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1000+ Gang attack/Rape in Cologne on New Years Eve


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Anyone else read about this?


There seems to have been coordinated riots/attacks by 1000+ "refugees" on New Years even in Cologne Germany. Churches attacked, women raped and assaulted. Watched and interview of a bouncer of a near by club, says he never seen anything like it, felt like a civil war.


Would love to see a show on it.


Appears the media has been hush hush on it as well

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Following a crisis meeting with the city's police Tuesday, Reker, Cologne's mayor, said at a press conference that the perpetrators would be pursued and measures taken to prevent any repeats of such incidents.

In cooperation with police, her office will produce a book of rules on how to behave during Carnival.

"We have to explain to people from other cultures that the jolly and frisky attitude during our Carnival is not a sign of sexual openness," Reker said.




Apparently this sort of thing is just a misunderstanding..

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Similar things happened in others german cities on New Years Eve as well. So far the cities are: Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin, Freiburg. However, in Cologne there have been the most assaults.


It's just crazy. I live in Germany and if anybody had said last year that this will happen, I would not have believed it.


And yes, the state media didn't report anything about it the first few days. When they started to cover it, they apologized for not reporting it. I don't think they can't be more blunt in showing their pro-refugee bias.

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Similar things happened in others german cities on New Years Eve as well. So far the cities are: Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin, Freiburg. However, in Cologne there have been the most assaults.


It's just crazy. I live in Germany and if anybody had said last year that this will happen, I would not have believed it.


And yes, the state media didn't report anything about it the first few days. When they started to cover it, they apologized for not reporting it. I don't think they can't be more blunt in showing their pro-refugee bias.



How long did this attack go on for? Were the locals just outnumbered to the point that attacking back was futile? Were the police even intimidated?


Could you post links about the other cities? I wasn't aware of those.

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The attacks weren't perpetrated by 1000 people. There were something like 20 incidents in Cologne, perpetrated by a group of men within the bigger group of 1000 people. Also, they were not refugees, but they were foreigners (dark hair, arabic / north African) that's what the evidence and the eye witness reports suggest.


But, yes, it was terribe. What happened to these once (comparably) civilized societies?

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There's a lot of propaganda (from outright lies to exaggerations) on this "refugee crisis" in the Mass Media. Both from the left and from the right.


This story stinks. It has the signs of other psy-ops/hoaxes regarding this "crisis" (just an excuse for more and more and more and more state power).


One of the most obvious examples of manipulation by the mass media was that "photo" of that "drowned boy" Ardan Turan on the beach last year. It was so obviously faked (either complete CGI or a puppet used) and everybody was in shock and awe about it.


Here there are similar signs:


- having a "story" ready before the investigations are over: "we know it has been done by Arab immigrants, but we don't know the details" - yeah, right

- allegedly "thousands" of women were "assaulted" and "sexually harrassed" but there's only a handful of "witness accounts" (sounds like 9/11, Boston "bombings" and similar hoaxes/psy-ops carried out by the Elites all the time)

- it neatly fits in with the agenda of the EU/German state to want to increase state power. First the left was drawn to the State "we have to take care for aaaalll those 'poor' people! Anyone who disagrees with boosting the Santa Claus 'social' system even more is a racist!1!!1" and now the right is "We have to have more police forces, more border controls, more state employees stopping this!1! Anyone who disagrees is a 'white genocidal' bastard!1!!"

- videos are shot in VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome). That's odd; any normal person filming an event would film landscape, not portrait


I wouldn't take those stories fabricated by media and easily set-up by using some puppet "muslims" as "proof" it was "real" too seriously. They want to spread fear among the civilians. And if they need some actors or complete fakery, they will do so. And that works... :(

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There's a lot of propaganda (from outright lies to exaggerations) on this "refugee crisis" in the Mass Media. Both from the left and from the right.


