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Do Black People Really Commit More Crime?


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One other question for you, I'm just curious have you ever been discriminated against for being white? I know it happens, just never met anyone who has. I lived in an all white community growing up so it really helped me being white. The few minority's that lived in my city were treated very poorly at least behind their backs, sometimes to their faces. The examples I have of white discrimination are from news articles but it would be interesting to talk to someone who has experienced it.

Yes, I went to a school district, with a lot of black kids, was threatened and intimidated and called "white-boy" and "cracker" and "snowflake" more times than I can count.  I also remember a number of times when teachers or administrators were clearly holding black kids to a double-standard of lowered expectations in these kinds of conflicts.



Where are the anarchists shaming white people for being cops?


You mean these people?

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Do people discriminate against me for being white? Well, do you think they see me as a white person and treat me as if I wasn't a white person? How else would they discriminate against me. I guess they could say I'm rich, or entitled, of which I'm neither compared to the average white or black person, but how would I know they are not discriminating against me? Is there some magic expression which will light up on their face when they don't hold a single thing against me to spite my race, creed, or color?


Of course I've been discriminated against in many different degrees. Sometimes I would bet it's because of my race, but I don't see any indication I would know I was being discriminated against unless it was completely overt, which has also happened. I don't see why I should share those with you though, if you even thought it was surprising I'd been discriminated against because of my race.


If you think people don't necessarily discriminate against or for one another because of their appearance, including but not limited to their race, then I honestly have no idea how you think that. Why wouldn't we make judgments based on relevant factors? That'd be like choosing my brain surgeon but not discriminating for if he has a degree or not. I guess I could try really hard, but it wouldn't work. It's really hard to deny facts once you are aware of them, and the fact is there are differences between races.


Man, so would you also have to ask an asian or a mexican if he's been discriminated against or is it you think that white people are less prone to being discriminated against because.. because low IQ people are always sooo rational and rarely are ever bigoted :dry:


Of course you're also ignoring institutional discrimination, but I think I see a trend here...

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ok well you don't have to share anything with me you don't want to. I was just curious because I have seen many instances of overt racism against minorities but have never seen any overt racism towards whites(just in my personal life). Like I said before I'm sure it happens (lots of articles and stuff in media about it) and meant no disrespect, I was just curious to hear about it from someone who has had first hand experience. 


If a Mexican or Asian brought up a Mexican or Asian genocide I would definitely ask them because I would assume its very important to them and they probably had a lot of stories about it. 

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