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Swedish State Funds Sniper Training for Refugees (Source)


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In a resilient attempt to vaporize the hopes of anyone who have even a modicum of respect for sanity, the Swedish government has decided to try and help the lost and lonely refugees better acquaint themselves to Scandinavian lifestyles by giving them a full on taxpayer funded arms training course.


Just in case you had any questions as to what the level of depravity and insanity is when it comes to those who wield the power of the state. Here you go.





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In a resilient attempt to vaporize the hopes of anyone who have even a modicum of respect for sanity, the Swedish government has decided to try and help the lost and lonely refugees better acquaint themselves to Scandinavian lifestyles by giving them a full on taxpayer funded arms training course.


Just in case you had any questions as to what the level of depravity and insanity is when it comes to those who wield the power of the state. Here you go.






Good post and all, but states don't have to be suicidally xenophilic.  Just sayin'.

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This is like watching a Fox News report about Sweden. Things are getting bad, but not in the way it is portrayed in the more sensational right wing media.


Publicly funded associations are very common in Sweden. Shooting weapons are not accepted as a mean of self defense, but very much tolerated for hunting and sniping sports. Engaging immigrants in various activities is a popular strategy to make them more assimilated and establish contacts with Swedes. The fact that one of those activities happen to be sniping is not surprising when you consider that it is a not too uncommon sport, especially in the less populated regions where refugees and immigrants are usually placed.


If sniping was ordered specifically by the political class as a large scale strategy to integrate immigrants, I would become higly suspicious, but as for now I see it as nothing but another activity to engage a few people in.


Sweden does have a growing gun problem though. In Malmö, the third most populated city, shootings are becoming an everyday thing, blasts as well.

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This is like watching a Fox News report about Sweden. Things are getting bad, but not in the way it is portrayed in the more sensational right wing media.


Publicly funded associations are very common in Sweden. Shooting weapons are not accepted as a mean of self defense, but very much tolerated for hunting and sniping sports. Engaging immigrants in various activities is a popular strategy to make them more assimilated and establish contacts with Swedes. The fact that one of those activities happen to be sniping is not surprising when you consider that it is a not too uncommon sport, especially in the less populated regions where refugees and immigrants are usually placed.


If sniping was ordered specifically by the political class as a large scale strategy to integrate immigrants, I would become higly suspicious, but as for now I see it as nothing but another activity to engage a few people in.


Sweden does have a growing gun problem though. In Malmö, the third most populated city, shootings are becoming an everyday thing, blasts as well.

That's a fair point you make. 


Sensationalism aside, I don't see at all how it's a wise idea to take people fleeing a war zone and give them shooting as a hobby.


Especially not given the reported rates of violence from that group tend to be a bit higher than the local populace. 


Also isn't the best idea to offer that unto people from pretty traumatic societies.

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This is like watching a Fox News report about Sweden. Things are getting bad, but not in the way it is portrayed in the more sensational right wing media.


Publicly funded associations are very common in Sweden. Shooting weapons are not accepted as a mean of self defense, but very much tolerated for hunting and sniping sports. Engaging immigrants in various activities is a popular strategy to make them more assimilated and establish contacts with Swedes. The fact that one of those activities happen to be sniping is not surprising when you consider that it is a not too uncommon sport, especially in the less populated regions where refugees and immigrants are usually placed.


You seem to be overlooking the obvious here: The Swedish government is paying to train immigrants how to shoot guns effectively.  Shooting guns is a popular method of initiating force against people to kill them; perhaps the most popular.  There is evidence to suggest that at least some of these immigrants want to replace western culture with Islamic culture using violence.  There is evidence to suggest that some of these immigrants will likely be immigrating to western countries to seek revenge and to retaliate against the violent actions performed by government organisations from the west.


If 50 people wanted to build a nuclear power plant together, but you thought it likely that 1 of those 50 was planning to build a nuclear bomb and use it against you and others around you... don't you think it would be a bad idea to sell those 50 the radioactive material they asked for?


If sniping was ordered specifically by the political class as a large scale strategy to integrate immigrants, I would become higly suspicious, but as for now I see it as nothing but another activity to engage a few people in.


