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Don't quote me on this but I watched a video a while back where Stefan and a guest or caller talked about intelligence. The show focused on jewish intelligence and how some sector of jewish folk have the highest average IQ. I think the reasoning was that free trade went uninterrupted for hundreds of years in their society so the most intelligent naturally earned the most money and therefore were able to have the most children. He contrasted this with europeans and how christians would persecute or castrate scientists/other intelligent members of society which probably negatively impacted european IQ over generations. 


Does anyone know what this video was called? 


I'm very interested in learning more about this. Are there examples of the church castrating scientists in history? Does anyone know another theory that explains negative or positive impacts on intelligence over time for a specific society?


I'm going to see an old friend tomorrow and I thought i'd mention this at some point because I know it would interest him too. But I don't really remember a whole lot about the topic so I'd like to hear what yall have to say. 

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Yes I think it's #2995 with Hank Pelisser.  So many shows on IQ lately it's hard to keep them straight. 

The argument if I remember, was more to do with that Jews were not allowed to own land, and so they invested in hard assets, precious metals and jewelry, as well as human capital.  The most intelligent members of the society tended to go into clergy in those days.  Jewish Rabbis were encouraged to marry several women and have many children, while Christian Priests took a vow of chastity.  I think this is what he meant by "castrated".  I found this fascinating, because it was my first introduction to the idea of culture and genetics - that different cultures select for different genetic traits over time, and produce different kinds of populations.  One of the most appalling things about the modern welfare State, is the extent to which it discourages breeding for more intelligent and successful people, and encourages it for the less-so, effectively decreasing the IQ of the total population through the generations.

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