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Marx in the garden of Eden...

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Karl Marx whispered across the centuries..."You too can be as God"....strike down with vengeance what is and bring forth a new, more Perfect creation in the image of Man. This new creation, perfected on the flawed image of Man and is thus governed by the insatiable lust for power over all that he sees. A lust that crushes the souls of all underfoot - the government' boot of tyranny. What fresh hell does man thereby perfect? Go and ask the countless millions dead - fallen beneath the yoke of Socialism.

Tull 2/2/16

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This seems almost impossible for most people to understand and, if anything, it is the more intelligent in society who are the most comfortable espousing Marxism. Perhaps it requires intelligence to achieve the required levels of self-delusion.


I think I heard Stef cite various figures for people murdered by Marxism ranging from 100 to 170 million and somewhere in this range seeems to match the studies I've read. In comparison, the efforts of Fascists and Nazis are made to look half-hearted.


Despite this it is still oh-so-cool to don that Marxist T-shirt (try the same with the Nazi equivalent and see how long you stay out of jail!) or to lecture the young about its wonderful morality.


When I point this out to such people the response is always the same - offence is immediately taken and I am of course blamed for being motivated by...racism, elitism, not caring about the disadvantaged...(line up the usual ducks).

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Karl Marx whispered across the centuries..."You too can be as God"....strike down with vengeance what is and bring forth a new, more Perfect creation in the image of Man. This new creation, perfected on the flawed image of Man and is thus governed by the insatiable lust for power over all that he sees. A lust that crushes the souls of all underfoot - the government' boot of tyranny. What fresh hell does man thereby perfect? Go and ask the countless millions dead - fallen beneath the yoke of Socialism.

Tull 2/2/16

Is this a quote from "The Naked Communist"?

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