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I think I'd prefer Doc Bots


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I grew up with very honest and competent medical people, I went to an easygoing great GP for years who retired.  They were good then.  This is now.



I've had a long running gradually improving health care disaster...oh yawn, so does the world...so skipping details.  Elsewhere in forums, I've gone into aspects of the aftereffects, but that is not relevant here.  


It started with one secondary healthcare white coat having a sadistic element.  I noticed this but was overwhelmed and didn't realize the larger totality of what I now so clearly see.  


Skip those details too, except that I was being set up for total scam minor surgery, which would cause great pain, blood, money, and I'd be back for more.  Totally false, as a later honest white coat would tell me.  In distress, I fell for it.  I went comatose before they could hack me, off to hell because of a sedative overdose they gave me.


Along that trail of months and years, this:

-- falsified data (oh yeah, that one!); possibly destroyed data trail

-- primary caretaker of that originating office never did even one examination

-- ICU staff don't put the brain wave machine on my brain even tho' that's the involved organ; wires on my heart which is merely slowing because my brain is crapping out

-- ICU staff does ZERO observation between my hours-later wisp of consciousness and being discharged to a housemate

-- ICU staff does ZERO follow up; and I know they don't run a crowd at this place

-- later ER visit, same thing; zilch inquiry

-- State regulatory staff is contacted, and I explain something really bad happened at an office of THE TYPE THEY SUPERVISE, and I've been too badly hurt to think clearly:  "Do you want to file a complaint?"; I'm too hurt to clearly think: "Do you want...?"; ends up total silence at State end.


Also, other topics:

-- At Kaiser Permanente, doc is seeming okay, but I see that accuracy or ease of info transfer is utterly mangled; it's a matrix; some staff are brick walls, etc.  I wrote more about this with PSA testing in these forums.


-- some more stuff that I can't think of right now.



Do you see a commonality?  These are all humans twisting things, omitting things, all for human greed or simple savagery.  Not machine actions.


Any random decent person with any sense, would have done better than these so-called professionals.  Info bases are the collection of "any sense."  (Not to mention probably increased compassion.)  The acts, the omissions, listed above, would not have been possible, or very unlikely, with a full Wiki bot.  


The bot would know to ask the questions, make the followup, understand the human confusion, and most of all, wouldn't violate robot rule number one, which is don't hack me up in the first place.  


As to lying, there is the obvious problem of Big Pharma writing software; it would have to originate elsewhere.


I'm beginning to think I'd feel safer with machines.  They'd still be programmed in places with false science, but software updates quickly, compared to humans, when falsehood is arm-wrestled into the light of truth.  But those falsehoods are inside the humans right now.  


Also, humans easily pass the buck, saying somebody told me so, that type of thing.  The software bot people would know they can get lawsuits for known fraud, incomplete diligence, hurting someone, or lose market share.  (Would that be true?)


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