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A change in the wind?


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The Australian government just cut 110 of it's 140 climate research positions. Their reasoning? The science is settled! Why do they need to keep researching if climate change is real when the science clearly states that climate change is real? It seems, unfortunately for the Australian government when you pay people to say something is uncontroversial and 100% settled (97% settled?) there's no real reason to keep paying those people to continue saying the same thing.


Do you think this will become a trend and other countries will follow suite? Will the scientists come up with some new reason for the government to keep paying them? Will we finally get some unbiased research? Or will someone else jump in and keep these guys "researching"? 



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Awesome point. Never thought about it like that.


The science is settled that water freezes at around 0 degrees celsius, 32 degrees fahrenheit, and I do not know of any international water freezing research around.


The science is settled that sunlight warms the planet, (though climate change panels might object to that), and I did not see any sunlight warming panels around.


Lies need propagators to even survive. The truth can just be awakened whenever someone wants it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome point. Never thought about it like that.


The science is settled that water freezes at around 0 degrees celsius, 32 degrees fahrenheit, and I do not know of any international water freezing research around.


The science is settled that sunlight warms the planet, (though climate change panels might object to that), and I did not see any sunlight warming panels around.


Lies need propagators to even survive. The truth can just be awakened whenever someone wants it.


Good point.  Not to nitpick, but any pilot will tell you that water, in droplet form, can exist at -40*, C or F, take your pick, in liquid form.  That is, until your -40* aircraft comes busting through them.  That is why ice is so deadly. 

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