This story stinks. It has the signs of other psy-ops/hoaxes regarding this "crisis" (just an excuse for more and more and more and more state power).


One of the most obvious examples of manipulation by the mass media was that "photo" of that "drowned boy" Ardan Turan on the beach last year. It was so obviously faked (either complete CGI or a puppet used) and everybody was in shock and awe about it.


Here there are similar signs:


- having a "story" ready before the investigations are over: "we know it has been done by Arab immigrants, but we don't know the details" - yeah, right

- allegedly "thousands" of women were "assaulted" and "sexually harrassed" but there's only a handful of "witness accounts" (sounds like 9/11, Boston "bombings" and similar hoaxes/psy-ops carried out by the Elites all the time)

- it neatly fits in with the agenda of the EU/German state to want to increase more state power. First the left was drawn to the State "we have to take care for aaaalll those 'poor' people! Anyone who disagrees with boosting the Santa Claus 'social' system even more is a racist!1!!1" and now the right is "We have to have more police forces, more border controls, more state employees stopping this!1! Anyone who disagrees is a 'white genocidal' bastard!1!!"

- videos are shot in VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome). That's odd; any normal person filming an event would film landscape, not portrait


I wouldn't take those stories fabricated by media and easily set-up by using some puppet "muslims" as "proof" it was "real" too seriously. They want to spread fear among the civilians. And if they need some actors or complete fakery, they will do so. And that works... :(


Are you saying this is a hoax?

The attacks weren't perpetrated by 1000 people. There were something like 20 incidents in Cologne, perpetrated by a group of men within the bigger group of 1000 people. Also, they were not refugees, but they were foreigners (dark hair, arabic / north African) that's what the evidence and the eye witness reports suggest.


From my understanding, no arrests have been made, how we can say for certain none were the refugees. (Granted, I was being presumptuous myself, but it would appear that the large influx of these immigrants and the attacks are of no coincidence).



I don't think the societies changing is the issue, it would appear the influx of millions of people from a objectively less civilized region have caused the dysfunction


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Are you saying this is a hoax?


It surely has the signs. My interest in it is too low to dive into it deeper, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. They hoax "events" like this all the time (see for some examples my post).


I am not claiming it's a hoax, 100% sure, nailed it, full proof. Therefore I simply lack enough data (and interest).


I just listed some signs and reasoning why and how they set-up those psychological operations.


It's all to draw people to the State.


As is this whole "refugee crisis" in the first place.


- it's not about race

- it's not about religion

- it's not about culture

- it's about getting in more people who have to rely on the State System as much as possible and/or displace Germans from the workforce and get them sucked into the carrousel of state slavery (Hartz IV and other "social" programs)


It's definitely orchestrated, but it's framed on irrelevant things (race, religion, culture) to keep people fighting over that and not see the real picture (the state power increase; both from the left and the right).


On a larger scale it is also part of a bigger plan. That Joker Juncker has already lifted the veil; "the EU needs a European Army". The best way to enforce that is to create unrest among the population (hence those set-ups; mini proxywars if you like) and externally they seek conflicts with the Russian bear (also heavily propagandized in Europe, see MH17 -probably another hoax- as terrifying example) and Turkey.


Then, when that European Army is in place, it's a piece of cake to go to a "Full Federal United States of Europe", as an army needs to have a state force to control it.


The final plan is to finish the creation of the Superstate "European" "Union". Whatever it takes to get there, the Elites will do:


- first a non-federal political union (EU)

- then a central bank (ECB)

- then an army (EDF - European Defence Force)

- then a federal political union (US of E)


State slavery 3.0.

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It surely has the signs. My interest in it is too low to dive into it deeper, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. They hoax "events" like this all the time (see for some examples my post).


I am not claiming it's a hoax, 100% sure, nailed it, full proof. Therefore I simply lack enough data (and interest).


I just listed some signs and reasoning why and how they set-up those psychological operations.


It's all to draw people to the State.


