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Female worker stabbed to death in Swedish refugee center


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Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg warned of the increase in similar incidents on Monday as it was reported Stefan Lofven, the prime minister, would head to the city.

"These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We're dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad," said Fuxborg as Sweden struggles with a record influx of migrants and asylum seekers.

The attack came as national police commissioner Dan Eliasson requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight against terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities.

"We are forced to respond to many disturbances in asylum reception centres. In some places, this takes significant police resources. This was not the case six months ago and it means that we won't be able to respond as effectively in other areas," Mr Eliasson told TT.


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Not to be rude...but what is the point of posting this? 

Why is it important for you to post this? (genuinely curious)


I cannot understand for the life of me why nowadays there are so many threads about refugees, immigration and multiculturalism, I mean I understand this in the context of the recent world events but what I don't get is people's interest and motivation for bringing up and discussing these topics.

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Not to be rude...but what is the point of posting this? 

Why is it important for you to post this? (genuinely curious)


I cannot understand for the life of me why nowadays there are so many threads about refugees, immigration and multiculturalism, I mean I understand this in the context of the recent world events but what I don't get is people's interest and motivation for bringing up and discussing these topics.


I think it's the affirmation of the inadvisability of inviting in people who do not necessarily share your values.

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I cannot understand for the life of me why nowadays there are so many threads about refugees, immigration and multiculturalism

If you mean in the context of FDR, I'm assuming the purpose is to be counter-narrative. Since the left/media is quick to trumpet the values of multi-culturalism, people need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria.

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If you mean in the context of FDR, I'm assuming the purpose is to be counter-narrative. Since the left/media is quick to trumpet the values of multi-culturalism, people need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria.

When I said "I cannot understand for the life of me" I didn't really mean it...this was just provocative language used with the purpose of expressing inner-frustration.


Still, the question remains...why don't I need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria? What is not in me and it is in a lot of people here who delve into these threads?

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I have a theory. The basis of my theory goes in hand with the fact that most anarcho- capitalists come from a (term used broadly) right wing basis. When it comes to politics, right wingers are the ones most keen to underscore the problematics of immigration.

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I have a theory. The basis of my theory goes in hand with the fact that most anarcho- capitalists come from a (term used broadly) right wing basis. When it comes to politics, right wingers are the ones most keen to underscore the problematics of immigration.


Your theory may be buoyed by immigration posts, but there are a lot of other posts on this board aimed at the sacred cows of the right and the left.

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Your theory may be buoyed by immigration posts, but there are a lot of other posts on this board aimed at the sacred cows of the right and the left.

It seems like I do not understand your post. Would you please elaborate so that I can fully understand the post and give a proper answer.

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Still, the question remains...why don't I need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria? What is not in me and it is in a lot of people here who delve into these threads?


It depends on where you live I guess. Europe is invaded by invited immigrants (see Angela Merkels public comments). There are quite some people in Europe who are directly (jobs, attacks) or indirectly (state power) affected by that.


The hysteria is imho a combination of scaring media tactics but also real problems. That media twist or even invent stories is clear. That that is used by politicians too. But that doesn't mean nothing is going on; the immigration wave of "asylum seekers" is a tangible problem in the continent.


If you live somewhere else and/or have no ties (family, friends, history) in Europe it may interest you less. But that doesn't make the problems disappear magically. Nor make it less interesting to others.


The big danger working in the background of all of this is the EU. The biggest super state under construction in the world. As anti-statists everyone should be aware of that. Some people see it as a blueprint for a New World Order Government, so eventually in the long run it may affect other continents.


Suppose you were Vietnamese, Cambodian or Cuban in 1919 and viewed the upcoming Bolshevik state in Russia. Not knowing the country you're from would experience similar horrors decades later...

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It seems like I do not understand your post. Would you please elaborate so that I can fully understand the post and give a proper answer.


Immigration isn't the only topic here, nor is it even the most popular one. Therefore your premise that immigration is a topic here because "right-wingers are... most keen" doesn't reflect that.


There are many people of all stripes that recognize that the US grew because it championed the idea of "The Freedom Club" and sought to attract people that believed in that ideal. The counterpart to that is that you want to discourage people who don't want to be part of "The Freedom Club" from trying to join.


Most of the time, however, we argue about what it means to be part of "The Freedom Club" and not immigration.

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It depends on where you live I guess. Europe is invaded by invited immigrants (see Angela Merkels public comments). There are quite some people in Europe who are directly (jobs, attacks) or indirectly (state power) affected by that.


The hysteria is imho a combination of scaring media tactics but also real problems. That media twist or even invent stories is clear. That that is used by politicians too. But that doesn't mean nothing is going on; the immigration wave of "asylum seekers" is a tangible problem in the continent.


If you live somewhere else and/or have no ties (family, friends, history) in Europe it may interest you less. But that doesn't make the problems disappear magically. Nor make it less interesting to others.


The big danger working in the background of all of this is the EU. The biggest super state under construction in the world. As anti-statists everyone should be aware of that. Some people see it as a blueprint for a New World Order Government, so eventually in the long run it may affect other continents.


