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Bill Whittle Video "Where is Everybody?"


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Other reasons for Fermi's paradox are: 


- Alien civilisations wipe each other out before they can start sending data (remember we escaped nuclear twice with a lot of luck in 1963 and 1983).
- They transmit encrypted data whose entropy is not distinguishable from random noises (Snowden's argument)

- The least likely argument forwarded by Nick Bostrom: we live in a simulation created by our progeny.

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Other reasons:


They are just very, very far away. Even at the speed of light, for their signals to reach us would take millions of years. By the time it would even reach us, the signal would have red-shifted to almost nothing.


I read an article recently on how Earth is among the first planets from a stable star to have ever formed. Most of the planets that will ever be formed, or the stars that could hold life hadn't formed by the time we did. So being among the first planets to have life, and advanced intelligence is also a reason. Others haven't caught up.

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I read an article recently on how Earth is among the first planets from a stable star to have ever formed. Most of the planets that will ever be formed, or the stars that could hold life hadn't formed by the time we did. So being among the first planets to have life, and advanced intelligence is also a reason. Others haven't caught up.


I heard it differently, but I haven't read about this is a while. Earth is what is called a "third generation" planet. There have been a couple cycles of star formation and collapse before Sol and Earth solidified out of debris. This is why we have higher-order elements like Gold and Uranium available.

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I read an article recently on how Earth is among the first planets from a stable star to have ever formed. Most of the planets that will ever be formed, or the stars that could hold life hadn't formed by the time we did. So being among the first planets to have life, and advanced intelligence is also a reason. Others haven't caught up.


Mind blown. I hadn't ever considered this, I don't think I've ever heard it before...isn't it odd, that we find ourselves to be the most advanced on our planet, yet we expect to be in infancy compared to others...my mind is reeling over this, I think I'll be chewing on this one a bit. Surely there's a psychological basis for this, maybe similar/same as that for socialism, religion....thanks for the insight!

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Other reasons for Fermi's paradox are: 


- Alien civilisations wipe each other out before they can start sending data (remember we escaped nuclear twice with a lot of luck in 1963 and 1983).

- They transmit encrypted data whose entropy is not distinguishable from random noises (Snowden's argument)

- The least likely argument forwarded by Nick Bostrom: we live in a simulation created by our progeny

-They have evolved sufficiently to recognize the principle of non-interventionism, especially with primitive violent cultures.

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