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Free the Nipple non sense

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There was always something that bothered me, in such topics, which was referred 100% of the time. Objectivization of women, sexualization, etc. How stupid, and contradicting it is. They don't want to be objectified, but want their self objective body to not be imprisioned through immoral laws of a government. They don't want to be sexualized, but they identify as one of the sexes. They don't want their breasts to be objectified and sexualized, but they are both objects and sexual feature objects. It's basic biology, that you learn early in school. 


That's what bothers me most. I'm not against their basic idea. I'm for it, really. But, of course, being as conservative sexually as I am, I'd never be interested in women that fight for their rights, in such manner. Being naked in public, and smiling about it.

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  • 2 months later...

The question becomes irrelevant without government and "public property".

Given we have to deal with government and be forced to subsidize "public spaces," what is your viewpoint? Should we allow/encourage topless equality, or should we use laws of the state to discriminate based on gender?

1. You are out with your kids. Would you feel weird, or fine if you were in the presence of a guy on beach without shirt?


2. You are out with your kids. Would you feel weird, or fine with a tranny spreading lotion all over her chest in front of your kids?


Here is a leading Free the Nipple proponent.


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Oh man...I must be exposing my age but before I read the link I thought this was related to public breast feeding.  I see this is not the case and yet another attempt by fembots to dangle carrots in front of men and slap them for objectifying them.  This is so annoying and screams 'look at Meeeeeeeeeee!!!'  


What do they want?  like most private property is 'no shirt, no shoes, no service'.  So where is it that they feel discrimated against?  Nascar races?  even the link didn't share what this movement is about.  It only reveals their clashes with the law.  What's their mission?  What's their statement and goals?  I get really annoyed when there are movements like this.  Like Adam Kokesh.  Just going around being an annoying provocetuer pretending the state won't push back and then scream when the state pushes back.  So boring and annoying.


The big picture... they aren't violating anyone, not using force.. so go for it at your own risk.  Show your nips or don't. Personally I don't see what can be acheived for them on personal levels or how this will help society grow if it becomes common for women to walk around topless and again...because of private property, they will still be restricted, equally to men or...the propriator can make that call who can be topless or who cannot.


 I am open for explainations but unfortunately they are too busy walking around topless and getting arrested than actually having intellectual discussions with people and give us the bottom line and facts behind where do they feel discriminated against.  Why should I care and how is this good for the society in the long run . 


I think first they should go about their advocacy more philosophicall rather than 'visually'.  I agree with RoseCodex (except I have never heard a libertarian argue to legalize DRUNK driving.....)  I think if they earned credibility by speaking to people's minds and making their case rather than spend their time in jail from their 'advocay' they could achieve more of whatever they want.  I mean even in the photo look...men stand at a distance and take photos and she is a young attractive topless women...what's being achieved here?  Why should I care, why should I support?  What is the big picture?  There is no interaction in these 'displays' and frankly the people in the immediate vacinity probably don't even take it seriously. Is she flanked with middle aged women who also want to free the nip?  Or is this an 'equal rights' that is only for young attractive women?

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Public nudity should be legal. I would think that to be non-controversial among individualist libertarians.


Of course, I would bash and shame people for doing anything I consider gross/undesirable. This include even just shaming gross fat people for their nudity or just attention whores. This is also why the liberty of shaming is important and the movements against it should largely be ignored. Many liberties only operate well with other liberties, libertarian goals are often a package deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone should be able to be him/herself without others being bothered.
Naked women (and men!) are beautiful. 

The human body is a miracle possibility of everything from quantum mechanics to evolution.

Why the fuck do slave people want to ban everything?

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I don't have a clear point of view one way or another concerning laws, but I also don't buy "breasts/breastfeeding are natural, so deal." Sex is also natural. Should there be laws prohibiting public sex?


If you hold that sex and sexuality are intimate, private, exclusive things then I think it follows that public sexuality is undesirable. Women that campaign for nudity seem to ignore the reality that naked bodies are sexually-charged things for the majority of people. "Teach men not to view women as sex objects" doesn't seem like a complete solution to me. Only my opinion though.

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This "activism" is more lefty "don't judge, man" non-sense. If you support the gender abolition movement, you will likely agree.
However, these women pull these stunts where families with children are present. That is the issue here. In a free society, would these attention whores have an audience, other than beta cuck polyamorous losers?

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I'be been to clothing optional hot springs, and I found that very obese people looked much more relaxed naked, probably because they are not trying to cram themselves into containers, something I can relate to from my unhealthy youth.  Having said that, many of us just aren't gonna look that good naked.  As to who even cares about that, which is valid, there's also the practical issue of hygiene.  Think about all those seats in busses, cafes, benches...I wouldn't want to sit on them even with clothes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, in Czech Rep topless sunbathing is no big deal, you see women of all ages and sizes at it. Basically they don't want the white stripes.


There's an old man at who spends half his summer sunbathing bottomless at the local reservoir and the sky hasn't fallen in yet. He will put some shorts on when he gets up and goes for a drink or a swim mind you.

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