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Would love to see a "The Truth About" video covering the Oregon/Militia situation


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Here's one timeline of what has been happening in Oregon

tl;dr Federal government has been land grabbing grazing area from local ranchers for decades, like they have been doing in other western states, trying to shut them down, using every means of legal and illegal harassment. One of the last surviving ranches has used controlled bush fires to maintain grazing area and to prevent larger bush fires. Using controlled fire they saved their farm from a approaching wildfire and saved their homes. Feds charged them of terrorism, with minimum sentence 5 years, maximum death. Jury was not allowed to see evidence and defense was not given time to gather evidence, but judge gave less than minimum, as he thought that would be "cruel and unusual" and unconstitutional. After their release from prison, feds overturned that decision, and demanded them to sit whole 5 years. The other ranchers and militias protested that demand a day before their return to jail, and ended up occupying this building.

Here's Stef's presentations from similar situation last year at Nevada, where one of involved rancher is now involved in this protest.

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