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Kids Acting Up? Invite a Stranger to your House to Rob Them!


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Summary, kids are acting up and dad comes up with the only obvious solution:


1. It's the video games fault

2. I should invite a stranger to my house dressed as Santa to take their gift away


I don't know what's worse, the father these kids are probably dealing with, the general applause and approval based on the comments, or the one guy who's actually considering going to take part in this insanity.

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Of course, the kids were just perfect and nice before they got the consoles, and then suddenly turned into ungrateful little shits.

Also,the implication that all you have to do to be a good dad is buy your kids expensive electronics.

the kids tell the truth , "santa doesnt exist and youre a f**king idiot", and he gets upset.


This really got my back up.

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Of course, the kids were just perfect and nice before they got the consoles, and then suddenly turned into ungrateful little shits.

Also,the implication that all you have to do to be a good dad is buy your kids expensive electronics.

the kids tell the truth , "santa doesnt exist and youre a f**king idiot", and he gets upset.


This really got my back up.

Even if he believes that video games have so much influence on his children there still is the question of why that is. How could his children get so invested into video games?


And I find this pretty infuriating as well, especially this part where he says "my little shit for children who I expect will cry and beg. It will be glorious." What kind of a sadist do you have to be to look forward to seeing your children cry?


I think the children will get a very mixed message from all of this. On one hand, they'll be told not to steal by their father. On the other hand they will be stolen from by their father.

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The big mind fuck for me, and where my resentment is colossal, is not that there are sadists, but that most of society turns a blind eye to sadism against children. We all get appalled when we see sadism inflicted on an innocent adult, but these same people will turn a complete blind eye to sadism against children, which is even worse, because they are completely helpless and innocent. That is what gets me riled up, otherwise well intending people who cower and shut their mouth so as not to make anyone uncomfortable, when it comes to obvious sadism that happens everyday against children. "well we have to teach them somehow" "well maybe there are better ways to teach the lesson, but..." 


It's like, no, stop saying that. Stop. Stop pretending there is any justification for sadism, stop adding the "yea but," we can't afford hesitancy on this issue, just like we can't afford not to be point blank and say that sadism against another innocent adult is always completely tragic and inexcusable. I think most people recognize it with adults. so I hold them morally accountable if they are going to make any excuse for sadism against children. The internet is literally like the underworld of sadists in society, all you need is one glance to see how widespread it is, so why aren't relatively good people speaking out about this? Maybe I'm sheltered, maybe it's the people I'm around, but I don't hear it much. I feel like I get weird looks when I defend children even when the offence is obvious, but man do people love stirring up a shit storm about their personal drama, or the selection of drama they see on the news. But screw that, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. Either be against immorality or don't. Don't just do it when it's convenient for you.



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