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Top 10 Statistics to Memorize

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In debates I find myself unable to remember exact statistics.


I'd like to challenge myself to MEMORIZE 10 libertarian/Mens-rights/RK-Theory/Anti-State stats.


What do you think are the best statistical facts to utilize in debates for freedom?


Wow.  I think narrowing it down to 10 is too modest.  Maybe 100 is more appropriate.


I'm finding a dozen just about guns:  Source:  http://americangunfacts.com/




1) Every year, guns are used over 80x more often to protect a life than to take one
3) Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally
3) Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.
4) In UK:  In the decade following the Labor party's election and banning of handguns in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77% to 1.2 million in '07- or more than 2 attacks every minute.
5) Kitchen knives are being used in as many as half of all stabbings in the United Kingdom and has prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives.
6) With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had 3 of the worst 6 school shootings.
7) In 1982, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to just 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.   Today, the violent crime rate in Kennesaw is still 85% lower than Georgia's or the national average.
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Facts are all well and good, but generally they're not what matters in a moral debate and they're more likely just going to trip you up. What kind of point are you trying to make? That gun laws don't work or that they have no right in the first place to take your guns, regardless of whether or not it works?


How about some government statistics of how much productivity is destroyed by government policies. The number is not known and is far higher than most people would guess. Morality and life are being destroyed. People want more wealth while they actively work to burn it. People cripple you and say it's for the best, because if we're all crippled how much harm can we do? Somebody kills a bunch of people it must be because we aren't all crippled enough they say, so they move to cripple some more under the guise of being reasonably limited for humanitarian reasons. They're killing us. They don't care about statistics, they don't look at the stats and they aren't open to changing their opinions based on statistics. They're convinced a crippled populace is the only way to live peacefully. If they've got you convinced you just didn't bring the right statistics and you need to go and memorize more stats you're being fooled and playing the wrong game and will inevitably lose the real game.

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Maybe 2. I think most anti-gunners are pussy begging white knight communists so 2 will probability trigger them.


On me 7. My house was broken into with my partner and I inside and I live in the UK so no gun. I had to take a huge risk because I can not own a gun and use it for defence of my partner, my self and my property. 

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In debates I find myself unable to remember exact statistics.


I'd like to challenge myself to MEMORIZE 10 libertarian/Mens-rights/RK-Theory/Anti-State stats.


What do you think are the best statistical facts to utilize in debates for freedom?


Wow.  I think narrowing it down to 10 is too modest.  Maybe 100 is more appropriate.


I'm finding a dozen just about guns:  Source:  http://americangunfacts.com/




1) Every year, guns are used over 80x more often to protect a life than to take one
3) Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally
3) Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.
4) In UK:  In the decade following the Labor party's election and banning of handguns in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77% to 1.2 million in '07- or more than 2 attacks every minute.
5) Kitchen knives are being used in as many as half of all stabbings in the United Kingdom and has prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives.
6) With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had 3 of the worst 6 school shootings.
7) In 1982, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to just 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.   Today, the violent crime rate in Kennesaw is still 85% lower than Georgia's or the national average.


Kennesaw is actually on the outskirts of Atlanta, which has a much higher rate than most of the rest of the state, which makes this even more interesting.

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