are genuinely interested in valuable relationships where mutual growth of knowledge occurs and "anything goes". We cherish the benefits of openness and honesty together, and would love to extend that to others. 

  3. I discovered Stef in October 2014 and introduced Kellie to the ideas in February 2015 when we met. We understand all of the core arguments, and recognize the value of personal freedom. Most of our time is spent refining our relationship, which has been quite the learning process. My knowledge of philosophy is more extensive than hers due to the higher level of exposure. But don't be fooled, we watch and listen to Stef together all the time and it's always a running commentary/conversation between us.

  4. Unfortunately, we have not been to therapy. The self knowledge we have gained thus far has been through our joint efforts and commitment. Our intelligence has been the greatest factor in our ability to work through many things in a productive manner, without professional assistance.

  5. I'll just answer for myself: My expertise is fitness, particularly barbell training.

Thank you for considering our "application"!


I'm not sure if I have access to PM's yet, so here is my email: [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q. What is your name (First Name is fine), age, and country of residence?

A. Ed, 24, US.


Q. What’s got you motivated to join a group such as the Young Philosophers?

A.   Like minded talk, wish I had a more interesting way to put it but that's really it. Can only get so much out of folk you bump into elsewhere.


Q. When and how were you first introduced into FDR? What’ve you learned from your experience with FDR?

A. I listened to podcasts when I worked in a warehouse on the relationship call-in shows.


Q. Have you ever tried to develop self-knowledge through therapy, journaling, or other practices?

A. I jotted a couple of notes down and some here and there entries but it's an on/off practice that comes and goes.


Q. Tell me something interesting about yourself that nobody would suspect at first glance!

A.  I took a glance at myself once for interesting traits but I guess I'm just so damn mysterious I couldn't out sleuth myself to find anything. Nah, I'm just no good at these kinda questions. I'm a novice in like 50 different things, biggest time sinks right now are weights, messing with German, and being a cheap bastard.


Also I'm not really all that active on the forums, I usually bum around in the chat room scenes. The threads I glance usually got whatever needs saying already said. I lurk sometimes though.

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