As is this whole "refugee crisis" in the first place.


- it's not about race

- it's not about religion

- it's not about culture

- it's about getting in more people who have to rely on the State System as much as possible and/or displace Germans from the workforce and get them sucked into the carrousel of state slavery (Hartz IV and other "social" programs)


It's definitely orchestrated, but it's framed on irrelevant things (race, religion, culture) to keep people fighting over that and not see the real picture (the state power increase; both from the left and the right).

I get what your saying. They were already discussing CCTV cameras as a response. But from it looks like, these riots/attacks did occur. They actually happen a lot more often than people think.

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I get what your saying. They were already discussing CCTV cameras as a response.


I am open to be convinced that it's all real, honest and no fakery, but what usually happens with these kind of events is that the more time it takes, less convincing the stories become...


Europe has had 2 highly played out and ridiculously fantastic hoaxes last year already, both in the same city, Paris:


- Charly Hebdo - 7th January

- Bataclan Theatre - Friday 13th :whistling: November


So to create a hoax of a smaller scale in Germany would be not so difficult to do.


But from it looks like, these riots/attacks did occur.


What makes you so certain these riots/attacks did occur [and were not orchestrated!]? What arguments do you have to say "from what it looks like"?


They actually happen a lot more often than people think.


- who do you mean with "people"?

- what do you mean by "actually"?

- if it "happens 'a lot' more" often than "people" think, how come you know that and those "people" not?


The US (I saw you live in Texas) is really the master of disaster of hoaxing. In the last years there were so many faked "shootings", "bombings", "terrorist attacks" and all.


Just to name a few:


- 9/11 (the grandmaster of hoaxing, in front of millions of people on the streets and billions in front of the TV)

- Sandy Hoax (this is the most dramatic "acting" I've seen of all the hoaxes)

- Boston "Bombings"

- Aurora Batman Cinema "Shooting"

- Elliot Rodger "Shooting"

- San Bernardino "Massacre"

- Arizona Mass "Shooting"

- etc. etc.


In the Middle East they play it out with ridiculous green screen/CGI fakery like James Foley, ISIS in general, etc.


In the US one of the main goals seems to be to enforce the gun control laws. Up to "children of 4 years old 'writing letters' to Obama himself to 'please enforce those gun laws'"  :rolleyes:  and sooo much more of that completely hilarious yet crazy hoaxing theatre.


Europe has been left alone for a while (Anders Breivik Utoya "shooting" was the last big one), but this "crisis" really has been the instigator of more hoaxes (see Paris).


I expected an "attack" in Germany for 2016 after the Paris hoaxes (as Germany is Europe's leader on so many terrains). It's just the start; more and more of these psychological operations will be set-up to draw people to the State. And they do whatever it takes to make that happen.

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  :rolleyes: either I'm incredibly docile and naive or you're making outright baseless conspiricy claims. Do you have a lot of evidence to substantiate that all of these were faked? I've seen footage of multiple of of these riots, and saw the Ferguson riots first hand (parents still live there).


I honestly would be open to see anything you have regarding the above mentioned events being faked.

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  :rolleyes: either I'm incredibly docile and naive or you're making outright baseless conspiricy claims. Do you have a lot of evidence to substantiate that all of these were faked? I've seen footage of multiple of of these riots, and saw the Ferguson riots first hand (parents still live there).


I honestly would be open to see anything you have regarding the above mentioned events being faked.


It would go wildly off topic to talk about those other "events" here. My intention is not to derail this; it's crucial enough to see the psychological operation of this event or "event".


But I asked you 3 questions on this one. Your answer seems to be "I've seen footage". Is that an argument? I've seen Disney movies multiple times, does that mean Mickey Mouse is real? :confused:

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It would go wildly off topic to talk about those other "events" here. My intention is not to derail this; it's crucial enough to see the psychological operation of this event or "event".