Suppose you were Vietnamese, Cambodian or Cuban in 1919 and viewed the upcoming Bolshevik state in Russia. Not knowing the country you're from would experience similar horrors decades later...

YES!!! You are the one I wanted to hear from since this topic seem to interest you a lot.

Thank you for the in-depth reply, it made a lot of things clear.


What is your personal motivation?

Do you think we as anarchist given how few we are can have any impact in all of this? If yes, how so? 

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YES!!! You are the one I wanted to hear from since this topic seem to interest you a lot.

Thank you for the in-depth reply, it made a lot of things clear.


What is your personal motivation?

Do you think we as anarchist given how few we are can have any impact in all of this? If yes, how so? 


Haha, the euphoria :D


My personal motivation is spreading information. Make people aware. And the forum has many readers who may pick up on topics and shed their light on them.


Impact? Well no. Like I explained to German Thomasio yesterday, I am a realist; take the world as it is. But while living in this statist system where unlimited immigration is impossible due to the Santa Claus State, it's an important theme; statists may see a critical view on this kind of immigration as hypocritical (anarchism should support free movement of people), but it's not. Stefan has explained why -that same Santa Claus State- in many videos and podcasts, that I try to organise in the central topic. (the OP is under review by Mike; I added this very topic to the list)

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When I said "I cannot understand for the life of me" I didn't really mean it...this was just provocative language used with the purpose of expressing inner-frustration.


Still, the question remains...why don't I need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria? What is not in me and it is in a lot of people here who delve into these threads?


Maybe you already grasp the problem.  What you don't seem to grasp is that there are people with the capacity to grasp the problem who simply haven't been exposed to the truth.  The greater the saturation of reports of the extent and consequences of the current alien invasion, the higher the chances are these people will come to understand the danger.

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And if you defend yourself in Denmark, you get in trouble...






Danish teen fought off her attacker - now she'll face fine

Published: 26 Jan 2016 15:34 GMT+01:00

A 17-year-old girl who was physically and sexually attacked in Sønderborg will herself face charges for using pepper spray to fend off her assailant.

The teenager told police that she was attacked in central Sønderborg on Wednesday at around 10pm by a dark-skinned English-speaking man. She said the man knocked her to the ground and then unbuttoned her pants and attempted to undress her. 

The girl was able to save herself from further assault by using pepper spray on the attacker, but now she may be the one who ends up in legal trouble. 
“It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely be charged for that,” local police spokesman Knud Kirsten told TV Syd...
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What do you suppose the tipping point is, whereupon the people will realise the State is their enemy, because the State disallows them from defending themselves AND imports the very hateful unassimilables that they need defense from?

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What do you suppose the tipping point is, whereupon the people will realise the State is their enemy, because the State disallows them from defending themselves AND imports the very hateful unassimilables that they need defense from?


The fact that people defy the law in order to defend themselves is a tipping point in itself. It is fundamental for people to realize that they are more responsible for their personal safety than any faceless organization.

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When I said "I cannot understand for the life of me" I didn't really mean it...this was just provocative language used with the purpose of expressing inner-frustration.


Still, the question remains...why don't I need a voice of reason to offset the hysteria? What is not in me and it is in a lot of people here who delve into these threads?


Ferssitar, I would politely request that you find ways to deal with your frustrations that do not involve provocative attacks upon others. I do not mean to belittle you, I sincerely hope that you manage to find peace of mind, but, in any discussion, it is important to respect the opinions and contributions of others.


I posted this news item because it is directly pertinent to two of the main threads of discussion within our community:


1. The consequences of massive, uncontrolled immigration from a hostile culture - please note that this was a murder, not a rape, and that the victim was someone who chose to work with recent migrants, suggesting that she had probably bought into the narrative that was being pushed by the government and media before the reality set in.


2. The collusion of the media in hiding information that undermines the dominant narrative - this news was not widely reported.


Only you can answer your question about why you do not care about the long-term effects that current events will have upon Europe but, as a European with family and friends living in Europe, I do care. The gravity of the situation is such that it is almost comical for you to question the "personal motivation" of anyone who dares to discuss the situation.


It is also hypocritical to criticize those who "delve into these threads" when you, yourself, have not only delved but, also, posted five times in this thread.

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Ferssitar, I would politely request that you find ways to deal with your frustrations that do not involve provocative attacks upon others. I do not mean to belittle you, I sincerely hope that you manage to find peace of mind, but, in any discussion, it is important to respect the opinions and contributions of others.


I posted this news item because it is directly pertinent to two of the main threads of discussion within our community:


1. The consequences of massive, uncontrolled immigration from a hostile culture - please note that this was a murder, not a rape, and that the victim was someone who chose to work with recent migrants, suggesting that she had probably bought into the narrative that was being pushed by the government and media before the reality set in.


2. The collusion of the media in hiding information that undermines the dominant narrative - this news was not widely reported.


Only you can answer your question about why you do not care about the long-term effects that current events will have upon Europe but, as a European with family and friends living in Europe, I do care. The gravity of the situation is such that it is almost comical for you to question the "personal motivation" of anyone who dares to discuss the situation.


