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hi everybody, hope you're well.


i'm currently unemployed, which is new for me. But the good news is, I've saved enough money (by switching to Geico?) and positioned myself so that basically i can easily relocate to find a career. i don't want to go to college (i'm 24) because i think it's too expensive. I want to just find a good situation where I feel safe working, with room to improve and expand opportunities. I kind of want to get a job that involves international travel (it would not have to pay much).


I'm prone to travelling, as I think Doug Casey and his research think-tank is on to something; there being opportunities abroad. A long time (now layed off) flight attendant i know says that nobody is hiring international attendants.  I don't know what exactly I want to do.With time while job-searching, I would like to learn Spanish. I'm not sure if that's the best way to spend time, while I'm listening to Stef's podcasts, reading, in bi-weekly therapy and whatnot, but does anyone have advise i.e. best way to learn a language? I'm open to suggestions.


Thanks for reading-Colby

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Use Duolingo, find local Spanish meetups, and watch Coinality for Bitcoin-paying jobs that you could do internationally. Congrats on positioning yourself for options.


Thanks ! It's too funny, as i posted that in a coffee shop I ran into a Spanish meetup and joined in! Bitcoins not something I've looked into much, but i do plan on it.
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I'm prone to travelling, as I think Doug Casey and his research think-tank is on to something; there being opportunities abroad.

I kind of want to get a job that involves international travel (it would not have to pay much).


Have you seen https://www.startjoin.com/

Max Keiser of maxkeiser.com is one of its leaders and you can invest as well as get funding for your own idea or business.


There is a "going galt" community of sorts in Chile. Here is a large forum with more information for Americans who live in chile or want to move there. http://www.allchile.net/


Peter Schiff has set up his brick and mortar business in Puerto Rico. This is just one of the businesses I see being built in the Caribbean by successful businessmen.


Check out the Craigslist boards everywhere you might want to go. Shipping, logistics and Spanish makes me think of port cities like Miami. What kind of skills or experience are needed for jobs you would like? Write them down and work on these to add to your resume.


Sales skills are always in demand especially for international companies looking to expand (versus the united states for example which is already saturated). Logistic and shipping are very exciting concepts but from my experience its a job with a lot of daily responsibility and moving from company to company is not always easy since global shipping is declining and different companies use different systems.


Anarchapulcho 2016 is coming up in February 2016 and the Dollar Vigilante is also an advocate of leaving the united states for "better opportunites"



I don't know what exactly I want to do.With time while job-searching, I would like to learn Spanish. I'm not sure if that's the best way to spend time, while I'm listening to Stef's podcasts, reading, in bi-weekly therapy and whatnot, but does anyone have advise i.e. best way to learn a language? I'm open to suggestions


I'm not sure as Stef has pointed out its always best to spend time learning new languages since that time could be used elsewhere but I personally enjoy being a chameleon and being fluent in Spanish and English I would have to suggest the best way to learn Spanish is immersion. That is being immersed in a Spanish culture by living somewhere Spanish is spoken exclusively. No cheating and spending all your time with expats! Also aside from taking classes or formalized study workbooks a very quick and useful way is to use current culture. For example pick a song in Spanish that you enjoy, Print the lyrics and then as you sing and dance along look up the words you do not know and that way you will learn both current vocabulary but also sentences and phrases that are used everyday rather than just "textbook sentences." If you have a group or at least one other friend another thing that works is to pick a Spanish language Tv novela and while watching write down words you do not know. Again look up the words you do not know and talk about the show with the friend.


Finally I would like to say that if you decide to travel and become a jet setting international man of adventure that in the future for your children it might be a big stress. For more on this you can look into "TCK, trans-cultural kids"

Also there is Joel Skousen "Strategic Relocations" book which goes into different regions in great detail.

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