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What's Worse, Sports Fanatics or Political Fanatics?


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I just finished watching two teams I very much do not care about, duke it out for the world championship of American football.  There's this video, I don't know if you've seen it, where this guy, a Denver fan, talks about how he paid $21k for four tickets, and will likely be paying over thirty grand for the expenses of the entire trip.  When asked, "What if you lose?" he insisted that losing is impossible.  The interviewer questioned a second time and this dude was like, NO!  We will not lose.!  Oh yeah, make sure not to tell his wife how much money he blew on this shit.

I must admit, one time I paid about $50 USD for a a college football game, Michigan vs. Notre Dame, which was a special nighttime event, the first in school history.  I could have sold that ticket for about $250 but I went anyways, because I wanted to go.  But to drop $30k on one sporting event... that's pretty astonishing.

Now I'm watching Hilary Clinton's victory speech in New Hampshire... oh yeah, she lost to Bernard Sanders.  Sorry, but a presidential candidate can't actually be called "Bernie".  I refuse.  Should we address him as President Bernie?  No.

But anyway, she's effectively forfeiting New Hampshire and yet she's smiling and waving at the crowds of people. She's trying to speak but the crowd won't let her over the chanting, "Hi-lah-ree!"  I mean, I understand that they're excited about the fact that she ONLY lost by... whatever... but still, she lost.

And even if she won, why are these people so impassioned?  They seem crazy to me.  I can somewhat justify being emotionally invested to the point of fervor with regards to a sports team, or a particular competitor on survivor or American Idol, I really can... but this is about the future of the country you're living in, and the potential use of violence used against you, your family, your children, and even worse, countless lives oversees who had no say in the matter whatsoever.

And you're chanting and wrapped up in some emotional zealotry about it.  Ewww.

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You have to be pretty empty to fill up with 30k of celebrity illusion. When I was 16 I was a die hard Bruce Lee fan so I'm familiar with the need to attach to something believed to be bigger than myself. The irony is that Lee's message was don't give yourself away. Lesson learned:)

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I never understood sports team partisans until I heard the analogy to the state/nationalism.


A few years back I had family visiting during the NFL playoffs and their team was playing that Sunday. We were talking about going out for a morning hike and they were insistent that we had to be back in time for kickoff in spite of my suggestion that we can record it on the DVR and skip the first few commercials if we're back later. They said it wasn't the same... I guess they need to feel like their yelling at the TV is doing some good. :confused:



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My parents, especially my mom, scream like maniacs every time their team is playing.  They have 3 religions, Catholicism, Statism and Sports-ism.  It's pathetic.  I once recorded my mom on video watching her team many years ago without her knowing.  But, I strongly believe there's no difference between sports, politics and their followers.  Maybe just that one forces you to play their game. 

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  • 1 month later...

I never understood sports team partisans until I heard the analogy to the state/nationalism.


A few years back I had family visiting during the NFL playoffs and their team was playing that Sunday. We were talking about going out for a morning hike and they were insistent that we had to be back in time for kickoff in spite of my suggestion that we can record it on the DVR and skip the first few commercials if we're back later. They said it wasn't the same... I guess they need to feel like their yelling at the TV is doing some good. :confused:




If your child was about to fight in the hunger games, would you want to go for a hike and then watch a recording of it, to see how he/she is doing after the fact, or would you be more interested in watching it live?


If you actually cared about the fate of the people you're watching, then you want to watch it live, and it has nothing to do with irrational beliefs about supernatural wishing powers.

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If your child was about to fight in the hunger games, would you want to go for a hike and then watch a recording of it, to see how he/she is doing after the fact, or would you be more interested in watching it live?


If you actually cared about the fate of the people you're watching, then you want to watch it live, and it has nothing to do with irrational beliefs about supernatural wishing powers.

This comparison of yours is very weak, sad. /trumpspeak


Why should I care about the fate of a football team? Did they change the rules so that the losers die now? I'd watch that...

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