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More critiques of the Right are required


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There have been a lack of podcasts recently which highlight the corrosive effects of big government favored by the Right.  


I feel like it the show is neglecting to cover topics which portray the Right in a bad light.


I haven't heard any recent podcasts focusing on:

  1. Corporate welfare
  2. Military spending
  3. Government surveillance state - All Republicans hate Snowden
  4. Military-Industrial Complex/Nation building (Bill Whittle championed the 2003 Iraq invasion and yet he receives multiple interviews!)
  5. Prison-industrial complex
I also feel there has been way too much Trump love on the podcast.  He is an authoritarian and offers nothing of substance.  His entire message boils down to "trust me".  Why not podcasts on
  • His absurd healthcare plan (to cover everyone?!)
  • His absurd ideas on how we treat whistleblowers - executing them!
  • He thinks the problems can be solved by government "negotiation"
  • No clue how to shrink government

What do you guys think?

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The initiation of the use of force is immoral. Politics is founded on the initiation of the use of force. There is no question that this means that the political right and the political left are immoral. I don't see any room for uncertainty, but I've gone and said it out loud just the same.

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Trump is a businessman therefore he is an advocate of the free market. No matter how stupid his ideas are, no matter how violent his foreign policy is, no matter how ignorant he is of certain aspects of society, the free market will regulate his plans according to the will of the people.


If he's gonna follow the free market principles, or the anarcho-capitalism principles, everything is going to be fine. I don't think there has ever been a head of state anywhere that had his roots so strongly implanted in capitalism.


Still, history has always taught us never to trust politicians. I have hope but it's unfounded.

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The Left and Media are the biggest threats to liberty in the West.


They control the narrative.  Republicans are neutered.


I agree to some extent, and I would add that the Left seems to be set on destroying the philosophical foundations of civilization - Freedom of Speech, Reason, Evidence, Separation of Church and State, Freedom of Association, the Free Market, and any unity of culture save for the culture of Statism.  Republicans aren't great on these issues, but at least they don't explicitly want to destroy them.

I also agree with A4E that maybe you should make videos or podcasts about these issues, and/or call into the show with this point.

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