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Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage

corpus mentium

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But after succeeding in pushing through a minimum wage that was set to start on January 1 at $10 an hour and jump in steps to $15 in 2018, unions and liberals have begun to panic that spiking wages might actually cause the 15 percent rate of unemployment among those with a high school diploma or less to rise.


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They're allowed to not hire people, to fire people, not close stores, to not open new stores. Oh crikey! New plan, make closing stores illegal and force them to hire! Wait, scratch that, why bother working when we can just get those rich bastards to give us the money directly without having to work for them! Guaranteed money for all! /sarcasm


If they could just get rich by stealing they wouldn't bother with having stores and providing a service. Perhaps just maybe they earned their wealth and you can't simply steal and bully your way to unearned sufficiency. Asking for or expecting a guarantee on life is giving up on life and resigning to deathly ways. Eternal life is an oxymoron. Life must be earned, continuously, and eventually you will no longer be able to earn it and you will die. Such is life, as it should be. Life is nothing without death, that is why it has never, will never, and can never be guaranteed.

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The only surprise for me was that they lasted this long.  I left the company years back because the writing was on the walls, we could not follow through to achieve any of the goals that were set- which were then constantly set back to make up for that.  As well they had no plan for competing and staying relevant in the modern marketplace.
It's all hide the decline, blame the customers/economy, and remain faithful that what always was will always be.
The company now looks so toxic.  They are in the final stages of being picked apart, none of the divisions communicate with each other but work to insulate themselves from the company.  Most executives focus has shifted to making sure that their department will be able to remain as independent once things are divided up.  There is no one who advocates for the stores, their retail culture has become a corrupt bureaucracy that has been completely FUBAR'd.  It's over, they are under full scale attacks from all sides, grocery, gm, and any other service in between.  These stooges have been nothing but incompetent running the business and unwilling to innovate at all. The goose was cooked years ago and all the happiness fell out and never came back years ago.

I've been telling everyone to get out cause our jobs are not secure and stocks were going to $60.  Even the mildly observant part timer with a decent brain could of seen this coming without knowing anything about the finances.  Any manager should be able to realize that the entire profile is just not right.

There's a good reason why don't call most the stores in Mexico Walmarts and an important lesson to be learned in how we failed and so since we were incapable of following the profile simply abandoned it.

Walmart is a slow, and inept bureaucracy that no longer has the huge competitive advantage in distribution.  Their business model is not viable, and leaders are incompetent- it is only a matter of time that they end up like A&P.  Everyone who works for/with them are just so miserable- literally everyone from instore workers, suppliers and their merchandisers, administrators, executives. It is the most negative environment I have ever had to go through in all my work experience.  No one believes in themselves or what they are doing.  They all have such a low opinion of themselves, their job, and the brand.  It's pathetic- no pride at all.

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According to Movement organizer Brooke Anderson, “As people deeply committed to environmental and climate justice, we condemn Walmart as a climate criminal and we stand side-by-side with Walmart’s workers organizing for $15 per hour, full time work, and the respect they deserve.”

Yup, just seething with honesty....
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They're allowed to not hire people, to fire people, not close stores, to not open new stores.


In Quebec about a decade ago, some Wal Mart employees went through the first phase(s) of unionizing, and the corporation just closed its store down.  The employees formed a class action suit against the corporation that went to the SUpreme COurt of Canada and was only settled a couple years ago.  The SCC ruled in favour of Wal Mart, that they did in fact have the right to close down their store.


I had seen some angry posts on facebook calling Wal Mart evil and so on, so I posted a point that "If Wal Mart can be legally obligated to not close a store because there is a labour union that demands jobs, why can't a labour union just form in other markets and force them to locate stores there to provide them the jobs they are entitled to?"

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In Quebec about a decade ago, some Wal Mart employees went through the first phase(s) of unionizing, and the corporation just closed its store down.  The employees formed a class action suit against the corporation that went to the SUpreme COurt of Canada and was only settled a couple years ago.  The SCC ruled in favour of Wal Mart, that they did in fact have the right to close down their store.


Sad and scary state of affairs that such a thing would need to go to a Supreme Court. Of course having a supreme court in any system seems to suggest a concession of sanity and comprehensibility in the laws. Ignorance is no excuse, but a group of 'high status' experts constantly disagreeing on the meaning of the laws is 'legit'.



I had seen some angry posts on facebook calling Wal Mart evil and so on, so I posted a point that "If Wal Mart can be legally obligated to not close a store because there is a labour union that demands jobs, why can't a labour union just form in other markets and force them to locate stores there to provide them the jobs they are entitled to?"


Yeah, people are evil for suggesting they can't steal their way to sufficiency. Gah. I hate thieves and thieves that act like their thievery is moral... so much the worse. This is what happens when people have no foundation of ethics, they say all manners of ridiculous things and grant themselves whatever skeevy 'rights' they can get away with. Moral principle of the left is "if you're losing then it's fair to cheat, because no one should ever lose".

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So the narrative according to this article is that, a left movement has negatively influenced a large corporation. Which calls me to question some of the other narratives that I've held.


1. Big corporation are well connected with the politics, and have big influences on policy.

2. Big corporation interests are immovable and all powerful.

3. Big corporation .....


So what I kind of gather is that, political interests are vastly disconnected, such that I am sure Walmart has some serious connection at the federal level, and they are benefiting from the national/international policies, and yet at this local level the left is not so much in line with the Fed left who were well paid. I am sure Walmart could've called in the Fed left and whipped those local left in line, but that would bring grave inconsistencies in the left's narrative of minimum wage, for the worker and etc, and not to mention even if Walmart had its way it will antagonize a group of population who is not afraid of spending time effort and cause an uproar, which is bad for business. 


And what I gather from that is,

1. There is no such thing as absolute power, the fed can no more affect and enforce anything than what is already deemed "acceptable" and right.

2. However what ever the populous deemed "acceptable" and right is vastly left leaning. 

3. Walmart's reach is only so far, and for that matter, whenever it is self interest that is involved, all bets are off. 

4. Absolute power in theory and in practice cannot exist. There are just too many moving parts. 

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