Assuming they are only training a "few" and not a large percentage of them, I still think this should be of grave concern to any thinking Sweed.  My reasoning is this:

  1. What percentage of these immigrants from these warzones are in Sweden to use violence as revenge or as a means to replace Scandinavian culture with Islamic culture?
  2. What percentage of these immigrants from these warzones are not in Sweden to use violence as revenge or as a means to replace Scandinavian culture with Islamic culture, but are amenable to influence from those that are?
  3. I think it is safe to assume that percentage is above zero for both groups and it is below 100%.
  4. It is clear to me that if someone intends to use violence as revenge against you or to further a religious and political goal, it is a very bad idea to train them how to be a better shooter.
  5. In the absence of accurate answers to questions 1 and 2 (listed above), training immigrants from warzones is like playing Russian Roulette with a gun of an unknown chamber capacity.  To explain the metaphor: You know you are taking a risk that could result in death, but you don't know how big that risk is.  Why not just not take the risk at all?
  6. Perhaps it would be wise to pick a fun, hobby activity for these immigrants which doesn't increase the risk of death for Swedish people.
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I don't know what that means.


What is suicidally xenophillic and how does it relate to what was posted?


My God, are we that far gone?  Sweden is xenophilic, it seeks to import and sleep with as many aliens as possible, to the point that it is endangering its racial and cultural and religious and linguistic existence.  That's suicide.  And this "teach aliens to shoot" program is obviously part of that process.

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Those are small calibre rifles for biathlon btw. 


Thanks for info.  Yet not relieved, for I have small caliber skull plate.


Hmm.  Yes, most terrorists are outsiders, yet there's Jihad Jane I think she was called, and white local what's his name in the US with the federal building bombing.


Is the reverse true?  Of zillions of refugees, and with high numbers supporting attacking the west in some way, it does seem creepy.  But are local Swedes able to discern the people who are not nutty?  Must be a bunch who fled because they know what ugly looks like.  Are those women in the photo (plural?) feeling empowered unlike anything possible at their homeland, but also against other refugees in the not-so-nice group? 


I'm pondering those many times in various Imperial or Colonial pasts, when locals were integrated into the armed services.  USA Natives, arguably a group entitled to a grudge, became superbly loyal and effective fighters in US forces.  Are some of these Muslim hobbyists future Swedish military snipers?  Would these few Muslims appreciate the opportunity, even slim, to strike back against the beasts that misrule their homeland?  WW2 had many examples of units of men from enemy countries, now fighting the armies of their home country, because of the tyrants ruling those armies.

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I'm pondering those many times in various Imperial or Colonial pasts, when locals were integrated into the armed services.  USA Natives, arguably a group entitled to a grudge, became superbly loyal and effective fighters in US forces.  Are some of these Muslim hobbyists future Swedish military snipers?  Would these few Muslims appreciate the opportunity, even slim, to strike back against the beasts that misrule their homeland?  WW2 had many examples of units of men from enemy countries, now fighting the armies of their home country, because of the tyrants ruling those armies.


Got to call bullshit on that last paragraph unless you mean the Muslim Brotherhood (yes, that Muslim Brotherhood) collaborating with the Nazis?


Al-Banna was also fascinated by Hitler. Both hated Jews, democracy, and Western culture. When the war broke out, the Muslim Brothers promised that they would rise up and help General Rommel and make sure to kill the Allies in Egypt. The Muslim Brothers representative for Palestine, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem (al-Husayni), worked for the Third Reich during the war and played a major role in the recruitment of the SS Arab division that would be known as the "SS Handjar." The "Himmler to Mufti telegram" of November 1943 attested the alliance between Nazi Germany and the Mufti: "the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world." The Muslim Brothers were not prosecuted after the war despite the participation of the Mufti and "freedom-loving Muslims" in the Holocaust. In the second half of the 1930s, the Muslim Brothers were strongly engaged to help the Palestinians. They raised and channelled funds to fight the Jews, and intensified contacts with religious leaders in Palestine. Banna was interned from 1941 to February 1942 due to his "critic" of the British presence. The secret apparatus of the Muslim Brothers bombed British clubs during the Second World War and assassinated Egyptian officials. In 1945, the Palestinian question became even more explosive, and the Muslim Brothers were organizing violent demonstrations against the Jews. Military training centers were set up to send volunteers in Palestine to fight "Zionism."




Al-Banna would be the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. 


Can't seem to find anything else, would love to see it though.

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You seem to be overlooking the obvious here: The Swedish government is paying to train immigrants how to shoot guns effectively.  Shooting guns is a popular method of initiating force against people to kill them; perhaps the most popular.  There is evidence to suggest that at least some of these immigrants want to replace western culture with Islamic culture using violence.  There is evidence to suggest that some of these immigrants will likely be immigrating to western countries to seek revenge and to retaliate against the violent actions performed by government organisations from the west.