But I asked you 3 questions on this one. Your answer seems to be "I've seen footage". Is that an argument? I've seen Disney movies multiple times, does that mean Mickey Mouse is real? :confused:

I've seen your posts many times, does that make you real:) Claiming whether these events happened or not requires evidence on both sides, yes? You must recognize that the mass conspiracy required to fake some of the events you mentioned is due some skepticism.

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I've seen your posts many times, does that make you real:) Claiming whether these events happened or not requires evidence on both sides, yes? You must recognize that the mass conspiracy required to fake some of the events you mentioned is due some skepticism.


I've listed some points on this particular in my eyes possible hoax in my first post. On the other topics; I am happy to discuss them either centrally or per hoax, but that's up to Mike and Stefan. This forum is about libertarianism/anarchism (according to not too few people also enough basis to come up with senseles labels as "conspiracy nutcase"). It's not my forum so it's their call.


I can give you an anecdote (that you may or may not believe); last year's Christmas holidays that I spent in the Caribbean I spoke with a guy who was doing a PhD. in political sciences somewhere in the US (if I recall well it was in Pennsylvania, but it may have been another state). I didn't start bringing up the topic but what he said was "people use words like 'conspiracy theories', but what is called that way is just 'normal' political policies". Interesting fellow, I still regret having no contact details from him.


Stefan has talked about many "mass conspiracies". The Mass Media are constantly bombarding us, people, with things that can be regarded as conspiracies. The social engineering stuff, the "race does not exist" stuff, the politicians (= professional liars) constantly and very openly twist and turn the truth to their advantages, the EU politicians are one of the most simple-minded bullshitters (Martin Schulz who has called for "democracy should be protected from opinions that disregard that democracy"). The list is endless.


For a good start on the hoaxing (not meant as a discussion start here; this is about Germany) I suggest to research Sandy Hook. Especially the "grieving parents" (without tears yet smiles - Robbie Parker) and that very poor little actor Glenn Rosen should lead you in the right direction already.


"Antropogenic Global Warming"/"Climate Change" is a mass conspiracy which is openly debated and discussed here on the forum. The WTF, NASA? thread shows many examples of the fakery on that terrain.


It's a matter of research and understanding. It actually combines very well with anarchism; there are similar tricks that are played by the Elites to slander peaceful society movements as to research movements into "events" that "took place" in the world.

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The US (I saw you live in Texas) is really the master of disaster of hoaxing. In the last years there were so many faked "shootings", "bombings", "terrorist attacks" and all.


Just to name a few:


- 9/11 (the grandmaster of hoaxing, in front of millions of people on the streets and billions in front of the TV)

- Sandy Hoax (this is the most dramatic "acting" I've seen of all the hoaxes)

- Boston "Bombings"

- Aurora Batman Cinema "Shooting"

- Elliot Rodger "Shooting"



In the Middle East they play it out with ridiculous green screen/CGI fakery like James Foley, ISIS in general, etc.



I can vouch for those listed above here.


The James Foley video might have looked like him, but it was not him. Face different. Voice different. And several other tricks point to fake.


For anyone who never went into sceptic mode and spent some time researching, I know these things sound nuts. You are getting the conclusions which is asking you to start on the tenth step, instead of the first one.


Because I know it sounds nuts, and I know that FDR staff are likely seeking to alienate people like me and Torero, I am choosing to mostly keep quiet about these things. I admire Toreros fierceness, but for every post he makes I am hoping that he does not get banned / shunned. It would be better, and possibly the only way, if FDR, and people generally, realized it on their own accord.


The grim reality is that these events and other future staged events will work, and treated as real in the moment, and in history, as long as the state backed propaganda machine is in place. And whats worse, is that if more people or FDR staff would also become "nuts", it is likely that they would be attacked just as other "nutjobs" (like me and Torero), which probably will not help draw people to recognize and respect the principles we need for a peaceful society. That is another reason why I do not see much point in preaching "nuttiness".


