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An Ode To The Masters, The Masses and UK Immigration


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Foolish are we, the one's with true power..

Power we waste every day. By minute and hour..

We have failure to see the truth of our plight ..

The strength in our numbers..

Or the the real villains we fight..

We fight with each other and with those from abroad..

Today we use bullets. In the past we used sword..

But the real villains remain now, as they did in the past..

Not the few in the masses, but those with wealth, that is vast..

The masters are few, but control with iron fist..

The masses do what their told and seldom resist..

Once in a while, a revolution does form..

When people, are starving and dying. Survival instinct the norm..

But in the West, we're well fed, trained for much selfish greed..

So we stay silent, bow down and watch foreigners bleed..

Safe in our home's, or so we do think..

But the illusion of safety can change in a blink..

You see the masters are clever and work together as one..

We think their on different sides, but this is their greatest con..

Their all in it together, their real enemy us!!!

So they divide and do conquer, creating wars and much fuss..

We fuss over the big things, as much as the little..

Politicians the puppets, stirring hatred with spittle.. 

Taxes, jobs, immigration and war..

The politicians rewarded, while the masses stay poor..

Not only poor, in a monetary way..

But, in a way that's much deeper, getting worse by the day..

You see, the illusion is told, we've never had it so great..

So be grateful you pleb, eat the shit on your plate..

The shit that we feed you, to keep you dumbed down..

While your glued to your telly, we'll ruin your town..

Health service, jobs, education. Are all going West..

Getting swamped from the East, is your moral test..

So keep your head down, whether white, asian or black..

if you dare to speak up, the PC brigade will attack..

But British taxpayers born, to this very small isle..

Best start finding their spines and spewing their bile..

Not bile of hatred, and not bile of divide..

Just bile to the truth, of which we must not hide..

There is only one way, how the masses live well..

And that is in our own lands, where our loved ones do dwell..

Mass immigration causes distress to so many..

And only is caused, by the masters greed for the penny..

Not just the penny, but the need for true power..

Achieved by the force, to make billions cower..

Wherever your home, you must dwell without harm..

But the masters think different and raise every alarm..

They alarm us with fear, and war, and misguided guilt..

So the masses just nod and in their favour we tilt..

We're all being fooled, but the true power we hold..

We need to stop being weak and start being bold..

The masses want peace, while the masters do not..

if we don't wake up soon, then our country will rot..


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