I do believe that Sweden, like other Northern and Western European nations is under threat, but I don't think this sniper association will make much difference. When an attack takes place, the terrorists will probably use real guns efficient for killing, not sport rifles. Perhaps the aiming practise would be of some help, but I doubt that dedicated terrorists will join these clubs to become solid killing machines. I will admit though that it is not a complete impossibility that these gun practices will help the enemy.


"If 50 people wanted to build a nuclear power plant together, but you thought it likely that 1 of those 50 was planning to build a nuclear bomb and use it against you and others around you... don't you think it would be a bad idea to sell those 50 the radioactive material they asked for?"


Sure, but we are not talking about nuclear power plant associations now.  :P



Assuming they are only training a "few" and not a large percentage of them, I still think this should be of grave concern to any thinking Sweed.  My reasoning is this:

  1. What percentage of these immigrants from these warzones are in Sweden to use violence as revenge or as a means to replace Scandinavian culture with Islamic culture?
  2. What percentage of these immigrants from these warzones are not in Sweden to use violence as revenge or as a means to replace Scandinavian culture with Islamic culture, but are amenable to influence from those that are?


The first group is small and does not need to consist of many members. The second group, the supporters, are however an underestimated group - particularly in Sweden. If I seem a

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I do believe that Sweden, like other Northern and Western European nations is under threat, but I don't think this sniper association will make much difference. When an attack takes place, the terrorists will probably use real guns efficient for killing, not sport rifles. Perhaps the aiming practise would be of some help, but I doubt that dedicated terrorists will join these clubs to become solid killing machines. I will admit though that it is not a complete impossibility that these gun practices will help the enemy.


"If 50 people wanted to build a nuclear power plant together, but you thought it likely that 1 of those 50 was planning to build a nuclear bomb and use it against you and others around you... don't you think it would be a bad idea to sell those 50 the radioactive material they asked for?"


Sure, but we are not talking about nuclear power plant associations now.  :P




The first group is small and does not need to consist of many members. The second group, the supporters, are however an underestimated group - particularly in Sweden. If I seem a

I wish there were a way for me to wager that you have no formal weapons training. A few guys with .22 rifles and tactical training could cause serious mayhem.

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I have to cringe at the title and the word "sniper" in the description.  Is this a translation thing from Swedish to English, or is it plain sensationalism?


As has been noted by a couple of people above, they are taking marksmanship training with 22 rimfire rifles on what looks to be a biathlon course.  The rifles themselves rate pretty low on the power scale as guns go, but all the skills they are learning are directly transferable to any other rifle.  Sight picture, breath control, trigger control, stance, it all applies.


It just goes to show how deep the delusion goes, they can't deny them this training or else they would have to admit that they are concerned about safety, and if they're concerned about safety then why are the refugee's there in the first place?

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I wish there were a way for me to wager that you have no formal weapons training. A few guys with .22 rifles and tactical training could cause serious mayhem.


You are correct, I don't have any weapons training. I can see how these rifles could cause damage, but I find it much more likely that terrorists would buy more efficient weapons from yugoslav gangs or so. A very small fraction of immigrants are terrorists. I just find it unlikely that they would join this sort of association. It is not impossible though.

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You are correct, I don't have any weapons training. I can see how these rifles could cause damage, but I find it much more likely that terrorists would buy more efficient weapons from yugoslav gangs or so. A very small fraction of immigrants are terrorists. I just find it unlikely that they would join this sort of association. It is not impossible though.

Like you mentioned before the theory of shooting a .22 rifle or an Ak-47 is basically the same, so a person like me who can shoot a 1 inch group at 25 yards with a .22 can pick up one of these more efficient weapons and be highly effective with 5 minutes of familiarization.


Yes, a small fraction are terrorists, but a large fraction believe it's correct to murder atheists, gays, people who draw Mo, or adulterers among other things.

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You cannot rely on security through obscurity. If someone wants to learn how to shoot, there are a lot of resources for doing so. Some people enjoy the discipline and accomplish from learning to shoot well, though.


Still, I think that being overly charitable to people that will openly advocate against, if not fight against, you values is cultural suicide.

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You cannot rely on security through obscurity. If someone wants to learn how to shoot, there are a lot of resources for doing so. Some people enjoy the discipline and accomplishment from learning to shoot well, though.


Still, I think that being overly charitable to people that will openly advocate against, if not fight against, you values is cultural suicide.

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