There might be a "tipping point", like with the conspiracy theory of organized crime. Sooner or later it might become self evident. Or as with Gulf of Tonkin, accepted staged event.


It is good that FDR are using the opportunities to draw people to principles, and I just don't want to disturb them either.


It might possibly help if more people realized that they were being played / manipulated by staged events, but I find that notion increasingly harder to believe. Which is why I have sort of given up on that, and thereby also not researched the more recent events. It feels like fighting a boss in a game, by always focusing on destroying the minions that are spawning from it, rather than the boss.

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 having a "story" ready before the investigations are over: "we know it has been done by Arab immigrants, but we don't know the details" - yeah, right


The story was in no way ready. The local press reported a bit after New Years Eve. The national press wrote nothing. People in social media made a stink. The whole event was downplayed (it's about rape culture you see not a specific culture / religion).


allegedly "thousands" of women were "assaulted" and "sexually harrassed" but there's only a handful of "witness accounts" (sounds like 9/11, Boston "bombings" and similar hoaxes/psy-ops carried out by the Elites all the time)


No. Dozens of women were assaulted. The number thousand is made up by you.


it neatly fits in with the agenda of the EU/German state to want to increase state power.


The presence of the police has gone back in Germany due to austerity. There is no such agenda.


Do some research before you write. And think a bit.

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I've listed some points on this particular in my eyes possible hoax in my first post. On the other topics; I am happy to discuss them either centrally or per hoax, but that's up to Mike and Stefan. This forum is about libertarianism/anarchism (according to not too few people also enough basis to come up with senseles labels as "conspiracy nutcase"). It's not my forum so it's their call.


I can give you an anecdote (that you may or may not believe); last year's Christmas holidays that I spent in the Caribbean I spoke with a guy who was doing a PhD. in political sciences somewhere in the US (if I recall well it was in Pennsylvania, but it may have been another state). I didn't start bringing up the topic but what he said was "people use words like 'conspiracy theories', but what is called that way is just 'normal' political policies". Interesting fellow, I still regret having no contact details from him.


Stefan has talked about many "mass conspiracies". The Mass Media are constantly bombarding us, people, with things that can be regarded as conspiracies. The social engineering stuff, the "race does not exist" stuff, the politicians (= professional liars) constantly and very openly twist and turn the truth to their advantages, the EU politicians are one of the most simple-minded bullshitters (Martin Schulz who has called for "democracy should be protected from opinions that disregard that democracy"). The list is endless.


For a good start on the hoaxing (not meant as a discussion start here; this is about Germany) I suggest to research Sandy Hook. Especially the "grieving parents" (without tears yet smiles - Robbie Parker) and that very poor little actor Glenn Rosen should lead you in the right direction already.


"Antropogenic Global Warming"/"Climate Change" is a mass conspiracy which is openly debated and discussed here on the forum. The WTF, NASA? thread shows many examples of the fakery on that terrain.


It's a matter of research and understanding. It actually combines very well with anarchism; there are similar tricks that are played by the Elites to slander peaceful society movements as to research movements into "events" that "took place" in the world.

Interesting. If they are hoaxes that would affect quite a few FDR podcasts. Have you any interest in calling in the show to flesh is out?

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I think another point to add is to ask,


What evidence can I present via a message board that will prove with absolute certainty that it exists?


I don't think there is a feasible way to do that, with that being said. Please don't derail the topic next time. If you think its fake, start a thread and have the discussion there so that those of us who wish to discuss can.

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Similar harassment happened in Sweden: http://24kalmar.se/2016/01/01/gang-borjade-tafsa-pa-tva-flickor-bildade-ring-runt-dem/

Similar mass attack was planned in Finland, but was prevented by presence of police.

