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It's hard to throw fuel on the fire when everybody has access to extinguishers.


I don't know which is worse, the women are all innocent men are all evil message, or the message that evil is spontaneous and that somebody "well brought up" could attract people that would almost kill them.

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Dear Dad,

You can make a difference by being a good father, male role-model, and gentleman. Lead by example. Conduct yourself with dignity, integrity, courtesy, compassion, and self-respect. Involve yourself in my life. Show me kindness, affection, attention, and patience so that I'll know that my life has meaning and value, and then I won't attempt to validate myself through histrionic, attention-seeking, impulsive, hedonistic, ruinous behavior.

Do this and then I'll know what desirable character traits to look for in a man, and avoid the bad boys, posers, and losers.

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Amazing :ohmy:


There is so much fail in this video.


Like... how does it follow that a guy telling "weird insulting jokes" among friends mean they will rape someone? 



The very first serious tone statement is:


... but I need to ask you a favour.  Warning: it's about boys.


The very last serious tone statement is this:


Dear daddy.

I know you will protect me from lions, tigers, guns cars and even sushi without even thinking about the danger to your own life.  But dear daddy.  I will be born a girl.  Please do everything you can so that wont be the greatest danger of all.


So they are directly saying that the "greatest danger of all" is being a girl exposed to boys.  It wasn't "boys that rape", "boys that harass" or "boys that assault".  It wasn't "people that rape", "people that harass" or "people that assault".  It's just: boys.  "Boys" are the thing that's bad.  Rape, harassment and assault are just things that boys do. :blink:

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The whole point of this video is to get you to offend yourself. It is trying to get you to viciously attack your conscience. Only the most emotionally disturbed or those completely dead inside altogether would be receptive to the message. The identity of the girl was stripped, and in her place was that bastard nihilism, that hackneyed cockroach slipping under the rug yet again. This is how much these people hate rationality, humanity, reason, existence; they want to murder it and put blackness in its place because they boil to see a mirror. So instead they replace the girl's personality, scorch it, and stain the hardened glass of her soul into a portrait of their sadistic madness.


I don't chose to be offended by this video, it is clearly an especially acidic drop of rain water into the bucket, but it is a single drop in a hurricane of propaganda. These people can only feed off others who have been crippled by imprisonment in indoctrination facilities as a youth, and tortured by abuse in their homes. This video would be see by all as the frantic and fragile psychology of sadistic madman if it were not for the brutal storm of propaganda that is in place before children are even exposed to any media. I feel a very invigorating anger at the idea I would let this enter my conscience. To do so would be a self flagellation, coming as a result of a conscience so littered with guilt, that there is no doubt this video will eventually provide an excuse for them to act out against others.


It is a tragedy for a single boy or girl to see this, a seriously contemptuous crime, but I appreciate it to look into my enemy's dissociated and maddened soul to be reminded what effort is required of me to support philosophy, rationality, and liberty.


And let us all be reminded that art is not an argument, and it is a plea of someone who is trying to manipulate you when it is presented as such.

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I don't have anything intelligent to say about this other than that I found it to be incredibly boring. 


It reads like a sycophantic and overwrought high school essay. My only fear is that it got an A.


ps: Wuzzums I miss your Yotsuba&! profile picture, it was so adorable!

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Like... how does it follow that a guy telling "weird insulting jokes" among friends mean they will rape someone? 

Haven't you heard? We live in a rape culture! Every boy is a potential rapists. Pay no attention the abuse at the hands of females those boys suffer because women are the victims.

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