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Big government kills 'community'

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I was having a discussion the other day regarding big government and how it kills of community spirit. I remembered Stefan made an excellent point on this, he basically said that people don't need to be nice or get to know their neighbours anymore because if something bad happens, or they need help, they turn to local government for help instead. So nobody knows each other or has to be nice to one another anymore. 

Well, I thought that point was obvious and clear enough. However the person I was having this discussion with demanded 'proof' beyond the fact it's pretty obvious. So I was just wondering if anyone has a). any sources regarding that, or if anyone can remember the video in which Stefan made that point? (he usually lists sources below his videos anyway). 

Oh, and I'm new to this forum! So hello everyone! 



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The problem with State corrosion is that the effects are so far removed from the cause that you really can't find "proof." You have to apply logic. Take welfare for example. When most people apply for welfare, they are literally telling you that they have no support network and/or nobody who believes that their squalor is temporary. Combine that with welfare on the whole not actually solving the problem but growing it, no proof is necessary. Any more than rational folk would require "proof" that 2+2=4.

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Feeding the growth of single motherhood and family hellish court systems could be a start to look into. I do not have the statistics but i am pretty sure looking into mens rights issues and also to how the wellfare increases single motherhood and also feeds its "aceeptance" by basically making the women in communitys NOT rely on theyre husband s or friend and family for tough situations but rather TAKE RISKS they otherwise wouldnt because of the state.


And also there public schools which create nothing but quarrel between kids having been forced in theyre for theyre own good given mind bendingly boring homework and so on. :)


If (these and other) logical or rational parts that you talk about before you give any studies or statistics to your friend doesnt rouse atleast some curiousity then i am not sure if the conversation is worth having anymore after a while though :(

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Hi and welcome :)

Complicated social issues like this are hard to "prove", but there are a couple things that come to mind.  One is the prevalence, in the early part of the century up until the 1960s, of so-called Friendly Societies, like the Rotary Club, the Masons, the Oddfellows, and so on, that served many of the functions that the welfare state has come to, charity, healthcare, and so on.  Such institutions have all but disappeared or vastly diminished in the last 50 years.  Also, not exactly within the scope of your question, but there are significant studies which have shown that, as a result of multiculturalism, there is a breakdown in community in the sense that people don't talk to their neighbors, and so on.

I agree with Anuojat, the way you say your friend "demanded" proof sounds more hostile and dismissive than genuinely curious, which is not a good sign.

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Thanks folks, some great answers there. You're correct in saying the person I was 'debating' with (if you can call it that), was being hostile and wasn't actually interested in a proper debate on the subject. I think it's fairly plain to see the damaged to community the state causes. Thanks again, some interesting points! 

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