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If a socialist dictatorship took over

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I was doing a thought experiment of, imagine if tomorrow the Federal Government (any country) was a socialist dictatorship.  What would be some changes that you would immediately take effect.  

I look at the droves of Bernie Sanders supporters, and other left wing groups that have momentum in the US.  If there was a socialist dictatorship, the ironic thing is, all the bernie sanders supporters and young left wingers in the country would be the first ones to be put in gulags or executed.

the government would do it for 5 reasons.


1.  its a socialist dictatorship, they cull the population and terrorize people, its what they do.


2.  People who oppose you (right wingers) could feel embolden to see people they have always disliked be mistreated. Its the best thing a dictatorship could do to win over people that werent ideologically aligned with them.


3.  People who are educated (lets assume left wingers are educated) are a bigger threat to power, because they can "wake up" at some point.


4.  Large groups of people who turn against a regime they once were ideologically in favor of, are much more dangerous to power, because they would be allied with people who secretly disapproved with the regime.


5.  keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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I have the impression that same as left wingers often generalize all right wingers, often as harsh as calling them all nazis, right wingers often generalize all left wingers.

Both of that seems wrong to me.

Both of these assume that the other side is always authoritarian.


As we know from this topic:


being a libertarian doesn't have anything to do with left or right.

There are left wing libertarians same as right wing libertarians.

I never understood why this forum appears to be mostly right wing libertarian.


Dictatorship is first of all an authoritarian system, therefore the opposite of libertarian and should be separated from the libertarian left.

Countries like Venezuela aren't socialist, even though they call themselves socialists and even though right wing libertarians tend to call them socialists, they are authoritarian dictatorships, which would fit much better under the term "state capitalism".

Current governments almost worldwide are almost all authoritarian systems, independent from whether they are left or right.


As you can see in this graph


There you can even see, that even most blue states are in fact right wing authoritarian, only not as far right as the red states.

US Senators are mostly right wing authoritarian, meaning they are from right wing libertarians just as far away as left wing libertarians would be, only in a different direction.

If you ask me, if I were a right wing libertarian, I'd highly prefer left libertarians over right authoritarians and as the left libertarian I am, I prefer right libertarians over left authoritarians.


The question of what would happen if a socialist government would take over highly depends on whether that would be an authoritarian left or a libertarian left.

The core idea of socialism might be best defined in "democratize the enterprise" which from a libertarian point of view is shared in both, left and right wing libertarians.

Almost worldwide all businesses are organized like a dictatorship, where the boss commands his workers what they shall do and how they shall do it, where the authoritarian state puts further limitations on it.

Right wing libertarians as well as left wing libertarians share the idea of worker owned production, where workers decide themselves what they want to produce and how they want to do it and where workers actually receive the true value of their labor.

Even the question of whether or not a government is required to organize things is an authoritarian vs libertarian argument and has nothing to do with left or right.


As far as I figured the differences between left and right, it's that left wing libertarians want some kind of mechanism that prevents absurd inequalities, where a tiny minority of super rich have everything and a vast majority of poor people have near nothing, where left wing libertarians believe this won't happen by itself, while right wing libertarians believe, without government inequality will automatically adjust itself to an acceptable level.


Bernie Sanders is nothing more than an authoritarian dictator, he has, except of the claim to be one, nothing at all to do with socialism, at best one could describe him as an authoritarian socialist, but then I believe the words authoritarian and socialist contradict one another, so I highly prefer the description of his ideas as authoritarian state capitalism.

From this point of view democrats and republicans aren't much different from one another, they BOTH abuse the authority of the state to charge taxes, they only differ in the beneficiaries of whom they charge how much and whom they give the stolen money to.


From a general point of view, as long as a government exists, I would highly prefer a left wing government that at least tries to avoid absurd inequalities, but we all know, trying to avoid inequality nearly always fails due to corruption, therefore I wouldn't want to vote for Bernie Sanders, but at same time I wouldn't want to vote for Donald Trump either.

To my mind it would be far better to send BOTH of them to hell with their authoritarian ideas.

This is why in Europe more and more governments that used to alternate between left and right authoritarians, mostly consisting of only two major parties, are currently seeing the uprising of alternative 3rd parties, because the people have understood that left or right makes no difference to "normal people" as long as both are authoritarian.

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I have the impression that same as left wingers often generalize strawman all right wingers, often as harsh as calling them all nazis (national socialists), right wingers often generalize all left wingers.

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