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Analytical vs Emotional


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What do you think is an ideal balance of 'left' vs 'right' brain? Especially in working with a therapist?


Some therapists are relativist, buddhist monks and others can be completely emotionless.


As a whole and specifically in finding a therapist, what would you think is an ideal balance?


I look forward to your thoughts.

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You might know my opinion already, but... :woot:


I think, and let me start from afar, when we buy something, it usually is something we lack. We buy food because we are hungry and don't have enough, a light bulb if one in our kitchen has broke, a text book if we luck knowledge, a painting if we desire for beauty, a mechanic's services if we lack skills.


So why would one pay a psychologist? Because one lacks in mindfulness and knowledge oneself, and/or one lacks support from his environment. Mindfulness comes down to an ability to see clearly what is happening, feel it and understand it, to be finely tuned to reality. May be like a buddhist monk. Knowledge(and experience) is an easy one to explain, so I will skip it.


Support is something a more then just few phrases here and there. We must be some how attuned to that person who is sitting in front of us. It is necessary to be able connect with your psychologist(thing that I am not yet able to do myself completely), otherwise his help will fall on dry soil, either rejected or outright harmful.


All of this is further complected by the fact that we are not always the same. Very well illustrate by IFS, we may have different "alter egos", subtly tangled moods, incompatible desires. At any moment a psychologist has to be able to provide that what we need in this moment insight, clarity, emotional protection from whatever hides inside.


Shortly, psychologist must be able to meet your needs in real time, ideally, no matter how far they go from what client could himself predicted.  This means that you must not feel coldness or to much wavering, but cordiality and firmness.

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