Finnish Police prepared for mass of robberies, sexual assaults, and violence by asylum seekers at NYE


The Finnish police got beforehand information of planned mass violence from the asylum center, where asylum seekers were heading to downtown Helsinki. At Helsinki Railway Station about 1000 Iraqis and other asylum seekers gathered just before mid night. No major disturbances occurred as police deployed more troops, than ever before at NYE. Police also arrested two asylum seeker from asylum center for inciting to violence, and several others, but sad they were not related, but part of fights between shias and sunnis.

Some immigrant gang attacks were reported, and hospitals reported higher than normal injures from fireworks flown into people.

Some suspect, that the information came from Germany, but the police denies this.

However the planned attack would have been very similar, that happened in Germany. (Mass of immigrants gather to one place, Railway Station, to assault, rape and rob people.)


Also one apartment exploded in Sweden, probably a homemade bomb accident and one unsuccessful suicide attack at a police station in France at Charlie Hebdo anniversary. 

These NYE rape attacks were clearly coordinated, as German authorities declared.


One theory is, that these  were a dry run for a larger scale terrorist attack.

ISIS can smuggle assault weapons, explosives and fighters to Europe and has access to even more advanced military weaponry, such as anti aircraft missiles.

This is at least something, that ISIS is threatening Europe, and if it were to do something, it would be obvious to dry test the the operations, like this.



Here's one eye witness testimony from Germany:

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Anyone else read about this?


There seems to have been coordinated riots/attacks by 1000+ "refugees" on New Years even in Cologne Germany. Churches attacked, women raped and assaulted. Watched and interview of a bouncer of a near by club, says he never seen anything like it, felt like a civil war.


Would love to see a show on it.


Appears the media has been hush hush on it as well


It's a conspiracy one way or another.  The elites and their lackeys have conspired to swamp the West in nonwhites and to reduce white birthrates while alienating men from women and stamping out nationalist sentiment that would embolden the men to defend their women from the nonwhites.  The question is what can be done.  Holding our breaths awaiting the Glorious Worldwide Ancap Revolution (GWAR) will not turn off the immigration taps, only a mass push to reclaim national--and continental--destinies will do that.

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Todays news say, 31 of the attackers in Cologne have been identified, 2/3 of them have a status of asylum seekers, two have been arrested so far.


I believe nothing of this has been organized, it's just the logic consequence of what happens if 100s of 1000s of mostly young men from a country where women cannot go out in the street without male company, enter a liberal society in which girls are used to freely go around without getting attacked.

(I believe Stefan has made a video about it, where he says about the same.)


The fact that police in Germany has been cut over the years due to austerity led to the fact that they were kinda helpless in the situation, but the reason of why the attacks happened in the first place won't change, no matter how much police and/or surveilance cameras they would put into public places, it would have happened, no matter what, only with more police they might have arrested all the attackers by now.


As far as I'm concerned, there are four options:

1) Make 50% of the population policemen :blink: .

2) Don't allow girls to go out without male company.

3) Allow girls (or anyone) after background check to carry weapons.

4) Kick everyone who believes women are inferior out of the country.


Not sure if I got that right, but I believe Stefan in his video, at least in his last sentence, pointed to #2.

Personally I'm in favor of a mixture of #3 and #4.

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As far as I'm concerned, there are four options:

1) Make 50% of the population policemen :blink: .

2) Don't allow girls to go out without male company.

3) Allow girls (or anyone) after background check to carry weapons.

4) Kick everyone who believes women are inferior out of the country.


Not sure if I got that right, but I believe Stefan in his video, at least in his last sentence, pointed to #2.



...and #2 is the LAW in Saudi Arabia. Not sure that's where you wanted to end up.



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...and #2 is the LAW in Saudi Arabia. Not sure that's where you wanted to end up.




As I said, I prefer #3 and/or #4.

I just had the impression Stefan was talking about men being the traditional protectors of women, who gave up the need of men, relying on a state that should protect them, which cannot work, because the state never works or something like that.

