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56 Year Old Father Identifies as a 6 Year Old Girl


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People seem to think that the identity is the thing itself, but that's a categorical error. To identify something is to make a truth claim about the objects described. The identity of a thing is not the thing itself. That would be like hitting a hit, rather than hitting a table.


He identifies as a 6 year old girl? Well, he's identified what, exactly? Is being a 6 year old girl having the same sorts of thoughts and interests that 6 year old girls have? No. A 6 year old girl is a female who is in their 7th year of life.


Being trans means presenting as the opposite sex, not identifying as the opposite sex. You can tell yourself that you are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, but that doesn't make you Jesus Christ. Identity is not purely subjective. It's not anything you want it to be. If it were, the term "identity" would be absolutely meaningless. You might as well be speaking gibberish.


I don't really care if men want to present themselves as women or vice versa. Gender dysphoria seems to describe real neurological phenomena, and if they feel more comfortable presenting as the opposite sex and use those pronouns, all power to them! I'll use whatever pronoun they like. It just bugs me when people make it about identity. "I identify as this, therefore I am this" is nonsense.


You certainly don't do trans people justice by retreating into kaleidoscopic subjectivism. "I perceive that X is true, therefore X is true". People like this guy make trans people appear less credible, I think.


It does get me thinking about the prosthetic bodies of the future, though. Have you seen Ghost in the Shell? People could stick their brains in super realistic prosthetic bodies with all kinds of modifications. That's what I want to see. That would be cool.

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I think this person might be attempting to experince the childhood she wished for but never had. She didn't get to behave as a 6 year old girl and be treated as a 6 year old girl when she was 6, so she's trying to make up for that now. If only it were that easy to make up for a lost childhood. And in this process, she is abandoning her own children and her adult and parental responsibilities. I'm wondering what the adoptive parents are thinking, especially since they have actual children in their home. This isn't exactly healthy behavior that they are inviting into their family.

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I read a comment that said this person has sex with their adoptive "father" and beyond that is allowed to play with their grandchildren. 


My heart weeps if this is true.

It does get me thinking about the prosthetic bodies of the future, though. Have you seen Ghost in the Shell? People could stick their brains in super realistic prosthetic bodies with all kinds of modifications. That's what I want to see. That would be cool.

Why not go beyond that?


3d print new bodies with entirely new organs, brain configurations, thresh holds of environmental durability and etc.


Me? I'll be taking a hyper masculine body with other cybernetic enhancements. (Assuming you can't become some sort of immortal shape shifter via advanced nanomachines replacing your cells.)

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I think this person might be attempting to experince the childhood she wished for but never had. She didn't get to behave as a 6 year old girl and be treated as a 6 year old girl when she was 6, so she's trying to make up for that now. If only it were that easy to make up for a lost childhood. And in this process, she is abandoning her own children and her adult and parental responsibilities. I'm wondering what the adoptive parents are thinking, especially since they have actual children in their home. This isn't exactly healthy behavior that they are inviting into their family.

Do you recognize this man as a female?

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Do you recognize this man as a female?

No, I do not recognize this man as a female, but at the same time I have a hard time referring to him as a man since he's not self-representing as a man. I used feminine pronouns in reference to this person, mostly because I’ve had a couple of coworkers that have been trans-gendered women and I have become accustomed to using feminine pronouns in reference to them because they presented themselves as women. If they hadn’t disclosed information about their surgeries and hormone therapy, I would have never known that they were not female. But since I know that this 52 year old person in question has successfully reproduced as a male, I can’t think of this person as female. I would have no problem if this male person chose to live life as a woman, but I do have a problem with this trans-ageism nonsense. 

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