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Why be moral? (answered)


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Because it's correct.

Well, what if I use your type of tactic to argue a point -


Why support the goverment?


Because it's correct.


Was that convincing? Probably not...


What makes being moral "correct"?


For me constant morality is an impossibilty, because life's many situations and the constant need to analyze the costs and benefits of actions.


If the price of being moral in the moment not worth the short and long term benefits of the moral action compared to the negatives, then I just won't be.


Stefan said so himself, (and I'm paraphrazing) - that he doesn't believe being a "philosophy slave" is a good idea, or to be a slave to "morality" - that in the final analysis, for him, it's about costs and benefits. 


And I can agree on that point with him. 

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Why be Moral?

Because you can not "be" if you are not moral.

Evil has a master where as good does not.


The Goal of Philosophers is to provoke thought.

The point of Philosophy is ethics.


I don't remember Stefan ever saying about being a "slave to Philosophy", I remember him saying something along the lines of not always having a moral imperative to tell the truth no matter what, like a robot or computer. I also remember "speak the truth and shame the Devil". I think Stefan also said that when he was in business as a software entrepreneur the company was dependent on Government contracts to a degree, although they made provisions to try not to be. In my own words, you may consider the option to drink from the chalice of blood, but be aware although, it may keep you alive, it will corrupt your soul. (maybe too melodramatic) 

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It's your first post and you manufacture something Stefan hasn't said and also spelled paraphrase incorrectly. Impressive.


Challenge accepted!  :thumbsup:


Podcast #2735

Min 6:13 ..


Stefan: "Philosophy is not an order.... philosophy is about freedom, and if you're taking orders from philosophy you're missing the point.."


Min 7:56


"You don't want to turn philosophy into some sort of gestapo commandant who's barking at you ACT WITH INTEGRITY LIVE WITH VIRTIOUSLY, DO THE RIGHT THING NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!... You don't want to be a computer that is programmed by philosphy, without the abillity  the analyze whatever costs and benefits are in the moment.."


As the podcast continues - 


He speaks about how taking an authority from someones life leaves them with a "power vacuum" in their minds, and how it is important not to mistakenly fill that up with philosophy, because that misses the whole point - freedom. 

According to Stefan,heworked hard to remove obligatory authorities from his own mind so that he could think clearly in the moment



At around 10:35 ..


"That's my general goal, to steadfastly avoid being told what to do - oh I have this new philosophy! Do I have to do this? Do I have to do that? - You don't"


So what I gathered from all of this while listening, which was personaly very powerful for me, was that if honestly (which is a moral consideration, is it not?) has a cost that is not worth the benefit, he would refrain from acting in that way.


He stressed the importance of analyzing the costs and benefits of actions in the moment, rather than being a "philosophy slave"



Thank you for approving the comment despite disagreeing with it, and giving me the chance to reply!


Also, if you're Mike from the show, there was an episode where you shared some very helpful information that helped me getting to know myself better, thanks for that and for being a part of the podcast in general. 


I'd love to be corrected on any misinterpretention, and yes, English is not my native language.  :thanks: 


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My morality is to capture a person in battle and sacrifice them to Woden all Father. I'll do this because it's correct and I really want to get into Valhalla.


"Here, by thy magic rites, I swear, if thou wilt deliver me from this peril, and restore me to my home, to offer to thy holy shrine, the first human being that presents itself at my gates to welcome my approach."


Source: http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1013&context=english_gothic

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