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Who is responsible for conferring the stamp of validity on the material that emanates from the MSM?


If it's a tautology, it's a tautology...

If you know as to how FDR can be more effective by changing topic do tell.
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If you know as to how FDR can be more effective by changing topic do tell.


I have no answer other than to be apathetic to the entire political system.  I have no interest in which Crip, Blood or Mafia Don has killed or stolen the most, I don't see why I should be interested in any other gangs and their plans to dominate or ration condolences.  The same goes for the mainstream media narrative.  I have long since given up believing that the MSM has any sort of objectivity whatsoever and there is no reason to doubt that they frequently create stories of whole cloth.  That said, apathy is the appropriate response to the MSM, as it is obvious by the amount of effort and resources poured into it that it is important to them that people are absorbing it.  Which by default means that it is in my self interest to ignore it.


Critiquing and analyzing the narrative, which much of the time is like as not to be entirely fictitious, is a flavor of endorsement, as the answers do not matter to the plantation owners since they are controlling the questions.  Steps toward striking at the root would be to ignore everything emanating from the MSM and to shun the polling places.  Sadly, we are still a ways from that yet, like a married couple who watches television as a way of avoiding the unpleasant truth that they have nothing to say to each other.

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I have no answer other than to be apathetic to the entire political system.


Then participate in threads your not apathetic about and start topics your not apathetic about because your not being very apathetic right now.

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Then participate in threads your not apathetic about and start topics your not apathetic about because your not being very apathetic right now.


Are you the self appointed arbiter of who posts what and where or has that responsibility been conferred to you from on high?


Thank you for setting me straight.  Do you have any other words of advice, such as how often I should blink or which shoe lace goes under which when I tie my sneakers? 

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Are you the self appointed arbiter of who posts what and where or has that responsibility been conferred to you from on high?


Thank you for setting me straight.  Do you have any other words of advice, such as how often I should blink or which shoe lace goes under which when I tie my sneakers?


Yes. I am a self appointed bullshit warden.


>Be Pretzelogik

>Claim apathy in voting and politics

>Participate in voting and politics threads

>Actions contradict words


What are you trying to achieve?

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Yes. I am a self appointed bullshit warden.


>Be Pretzelogik

>Claim apathy in voting and politics

>Participate in voting and politics threads

>Actions contradict words


What are you trying to achieve?


I'm trying to make this thread two cents richer. ;)  Unfortunately, the metaphorical pennies are words and if the recipients cannot be bothered to read them, so the poorer they stay.  One man's bullshit is another's challenge with comprehension.


I am apathetic towards voting and politics, not apathetic to a site that claims to be the greatest feel-loss-of-fee conversation in the world that involves itself with the most irrational and errant nonsense as if there were any truth value to be found there.  The devolution astounds and concerns but my apathy towards politics abides.

What do you mean "flavor of endorsement"?


So long as the owners control the questions, the answers are irrelevant. Any critique or praise of Trump or Hillary of any other puppet that is paraded before the ones that actually make things and provide services is music to their ears.


The Trump deconstruction saturation level of FDR (although, Stef somewhat disingenuously, claims it not to be an endorsement) is for all intents and purposes a confirmation of the system itself.  Stef himself has said as much: (I'm paraphrasing but can reference the listener call if no one remembers this) Trump may be the last great white hope as the 100 year peaceful parenting ancap timeline may be annihilated in it's infancy if a political savior doesn't roll back the tide of collectivism for long enough to allow its gestation.


Meh.  Plus ça change...

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I'm trying to make this thread two cents richer. ;)  Unfortunately, the metaphorical pennies are words and if the recipients cannot be bothered to read them, so the poorer they stay.  One man's bullshit is another's challenge with comprehension.


I am apathetic towards voting and politics, not apathetic to a site that claims to be the greatest feel-loss-of-fee conversation in the world that involves itself with the most irrational and errant nonsense as if there were any truth value to be found there.  The devolution astounds and concerns but my apathy towards politics abides.


So long as the owners control the questions, the answers are irrelevant. Any critique or praise of Trump or Hillary of any other puppet that is paraded before the ones that actually make things and provide services is music to their ears.


The Trump deconstruction saturation level of FDR (although, Stef somewhat disingenuously, claims it not to be an endorsement) is for all intents and purposes a confirmation of the system itself.  Stef himself has said as much: (I'm paraphrasing but can reference the listener call if no one remembers this) Trump may be the last great white hope as the 100 year peaceful parenting ancap timeline may be annihilated in it's infancy if a political savior doesn't roll back the tide of collectivism for long enough to allow its gestation.


Meh.  Plus ça change...


What does it matter if I or Stefan endorsed Donald Trump?  Voting had no effect right?

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What does it matter if I or Stefan endorsed Donald Trump?  Voting had no effect right?


I have no way of knowing whether voting affects which personality effects the title of "president".  I strongly suspect not.


