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[YouTube] The Untruth About Donald Trump

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Sources: http://www.untruthaboutdonaldtrump.com
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3178/the-untruth-about-donald-trump
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3178-the-untruth-about-donald-trump

Since 1988, Donald Trump has been discussed as a potential United States presidential candidate, but when he officially announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015 the mainstream media refused to believe it. Over the next many months, Donald Trump would be attacked and criticized by the media – but were these criticisms legitimate?  What is the Untruth About Donald Trump?

0:43 - Donald Trump’s Strategy
3:42 - Mainstream Media On Donald Trump
5:25 - Trump Isn’t a Serious Candidate!
6:44 - He Won’t File His Election Papers – Ignore Him!
8:52 - Illegal Immigration, Border Wall, Rape and Crime
16:18 - Univision, NASCAR, ESPN and Macy’s “Dump” Trump?
18:22 - Is John McCain a War Hero?
21:52 - Was Trump a Draft-Dodger?
23:40 - Megyn Kelly, Rosie O’Donnell and the War on Women
27:18 - Blood coming out of her wherever…
28:55 - The Truth About The Bankruptcies
32:18 - The Bible Gotcha!
33:39 - Muslim Celebrations on September 11th
35:52 - Did Trump Mock a Disabled Reporter?
37:25 - Muslim Immigration Ban
43:17 - Do Americans Support Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban?
44:38 - Muslim Databases?
46:33 - Employing Illegal Immigrants?
48:20 - Vladimir Putin
50:09 - Anti-Semitic Comments
51:26 - Comparisons to Adolf Hitler
54:57 - Campaign Event Protestors
56:28 - Old Joke About Dating His Daughter
57:10 - Saturday Night Live
58:09 - Trumps Inheritance and Wealth
59:06 - Donald Isn’t Rich Enough to Fund His Campaign
1:01:21 - Jeb Bush’s Personal Immigration Connection
1:01:54 - Gun Control in Paris
1:02:46 - Don’t Trust Trump With the Nuclear Codes!
1:03:35 - Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Recruitment Video Claim
1:04:10 - Close Down The Internet?
1:05:00 - Carly Fiorina: Look at That Face!
1:05:48 - Hillary Got Schlonged
1:06:13 - Go After Terrorists Families
1:07:00 - George W. Bush Kept Us Safe
1:07:50 - He’s a Rapist
1:08:30 - Deportation Force
1:09:31 - The “Donald Trump is a Hillary Clinton Plant” Conspiracy
1:09:53 - Campaign Finance Hypocrisy
1:10:50 - Oprah as Vice President?
1:11:08 - Donald Trump is Batman

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Hi. I just want to point out that the "Inadmissible aliens" law comes from the US Code, which is federal law, and not directly from the constitution. Congress still cannot make a law that contradicts the Constitution. Thanks for posting the sources!

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While we are at it and since 'research' is mentioned and valued. At 3:38 Stefan quotes a non-existant quote. It is made up to quickly abbreviate Gandhi's life:

First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that, is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. - Nicholas Klein (Source)
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Hi. I just want to point out that the "Inadmissible aliens" law comes from the US Code, which is federal law, and not directly from the constitution. Congress still cannot make a law that contradicts the Constitution. Thanks for posting the sources!


8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens


You'll note the decision-making authority for security-related admissions are the attorney general or consular officers, which are in the executive branch and report to the President.

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I hate feeling positive about anyone seeking political power, but just the fact that Trump is pissing off so many of the entrenched political factions makes me smile. I even watched a 'trump's most idiotic moments' video and was waiting the entire length for the idiotic part without success. 


I suspect if he is close to winning the powers that be will just sabotage the election and give it to Hillary. I have no evidence of this, it's just pure pessimism on my part. I don't know if a singularly wealthy, smart and powerful guy can truly usurp the status quo. And if he does get in isn't everyone else within government going to be against him anyway (similar to Ron Paul…I'm not equating the two, Paul is obviously far more principled, but they are alike in their non-conformity)  He could end up like Kennedy 2.0.  Underdogs only win in the movies.

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Can't not comment on this.  Was at trump's site making an observation.


Trump's tax plan is a progressive tax (socialist scheme).  A flat tax would be better.  He taxes people for working more/earning more income.  This promotes egalitarianism.  Egalitarianism is a disgusting philosophy that plagues us today.  Especially, with all the political correctness that egalitarians espouse.

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Can't not comment on this.  Was at trump's site making an observation.


Trump's tax plan is a progressive tax (socialist scheme).  A flat tax would be better.  He taxes people for working more/earning more income.  This promotes egalitarianism.  Egalitarianism is a disgusting philosophy that plagues us today.  Especially, with all the political correctness that egalitarians espouse.


This is part of one of the reasons that the almost unqualified revulsion of leftists and milquetoast Republicans towards Donald Trump is so fascinating.  Except for immigration, he actually seems to be fairly moderate in terms of his policy instincts.  I haven't identified a clear philosophical position that he's trying to adhere to at least.  On paper, it almost seems like he'd be their kind of guy but they hate him!  Conversely, I'm surprised that I'm as favorably disposed to him as I am but... I can't help it, I kind of like the guy.  It could just be that he pisses off the right people, it could be his unapologetic alpha-male-protector swagger, it could just be that he's helped to give me the courage to speak out about my thoughts on Islam and illegal immigration but whatever it is, I'm glad he's in the race and doing well.

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8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens


You'll note the decision-making authority for security-related admissions are the attorney general or consular officers, which are in the executive branch and report to the President.

Speaking of spurious quotes, Voltaire didn't say that. I have to admit it sort of makes sense, though.

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I too am liking the fact that he's upsetting the clowns in politics and big media, but when I think of actually voting for him, it's out of fear of what life would be like under criminal Clinton or socialist Sanders, and it's sort of a policy of mine not to make decisions based on fear.

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This is part of one of the reasons that the almost unqualified revulsion of leftists and milquetoast Republicans towards Donald Trump is so fascinating.  Except for immigration, he actually seems to be fairly moderate in terms of his policy instincts.  I haven't identified a clear philosophical position that he's trying to adhere to at least.  On paper, it almost seems like he'd be their kind of guy but they hate him!  Conversely, I'm surprised that I'm as favorably disposed to him as I am but... I can't help it, I kind of like the guy.  It could just be that he pisses off the right people, it could be his unapologetic alpha-male-protector swagger, it could just be that he's helped to give me the courage to speak out about my thoughts on Islam and illegal immigration but whatever it is, I'm glad he's in the race and doing well.

He's kind of like a Rob Ford candidate.  Many of you will remember Rob Ford as the Toronto mayor who had admitted to doing crack cocaine and went on Jimmy Kimmel's show and then had a drinking problem and lost most of his mayoral powers before his term was up.


Anyways, he started out as a long-time ward councillor who then ran for mayor to "end the gravy train" and put a stop to the war on cars in Toronto.  And he used the word "boondoggle" as a full sentence to reply to his detractors, which was in and of itself just amazing!  He basically pissed off every other mayoral candidate who were all leftist and nuts, and the media all hated him and as a libertarian, you couldn't help but kind of get behind the guy and cheer him on because it was fun to see the leftist status quo get rattled.


Donald Trump is that kind of candidate

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