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Eqn demonstrates conspiracy theories would quickly reveal themselves

Guest Gee

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He explained: 'A number of conspiracy theories revolve around science. While believing the moon landings were faked may not be harmful, believing misinformation about vaccines can be fatal. However, not every belief in a conspiracy is necessarily wrong - for example, the Snowden revelations confirmed some theories about the activities of the US National Security Agency.


Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-01-equation-large-scale-conspiracies-quickly-reveal.html#jCp


Potatoe quality topic because I'm on an iPad.

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I calculated with the same principle of this method that if the teachings of Islam is a hoax, it would be revealed from those involved in it, in 49 minutes, and 30 seconds.


Formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal (contains mercury), amonium sulfate, benzethonium chloride, among other ingredients, is something I choose not to have injected inside me or my children.


Thanks for the entertaining article. Do you think it was ment to be satirical?

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The Co2 scare industry, moon landing charade, and vaccine industry all have dissenters who were involved. So where does that leave this method?


Did you know that cats get some perfectly safe non toxic vaccines that work? Probably because their owners did not want them to become brain damaged, chronically ill, or killed from toxic vaccines.

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I think going back and asking the question "why do conspiracy theories exist in the first place?" is extremely important! One of my issues regarding the topic are the broad and often falllacious generalizations that are made from all sides of the topic. Do people "conspire" to commit crimes? Well, yes they do, otherwise there would be no basis for RICO laws. So it isn't a streatch of the imaganition to say that people are willing to commit such acts regardless of whether they are petty criminals or people who occupy the highests tiers of society, there is plenty of proof for that which I will not need to go into at the moment. On the other hand is there a 'cottage industry' that literally feeds upon people willing to speculate on events outside of the accepted narrative? Again yes, one doesn't need to search around much for proof of that either! So again the question of 'why do conspiracy theories exist in the first place?' needs to be adressed. For myself the answer is simple and obvious: there is a distrust in the narrative that one recieves from an establishment that does have a history of deception and does stand to benefit from such deceptions. So this where it does get difficult because if one wants to find the truth of a given topic one is often put in the untenable position of working through those deceptions coming from seemingly all sides. Worse, people do get things wrong even when they are ruthlessly pursuing truth. Oh boy, I'm not sure if that clarifies anything but it does put into perspective what any of us who care about truth are really up against! So many agendas, so many lies, and so little truth!

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The method in the article in OP contains a straw man. And it is perhaps the biggest and most used straw man regarding these topics. That everyone, including 3rd parties, that could be seen as having any involvement, would have to be in on a conspiracy. It presumes that there is a criminal conspiracy of which all these people are in the know about. Which is a straw man partially made out of fluffy cotton that is very easy to attack. (since only straws would be too strong for this straw man).


I have read and heard that there is a divorce industry in the USA where those involved in the legal proceedings, are making a lot of money out of it, while a divorce can even be virtually free in other countries. So is the divorce industry in the USA a massive conspiracy where all of the involved people get together in a dark room and plan it all out? Likely not, but it is happening, and it is a means to an end. In this case money. But it could very well be other results in other topics. ie Apollo may have had an intended effect of distracting away from the Vietnam war. Co2 scare making people planet abusing sinners to be emotionally harvested for political gain and money. The idea of going to the moon, or trying to figure out if extra Co2 in the atmosphere was dangerous might not have started with these intentions, but they were probably led there along the way.


If anyone is interested in a possible deep background for 9 11, you could look up username "conspiracy theorista" on youtube.

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Conspiracies, just like the statism conspiracy, rely on a small group of insiders and a huge set of useful idiot minions.


Statism relies on child abuse, not idiots. Cowards maybe, but not idiots.


Not sure how the idiot thing helps, can idiots keep secrets? Aren't they, you know, idiots?


It might work if you assume everyone is an idiot, except the conspirators and the theorists.

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The term useful idiot is not the same as "idiot" or "idiotic". For the statism conspiracy the useful idiots are the state employees (council personell, tax collectors, teachers, lawyers, soldiers, etc etc.). They are not evil, but useful idiots; working for an evil system. They can be smart.


