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Pls invite Ann Coulter on the show to discuss immigration


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Ah, Ann Coulter. The original Donald Trump. When I first bought a gun, I become more politically aware. Before long, I was drawn to Ann Coulter. In a leftist world, she stood up for the right and didn't care about the flack she received. I admired that. Another reason she appealed to me is because I was still somewhat religious.


It didn't take long at all for me to become disenfranchised with her. All she talked about was right vs left. Even then, I knew that it wasn't about right vs left, but top vs bottom. In these loose analogies, both left and right were the top, so it seemed like it was just distracting people from the more important questions.


I recently was on a youtube page where on the side, there was a link to a "debate" between Ann and some lefty dude I had never heard of before. I thought I'd check it out because it had been awhile. The announcer spoke as if everybody knew these people. The lefty's first question was about her personally. Next, he made a reference to Fox News, and the crowd reacted. I was like "These people aren't saying anything! They're just expecting people to have specific reactions."


I guess what I'm getting at is that regardless of her courage and writing talents, Ann Coulter focuses on the "wrong ways to initiate the use of force" instead of on whether the initiation of the use of force is moral or justifiable. Ye olde if they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don't care what your answers are. If Stef did get a chance to talk to her and challenged her on this point, it might be interesting. Otherwise, I think people could use their time more productively, even if she's the "better" kind of State apologist.

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I would have been far more interested in seeing Stef have a conversation with Christopher Hitchens or George Carlin. These days I am very pleased to see Stef talk with Bill Whittle and Peter Schiff. If there's someone on my wishlist, it would be Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds) or Joss Whedon (and his fetish with Absurdism).

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