It is also hypocritical to criticize those who "delve into these threads" when you, yourself, have not only delved but, also, posted five times in this thread.

1.Where did I make "provocative attacks upon others"? (quote)

2.Where I did not "respect the opinions and contributions of others"? (quote)


"I posted this news item because it is directly pertinent to two of the main threads of discussion within our community" 

I am not sure I agree with this...the part I have difficulty with is "the reason I", I know that this is indeed pertinent to two of the main threads of discussion within our community, however the reason you posted it can only be a personal motivation outside of it being a main concern on this forum...suppose you asked me this..."why didn't you make a thread like this?" Would it be accurate for me to say..."Because it is a main concern in this community"...so I feel that this doesn't make any sense...that's why I believe it can only stem from a personal motivation.



"Only you can answer your question about why you do not care about the long-term effects that current events will have upon Europe but"

Did I ever say something like this? (quote me)

Why do you believe that me saying I don't understand people's personal motivations for bringing this up is equivalent with what you said?


"as a European with family and friends living in Europe, I do care"

I am exactly in the same situation with you. If the reason you care is because of yourself, your family and friends...by this logic I should care too...but I don't, is there not a flaw in your thinking here?



"The gravity of the situation is such that it is almost comical for you to question the "personal motivation" of anyone who dares to discuss the situation."

What is so comical about it?

I don't see why you used the word "dare" there...did I threaten anyone not to talk about it...or tried to discourage them from doing it?



"It is also hypocritical to criticize those who "delve into these threads" when you, yourself, have not only delved but, also, posted five times in this thread."

This is an unjust accusation on your part...when did I ever criticize those who "delve into these threads"? (quote me) 

Even though I did not criticize anyone, I'll assume for a second that I did...why would it be hypocritical for me in this case? Since what I meant there was to discuss this subject...not to question the reason people do it...it would have been hypocritical of me in the case I discussed the topic of refugees and then "attacked" people for doing the same.

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Refugees Go Clubbing In Russia, Harass Girls, Wake Up In Hospital The Next Morning




A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday.


The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and tried their luck in Russia. What they didn’t realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries.


The refugees allegedly groped and harassed women in a similar manner as the assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. A group of male Russian took them aside to “educate” them that “Cologne is 2,500 kilometers south of here.”


The refugees tried to flee but were quickly captured by the Russians. They then took them out to the street and gave them a beating they will remember. Police arrived to break up the fight but locals report that they threw a few punches at the refugees before arresting 33 of them. Eighteen refugees were in such bad condition they had to be take to the hospital.



No matter what anyone thinks of Russians, their culture or their decades long indoctrination by the most vicious of violent filth (communism), but at least those guys stand up for their peers and do not accept the attacks by outsiders on their women and children.


The stereotypical northern European sissy would not react this way; the Captain Swedens of the continent will offer them their own asses to not be called "racist", "xenophobic" or other senseless labels given by those who do not know more of the world than their comfortable ivory tower armchairs.


Is violence bad? It is, but in the system where the police looks the other way, is busy with "speeding criminals" or simply refuses to take up a useless "complaint" it is unfortunately the only way to say: "Your behaviour is unacceptable".

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Refugees Go Clubbing In Russia, Harass Girls, Wake Up In Hospital The Next Morning

I looked this up on the local media. A few small news sites reported this story and they haven't found any proof for it.




So this is most likely fake.

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Here he is, the "15 year old" murderer.

This tragedy is just another important event weakening the tight grip of political correctness in Sweden.


Apparently, this story (the Daily Mail version) is being censored from the Swedish public...

AFAIK, the Daily Mail is censoring itself to Swedish visitors to avoid legal issues, whatever they may be.

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No matter what anyone thinks of Russians, their culture or their decades long indoctrination by the most vicious of violent filth (communism), but at least those guys stand up for their peers and do not accept the attacks by outsiders on their women and children.


The stereotypical northern European sissy would not react this way; the Captain Swedens of the continent will offer them their own asses to not be called "racist", "xenophobic" or other senseless labels given by those who do not know more of the world than their comfortable ivory tower armchairs.


Is violence bad? It is, but in the system where the police looks the other way, is busy with "speeding criminals" or simply refuses to take up a useless "complaint" it is unfortunately the only way to say: "Your behaviour is unacceptable".

Sorry if this isn't very philosophical but living in Dover, Kent, England 20 miles from the Calais 'jungle' it really cheered me up.  Even if it is a fake at least it is some propaganda aimed to help our minds.  The question of motivation for our fixation on this subject is, in my case,  'absolute and sheer terror, powerlessness and despair'.  I found FDR looking for people 'who could see the emperor had no clothes' too and could confirm my comprehension is valid.  So please understand my pre-occupation with this topic at present.  The 'fight or flight' mechanism is mute for me.  I am a white working class female with a passport so have no chance of asylum in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand and I have no desire to go anywhere but else.  I would love to fight but that is impossible.  Maybe when I my country has fallen and I am a ghost I can join Ferssitar in more high brow philosophical discussions via ouija board.  

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