For many conspiracies, like 9/11, NASA and also the AGW hoax on top of that just normal people not counted in by the perpetrators help them because the topic interests them and they want the "official stories" to be true. Still no idiots, but very useful for the powers. Compare them to missionary workers going to Africa because they believe they do good work for a good cause.

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The term useful idiot is not the same as "idiot" or "idiotic". For the statism conspiracy the useful idiots are the state employees (council personell, tax collectors, teachers, lawyers, soldiers, etc etc.). They are not evil, but useful idiots; working for an evil system. They can be smart.


For many conspiracies, like 9/11, NASA and also the AGW hoax on top of that just normal people not counted in by the perpetrators help them because the topic interests them and they want the "official stories" to be true. Still no idiots, but very useful for the powers. Compare them to missionary workers going to Africa because they believe they do good work for a good cause.


How do you know that state employees are not evil and missionary workers are not good? Do you have a principle you are working from?


Have you tried running the idea that idiot can mean stupid and not stupid through some sort of test of logical validity?

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Pulling numbers out of thin air, with parameters that are completely made up, and calling it a "demonstration" is highly deceptive or grossly mistaken.


Take vaccines for example. Most people involved actually believe that vaccines are both effective and safe. It's probably only a few who know the truth. Fear of financial ruin or outright assassination, along with the huge profit motive of keeping the secret, can keep the ones who know the truth from speaking out. And of course, not all of them do, because obviously some people are talking about this. That doesn't mean everybody has to automatically believe them. Regardless, all this is not even required to establish the veracity of the theory that states that vaccines are bad. Even if everybody involved believed in them, that would not negate the fact that they are both harmful and ineffective.


Or to talk about something else off the top of my head, it's clear that the real reasons the US invaded Afghanistan had nothing to do with Bin Laden, but with securing the opium production for the CIA's covert heroin operation, which is kept massively profitable by a worldwide ban on heroin. Lots of people have talked about this over the years. Yet the drug war is still alive and well, as are the constant US military campaigns around the world and in the middle east in particular.


Or take even the stuff that Snowden uncovered, how many people actually believe that their communications are no longer being listened to and/or recorded nowadays? Chances are they are, even if the govt says they're not.

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How do you know that state employees are not evil and missionary workers are not good? Do you have a principle you are working from?


Have you tried running the idea that idiot can mean stupid and not stupid through some sort of test of logical validity?


You're right in pointing that out, I was on my mobile yesterday; I meant to say "not necessarily evil". A tax collector believes he is doing a good job, not that he is deliberately stealing money from his fellow human beings. Just like missionaries thinking they are there to "convert those primitives to a good religion", not realising they are the puppets of a coercive system (religion).


The term "useful idiot" is a combination of two words, just like "sugar daddy" doesn't need to be a real "daddy", a useful idiot doesn't need to be an "idiot". Useful idiots are usually people with high enough IQs; they are not "idiots". They are "useful idiots".

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You're right in pointing that out, I was on my mobile yesterday; I meant to say "not necessarily evil". A tax collector believes he is doing a good job, not that he is deliberately stealing money from his fellow human beings. Just like missionaries thinking they are there to "convert those primitives to a good religion", not realising they are the puppets of a coercive system (religion).


The term "useful idiot" is a combination of two words, just like "sugar daddy" doesn't need to be a real "daddy", a useful idiot doesn't need to be an "idiot". Useful idiots are usually people with high enough IQs; they are not "idiots". They are "useful idiots".

How many people consider themselves "evil"?  Hitler probably thought he was doing what was best for his people, and most criminals think they are doing it for good reasons.

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You're right in pointing that out, I was on my mobile yesterday; I meant to say "not necessarily evil". A tax collector believes he is doing a good job, not that he is deliberately stealing money from his fellow human beings. Just like missionaries thinking they are there to "convert those primitives to a good religion", not realising they are the puppets of a coercive system (religion).


The term "useful idiot" is a combination of two words, just like "sugar daddy" doesn't need to be a real "daddy", a useful idiot doesn't need to be an "idiot". Useful idiots are usually people with high enough IQs; they are not "idiots". They are "useful idiots".


I understand, it means someone who is only stupid in the singular way that I require them to be stupid right?

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