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A Troublesome Dream


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    This is a dream I had last night, I hope some might help  me interpret it.  


   The dream:


   I am in a large concrete building, I think it has 8 floors.  The building is constructed out of cold grey color concrete.  I walk in the stairwell, going all the way down to the basement, as I walk down to the sub floors it gets very dark and I start hearing hissing.  As I take one more step into the darkness everything lights up around me in a red inferno, the stairs beneath me are melting, the rails are falling away.

  I charge back up running up the stairs telling all the people around me that the building is melting.  With exhausted full of terror voice I tell my mother that everything is melting around us, she smiles at me and walks away.  

  I start walking around the floors making sure that the ground underneath is still stable, fearfully I walk to the edge of one of the lower stairway and as I kneel down I see that some parts of the floor are buckling and they seem to be very soft, just like clay.  The floor at the edge begins to dance its wave pattern, and I can see that it is heating up and turning molten red.


   At this moment I am very scared and frustrated that everyone is ignoring me, in my mind I can see the building collapsing under its own weight as the support beams and structure is soon to melt away, but no one heeds my warnings.


   Finally, a loud voice comes over the megaphone telling everyone to evacuate as the building in danger of collapsing.  Everyone begins to exit, I run upstairs to retrieve my cats.


  I wake up. 

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I have only analyzed 5-10 of my dreams and I'm not sure if I'm any good at it, but here is what I think about yours.


In the beginning you perceive a threat which you can't recognize, and no one is their to witness it. (maybe you had a single mom who abused you in the isolation of her locked house like me). You respond to the threat with rage. Red in my experience signals deep rage. Your mom smiles at you because she is deeply sadistic, and she knows there is only a threat for you. She does not console or ask you about the threat you are facing, instead she enjoys to see you in this dark terror, so she smiles. She has succeeded she thinks, since you think the threat is something other than her. She walks away satisfied that she has placed you in a firmly subjective and maddening world.


Everyone ignores your warnings because they know the threat is not to them, and they don't care if you're in danger of dying, they're not going to "sweat it." You are basically surrounded by sociopaths.


When you hear the booming voice, you run to the top of the building, which is the most dangerous place for you to be if the building were actually burning. You look to your cats to console you in this subjective and maddening world you inhabit.


I'm really sorry, that is a horrible dream and signals you have been at a horrible place before in your life, and no one gave a damn about it. I've had many similar dreams, one constant for me is deep, deep isolation. I will be alone, with my mother, and there is no one around to save me. I also had another where I was with a friend, we were both talking to this girl and I noticed he was trying to humiliate me in front of her, I looked to the sky and saw a gigantic tornado in a deep red sunset which blanketed the entire sky. I didn't feel anger in the dream, but I realized when I woke up this red tornado sky signaled a deep rage I was suppressing in the situation, which made sense considering my experiences being around this so-called "friend."


Edit: I missed this part "Everyone begins to exit," so people were rushing out the door and you were going upstairs? Hm... 


Have you thought of calling in to the show? It would be interesting since Stef is pretty good at these..

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Hmmm. Interesting. Here's my take. The building represents the solid structure of your mind. You have spent a bit of time creating this solidity and safety. But you describe it as cold and grey. Perhaps this has motivated you to add some warmth and color to your life -- perhaps just to become unfrozen and really begin to live life.


Anyway, only you know the circumstances and there is something you have experienced recently that is threatening that solidity. I agree with Matthew in that it is likely anger and rage that is trying to make it's way to the surface. Are you trying to dig into your past on your own? You need some support. Don't try to do it alone. At best you will run yourself in circles avoiding the truth and at worst you can have a real meltdown. 


Peace in the New Year

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