If I remember right, his last sentence in his video is something like: "If women would now ask us to take our traditional role back, we might think about it."

That's why I had the impression he was for #2, but I found that kinda weird, since it seems to contradict his liberal ideas of freedom for everyone.

Maybe I just understood him wrong?

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As I said, I prefer #3 and/or #4.

I just had the impression Stefan was talking about men being the traditional protectors of women, who gave up the need of men, relying on a state that should protect them, which cannot work, because the state never works or something like that.

If I remember right, his last sentence in his video is something like: "If women would now ask us to take our traditional role back, we might think about it."

That's why I had the impression he was for #2, but I found that kinda weird, since it seems to contradict his liberal ideas of freedom for everyone.

Maybe I just understood him wrong?


Since the traditional role has men pretty much killing themselves for access to eggs, and killing men who took eggs that weren't theirs to take, in return for women actually making an effort to be nice, it's kinda a mixed bag. Some new paradigm is needed.

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how we can say for certain none were the refugees.


No, you're right, I mindlessly blabbered back some official politically correct non sense. I apologize. It turns out, they were lying to us, it was most probably groups of refugees. they had to backpedal after individual policemen publicly contradicted the official storyline.

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Half way through I wanted to downvote your post, quit internet entirely, and burst into flames simultaneously.

;)  Wrote a response on the cbc, where it was linked to, I had steam coming out of both ears, censored by them once again. They are getting extremely heavy handed these days.

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In the wake of the events in Cologne, news have been leaked about similar events in Sweden. I am not talking about the NYE attacks in Kalmar, but mass gropings that took place during a concert small music festival in Stockholm last summer. Not until now, after there was no way of hiding the Cologne disaster, did the mainstream media pick up on the news. The perpetrators were reported to be young foreign men. Many of them are classified as unaccompanied refugee children as they claim that they are under eighteen years old, though they look like full grown men. One gets the feeling that the house of cards is collapsing, but then again this is a feeling a believe Europeans will experience many times in the next five years.

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QE Infinity: thanks for posting up that video and info.  It's the first witness account I've seen. 


It's interesting that the witness said he would have previously dismissed similar reports to his on account of seeing so much right-wing propaganda in the past.  I feel similarly: not about the right-wing aspect, but propaganda in general.


I feel like there is so~ much current-events, propaganda out there that my initial stance to new stories is to not believe either the official or unofficial narratives.  I often question whether the events themselves even happened.


I consider eye-witness accounts like this to be credible and I will accept them at face value until the time the eye-witness is exposed to be a liar or quality, contradictory information comes to light.


I feel slightly saddened that there is so much insincerity, corruption and irrationality in the world now, that I cannot readily trust the words of others.  I am, however, very gratefully that I have stumbled across teachers of critical thinking (like Stefan and other people on this forum) which empower me to analyse my environment and the world for myself without having to place so much trust on the honesty of others.




Half way through I wanted to downvote your post, quit internet entirely, and burst into flames simultaneously.


:woot: That made me crack up laughing.  Thanks.


You didn't spoil it for me: no way was I going to waste time reading an article titled "its-time-to-consider-a-curfew-for-men" on a site named feministcurrent.com :yucky:

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The new phrase to google is "Tarrarush". It's like "The Knock Out Game" with a middle eastern flavor.

Must be pretty new, I googled it and didn't get anything I could identify, except a timeout to an audio file link.  For those of us new to this part of the galaxy, what is it?  I looked up TKOG...oh, saw that crime on Russian YouTube; harsh country.  I won't stand near any approaching strangers, is the take home from that stuff.

"We have to explain to people from other cultures that the jolly and frisky attitude during our Carnival is not a sign of sexual openness," Reker said.


Actually, I'd like to see that one in print.  So cleavage that could hold a flower vase, and camel-toes that could hold a dog leash, are actually signs of intellectual curiosity?  No wonder it all seems so confusing.

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