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2016 - Predictions anyone?


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Mr. Trump's commanding lead, and imminent victory, will result in his "committing suicide" by nail gun, as he "throws himself" off a 20 story building and lands on a sports car, just as it's crashing into a tree  (not sure which method the Bush/Clinton Cartel would use, so I figured I'd cover my bases here).


Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, the 4 horsemen show up, and Western civilization meets the fiery end it would then so obviously deserve.


(Zerohedger's might appreciate the humour here. Not so sure about the rest of you guys though :P)

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Government power will increase.


Straight white males get put down yet another notch.


Women become more 'empowered'.


The spirit of boys will continues to be denigrated.


The economy will slow.


The popularity of freedom will decrease.


Propaganda from the left will become even more popular.


Similar to each and every year I've been alive.

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2016 will be the year that: Individual and seemingly 'distinct' liberty movements and positions, will begin to network and cooperate all across the globe.

Stef and his crew, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Catherine Austin Fitts, Jim Willie, The Tyler's, Chris Martenson, Greg Hunter et al., the ghost of Ron Paul, the 'pre-republican' tea party, the rise of pragmatic libertarianism,  and on and on and on; no longer just single points of light, off in the night sky. The resulting myriad of constellations, will turn this rag tag bunch of freedom 'guerillas,' into a veritable world power.


"Fist Bump"   ;)

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Government power will increase.


Straight white males get put down yet another notch.


Women become more 'empowered'.


The spirit of boys will continues to be denigrated.


Propaganda from the left will become even more popular.

The social justice movement has gained enormous momentum for the last few years and will be even more present in the coming year. That is, concepts like white privilege and cis will be recognized in most households. The media will continue to subtly portray the white man as the power keeping us from a progressive utopia, but no noticeable effects will be seen yet. In other words, business as usual.  ;) I see it not as much as propaganda, as I see it as a reflection of the state of Western society.


I'm interested to see what will happen to the Black Lives Matter movement. They have really gotten on people's nerves by blocking high ways and yelling in libraries. Black communities have been subsidized (and inhibited) by pity, but there is only so much that can be tolerated before pity turns into contempt, and that can turn out ugly. As for Europe, nationalist parties will gain voters, but not nearly as fast as is feared. These are just some conflicts that are brewing in modern states, but it will take many years before average Joe is fed up and cut his ties with the media establishment.


Reddit's Sanders fans will be devastated when the Bern doesn't become president, but they will soon forget the old man.


This all sounds pessimistic, but on a private level we can all still enjoy our lives. Have a good 2016!

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I'll play along, after all a penchant for hypotheticals is a privilege of the rational animal.


My prediction is simple. 2016 will be mark a small step closer to either reason reigning supreme or the status quo ante bellum comfortably in its place smugly looking down onto those who dared to challenge it.


Erratic weather due to a probable mini ice age developing shouldn't be excluded imo.

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On anarchism/libertarianism:


- more exposure

- more FDR listeners

- and especially more of the eternal optimism rooted in humanitarianism of Stefans convincing talks


On a personal level:

- 2 happy marriages of my sister and myself (yes, my girlfriend, now fiancee accepted the proposal)

- changes for the better and again new experiences and countries


A great New Year to you all!

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Stagflation and war.


As far as the presidency, I think Trump will win.

Really Alan, you are normally so optimistic?


Trump is a troll; the wheelbarrow for Hillary who cannot enter the White House on her own force. Trump will lose just as George W. Bush "won" in 2004...


Anyway, thinking a hypersuccessful entrepreneur like Donald would aspire a chained position like US President is pretty hilarious...

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