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A call to action. Stefan Molyneux, Alex Jones, and the future of the freedom movement.


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Wow! I'm still fidgeting with excitement over Stef’s appearance on The Alex Jones show today (no thrill up my leg, though -- sorry)!  
Will the most powerful voice and the most powerful mind in the "alternative media" now team-up and have a consistent monthly interview, at Alex's invitation?
The possibilities for growth are just astonishing to think about!  
No matter what you think about AJ, he's committed to the freedom movement like nobody else and he has a giant, expanding audience.
I've been in a dark funk these last few weeks ruminating on all of the global evil (maybe it's all the online political ads -- I live in Iowa)...but at the conclusion of today's interview, I have a vibrant new hope about the future trajectory of this species on this blue gem orbiting a standard star half way out on a spiral arm of the galaxy!
Today, for the first time in a month -- I know we can expose the lies that will bring down this leviathan of deception and watch it split open under it's own weight on the rocks of reason and virtue!
That doesn't mean it will happen, though, obviously, or that we'll "win".  Not unless the listeners take action with courage and eloquence and reason...
What (more) can you do, in small but consistent ways, to help push the conversation forward?  Have you shared any links to FDR videos today with those you love and care about?  Have you called into local or national talk radio with a pithy, well reasoned argument exposing the lies of the state via their mainstream media stalking horse?  Have you shared your art, your beauty, your love, your words, your passion, your precious time on this planet?
Have you donated to FDR this year?  Have you ever donated?  http://www.fdrurl.com/donate
You are being tested right now by statist social engineers that want to use force and lies to keep you in their cattle chute.  They want to know what you'll put up with.
I'm a total hypocrite -- I'm not doing enough -- I should have donated over $1000 to FDR by now -- I should be out there getting in these scum candidates' faces when they come to my area -- I should be posting my political cartoons to Twitter -- I should be knocking on doors breaking-down the principles of philosophy and voluntarism with our literature.
The world goes where people of commitment and courage take it, people!
When others see you take action, and see your courage, and hear your words; when they see your youtube videos, or come to your meet-up group or club that you start -- at least they can't say they weren't warned and at most will become a new foot-soldier in a global movement towards a free society.
We can win, but it starts with you making the decision to get into the arena and declaring the truth over and over and over again.

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In the most recent conversation with Bill Whittle I heard Stefan saying something about doing some 'man on the street stuff'. I would absolutely LOVE if Stefan did some interviews etc. outdoors, Kokesh style kinda' thing!!!  :woot:


I love those type of interviews, Kokesh and Mark Dice do some good ones. My only request would be if there are any intelligent people to actually include those in the audio/video, it's very easy to portray an agenda with editing. Ask 50 people, 25 say smart things, make a video with 25 stupid people. Not saying there would be anywhere near that many intelligent people though.

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I love those type of interviews, Kokesh and Mark Dice do some good ones. My only request would be if there are any intelligent people to actually include those in the audio/video, it's very easy to portray an agenda with editing. Ask 50 people, 25 say smart things, make a video with 25 stupid people. Not saying there would be anywhere near that many intelligent people though.

For me it would be the ultimate Anarchogasm seeing the FDR team out there on the streets.  :D

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The interview was awesome, the OP post here is awesome. There are like 162 reasons to donate. My life improved immensely from FDR, but also, a week after I started donating, perhaps the best thing ever in my life happened. Correlation is not causation, but it was the right thing to do to start donating, so I felt better, and that might have helped.  When I think about it, I will probably never stop donating no matter what, since I would feel bad about it, which could in turn make waves into my future.

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Stef was brilliant in his interview with Alex.  Way to go Stef!  


I hope he continues with monthly appearances on Alex's show to bring in huge numbers of new people, and elevate their discussions to universal principles, the non-initiation of force, self ownership, children's rights, property rights, and a new stateless society based on voluntary associations.


Great stuff.  This made my day.

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I didn't know this interview was in the works, thanks for the heads up.  I predict a wave of new listeners coming over from the Alex Jones audience. 


Which is awesome! Esp since the new years rape stuff came out Stef's youtube channel has grown nearly 3,000 subscribers!



Yay for philoisophy! Boo for the tragic circumstances that brought it about!

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I felt "happiness" and a sense of "pride" seeing Stefan back on this show. I believe many more invites to come, not just from Alex, but from "others" too. Its great to see him, his opinions/views/knowledge/work appreciated/recognised.


Well done Stefan and the FDR team. Bring on 2016, the proliferation of the conversation and the opening of many more minds.


I thank you.

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I felt "happiness" and a sense of "pride" seeing Stefan back on this show. I believe many more invites to come, not just from Alex, but from "others" too. Its great to see him, his opinions/views/knowledge/work appreciated/recognised.


Well done Stefan and the FDR team. Bring on 2016, the proliferation of the conversation and the opening of many more minds.


I thank you.


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