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Race Baiting: A Democrat Election Strategy


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Moderator: "Secretary Clinton, we want to turn to race now in America. There is a real concern in this country from Black Lives Matter [yay.. give them a national platform..] and from other community groups that we are just now seeing with smart phones and cell phones what many have been dealing with for years when they come in contact with police. But you also have many in law enforcement who now say there has been a so called "Ferguson Effect", police holding back because they are afraid of backlash, in fact the FBI director calling it a chill wind blowing though American law enforcement. So if elected president how would you [Hillary Clinton] breach the divide between the two?"


Hillary Clinton: "David I think this is one of the most important challenges facing not just the next president, but our county.  We have systemic racism and injustice and inequities uhhhhh in our uh country and in particular in our uhhh justice system [inflection] that must be addressed and must be ended uhhh I feel very strongly that we have to reform our criminal justice system and we have to find way to try to [patronizing inflection] bring uhh law enforcement together again with the communities that they our sworn to protect. uhh Trust has been totally lost in a lot of places, at the same time we that in many parts of our county police officers are bridging those divides and they are acting heroically.  The young officer who was killed responding to the planned parenthood uhhh murders. The officer who told the victims uhhh of the San Bernadino uh killings [not terrorist attack] that he would take a bullet before them. Uh so I think we need to build on the work of the policing commission that President Obama impaneled, we need to get a bipartisanship uhhh commitment to work together on this and we need to hear the voices of those men and women and boys and girls who feel like strangers in their own country and do whatever is necessary to not only deal with the immediate problems in the criminal justice system, but more opportunities, more jobs, so that we can begin to rebuild that very valuable asset known as trust."


So, not only does Hillary Clinton claim that systemic racism is the issue, in a country with a minority leader, but puts all the responsibility on the police to solve the problem, and gives excuses of inequality to those breaking the law.  Nothing about black people needing to stop committing crime, of course not, if they are committing crime it is white peoples fault. But it gets better, we just have to watch Bernie Sanders response:




Bernie Sanders: "This whole issue concerns me and I agree much with which the Secretary and the Governor have said.  But let me be clear, today in America we have more people in jail then any other country on earth. 2.2 Million people, predominately African American and Hispanic.  We are spending 80 billion dollars a year locking up our fellow Americans. I think and this is not easy, but I think we need to make, wage a major effort, to come together as a country and end institutional racism. We need major major reforms of a very broken criminal justice system.  Now what does that mean?  Well for a start it means that police officers should not be shooting unarmed people, predominately African Americans."


I was with you on the police state issue tell you made it a race issue.  I think what may help for a start would be for black people to stop shooting unarmed people, predominately African Americans.  How about that for a start?  How about black people stop committing crime?  Do you think that might help keep them out of jail?  I agree that there are way to many ways you can find yourself in jail over, but murder is probably a good reason to lock someone up, and blacks are doing the majority of that, especially to themselves.




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I had to stop 2 minutes in....


How, in the name of all that is good, do people fall for the degree of non-point double-speak the likes of which Hillary (or any of them for that matter) puts forward. I mean, on another thread in this forum I recommended a book on sales pitching to a poster, and here I see a person who is running for the highest office in the land using THE VERY SAME SALES TECHNIQUES!


I mean, at least in Machiavelli's "The Prince" there's SOME degree of subtlety to the manipulation. This is amateur.




But on-topic: yes, the democrats have always used emotional appeal and manipulation to reach the "little guy" voting pools of minorities, youth, etc...it's nothing new. Just strongly re-ignited by recent media coverage of racially charged interactions between black civilians and white cops.

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