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Do you like coffee from chain stores?


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I like coffee from McDonald's.  Quite inexpensive, and I like it.  I've heard that elsewhere.  Whenever I taste coffee from Starbucks or any other chain, it tastes like it had a recent encounter with an automotive tire.  What do you find?


I once had a cup of coffee from McDonalds that was REALLY bad, like two sips and dump it out bad. And in my three years as a cab driver I tasted a lot of mediocre coffee.


McDonalds it generally pretty good though, a lot of places make batches that are too big and let it sit/burn too long.

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Man, I'm not sure. I suppose I like most of my coffee drowned in some form of sugary syrup :P The lattes from Starbucks, I don't know how anyone cannot like those. Chestnut praline is the way to go when they have it. Hell, the economy is going down the tubes anyway so we might as well extinguish all our capital on the politically correct coffee of choice. Obama would have it no other way (okay maybe he would nationalize Starbucks) But I don't brew my own coffee so it's hard to compare

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I used to drink iced coffee from McDonald's almost daily. I gave it up because the caffeine was causing unpleasant effects. Now, I rarely drink anything with caffeine.

I used to drink black coffee daily at home, and at first stretched it out over many hours per french-pressed mug, but the amount crept up, and eventually was unpleasant.  I used various brands, never really learned anything.  I stopped coffee at home, moved to decaf Lipton's tea, which is also good for some illnesses.  I have more teas, but am careful.  A few times a week, I make my large McD coffee a special event in car or on bike, taking it with me to last a few hours.  As special events go, it's inexpensive.

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I'm a black coffee drinker; now that McDonald's has introduces McCafé, they have decent coffee and the price is agreeable. Starbucks coffee isn't as good, but the atmosphere is usually better. I look at the purchase of Starbucks coffee as rent on the table I'm sitting and usually working at.

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I drink tea - mostly green tea and Taiwanese high mountain Oolong which is some of the best stuff in the world.  Caffeine in tea is actually a different chemical than caffeine in coffee, and making tea properly from whole leaves is a wonderful ritual and produces a delicious drink and health elixir that I strongly recommend over coffee, which I only drink when I really need to hustle and get shit done

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