I strongly believe that the powers that be are very interested to know that people are invested in the system as it is, and are content to punch a button every few years as their way of voicing discontent.  It would be analogous to the interest retailer takes in his suggestion box when his sales are increasing exponentially year after year.  The retailer cares about his receipts, the powers care about participation.

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I have no way of knowing whether voting affects which personality effects the title of "president".  I strongly suspect not.


I strongly believe that the powers that be are very interested to know that people are invested in the system as it is, and are content to punch a button every few years as their way of voicing discontent.  It would be analogous to the interest retailer takes in his suggestion box when his sales are increasing exponentially year after year.  The retailer cares about his receipts, the powers care about participation.


Why do they care?

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Why do they care?


The system is a jumbled mess of irrational nonsense that falls apart when subjected to the most cursory scrutiny.  Through control of the money system, taxation, regulation, nepotism, (the list is practically endless) the rulers siphon off the lion's share of the productive capacity of those who actually produce. 


Government (or the idea of it, since it is merely an idea) is the tool that is used to extract resources, but in order to maximize the productive capacity of the producers, it must maintain the pretense of legitimacy.  That is the purpose of the vote.  To give the system the air of legitimacy.  There may be some data that is harvested through the polls, like facebook or probably even this site is used, but to labor under the illusion that voters have any say in choosing the direction of the ship of state is ludicrous in the extreme.


So long as people place value in the farce of voting a great number of them will do whatever their puppet masters command, particularly killing brown people, there seems to always be a bit of that.

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 it must maintain the pretense of legitimacy.  


So voting does matter.  If everyone in the country voted for less taxes, and they taxed us more.  The pretense of legitimacy would be shattered.  If 51% of the country voted to "close the borders" and the government let in more immigrants and refugees, then the "pretense of legitimacy" would be shattered.  Politicians are not dictators, they're opportunists.  They do whatever the public wants them to do.  The battle is with the ideology of the people.  The politicians are irrelevant.

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It's pretty clear that they do, since Sharia is a recipe for a state.

In its current form, sure.  In the Turkish empire a few hundred years ago there were four different forms of Sharia, and people chose which version they would follow.  The judge would only weigh the different sides of the case based on which type of Sharia you said you were going by.  This could become a form of DRO system fairly easily, by simply accepting non-sharia rulesets and making the Judge be a neutral arbiter instead of a government official.

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So voting does matter.  If everyone in the country voted for less taxes, and they taxed us more.  The pretense of legitimacy would be shattered.  If 51% of the country voted to "close the borders" and the government let in more immigrants and refugees, then the "pretense of legitimacy" would be shattered.  Politicians are not dictators, they're opportunists.  They do whatever the public wants them to do.  The battle is with the ideology of the people.  The politicians are irrelevant.


Yes and no.


It matters insofar as they rely on the producers to be invested in the system.


As far as enactment of agendas the hypothetical above is exactly what has happened historically since the inception of the "government".  People vote against war, they get war.  They vote for no new taxes, they get new taxes.  (Taxes are a complete misdirection, BTW.  They are merely a tool for mitigating hyperinflation by removing excess currency from the system so it can't be used to bid up goods and services)  The entire system is devoted to subverting the will of the majority, otherwise it could just be a market economy and preferences would be known by where the money was directed as it is in every other endeavor except government.


Voting is a black box and no one has any idea (other than what the government controlled media tells them) about how polling results shake out.  The very idea of a majority opinion on anything and voting in general is laughable on its face. 


The totally corrupt and violent gang known as "government" will extort you at gunpoint, throw you in a cage for having a plant in your pocket, and lie and kill with impunity, but when it comes to the vote they are little old church ladies, dutifully counting all the ballots faithfully and using the unadulterated results to enact laws that they too will follow to the letter.  Sure. 


A vote is a public supplication of prayer to the god democracy that shows the controllers their subjects believe.  Make no mistake, it is important to them that voters believe their vote can effect change.  A good voter turnout is a guarantee of four more years of uncontested pillaging.


Public (and private) schools propagandize children into believing they have civic responsibilities and that the vote is powerful and can effect change.  This programming runs very deep and is constantly enforced by the media, a virtual onslaught.  That in itself should be enough of a clue to anyone paying attention that it should be avoided at all costs.


Politicians are not dictators.  They are actors, con men, celebrities.  Much is made of government's corporate entanglements.  Of course, what is overlooked is the fact that the governments themselves are corporations.  City, County, State and Federal corporations that are heavily invested in indexes of funds.  The Koch Bros. are vilified for putting money into government coffers but it's likely the other way around.


Does anyone who has given this more that 2 seconds of thought actually think these powerful people, who have trillions of dollars invested and trillions more at stake are going to sit back and watch as some upstart comes into office like a bull in a china shop and wrecks the economy?  Have a look at Trump's issues:  More military spending, blaming China for currency manipulation (ahem, Federal Reserve?) support of Israel, continuing the drug war - how novel.  Rock the vote people!  Winston has to believe there are five fingers...

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