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Will Smith on Talent vs Skill


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It's weird. I also have felt that "I will fucking die before you beat me at this" feeling before. I used to have that unbreakable will when it came to sports. I would have to freaking drop from exhaustion or break me kneecap before I would let up my effort. I loved the connection I felt with my body when I played, it was like the only time I didn't feel awkward. Finally my testosterone had somewhere to go! Where as in school, showing any of the lovely benefits of your testosterone gets you shamed - in sports, it gets you a bear hug from your friends! I have removed myself very far from that unbreakable will, but I'd like to get it back.


But then, there is also the part of me which thinks it's fucking insane to extend that type of will towards something like running on a treadmill. Like, it's even cowardly, if it means you're leaving moral obligations behind by doing it. This is why I think it's even harder to extent will towards a moral goal than anything else. Every bit of will extended towards a moral goal is worth its weight in gold compared to non moral goals, so Will Smith can take a seat to some of the people I've met here, but yea still a good video :)

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